121 research outputs found

    Spindle checkpoint silencing: ensuring rapid and concerted anaphase onset

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    The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset in the presence of defective kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Such delays can last for just a few minutes or several hours, but very shortly after all chromosomes achieve bi-orientation, a remarkably synchronous anaphase ensues. We are beginning to understand the pathways involved in silencing spindle checkpoint signals and subsequent activation of the anaphase-promoting complex. Here, we review recent advances made in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating this critical cell cycle transition

    Bub1 Kinase Targets Sgo1 to Ensure Efficient Chromosome Biorientation in Budding Yeast Mitosis

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    During cell division all chromosomes must be segregated accurately to each daughter cell. Errors in this process give rise to aneuploidy, which leads to birth defects and is implicated in cancer progression. The spindle checkpoint is a surveillance mechanism that ensures high fidelity of chromosome segregation by inhibiting anaphase until all kinetochores have established bipolar attachments to spindle microtubules. Bub1 kinase is a core component of the spindle checkpoint, and cells lacking Bub1 fail to arrest in response to microtubule drugs and precociously segregate their DNA. The mitotic role(s) of Bub1 kinase activity remain elusive, and it is controversial whether this C-terminal domain of Bub1p is required for spindle checkpoint arrest. Here we make a detailed analysis of budding yeast cells lacking the kinase domain (bub1Ξ”K). We show that despite being able to arrest in response to microtubule depolymerisation and kinetochore-microtubule attachment defects, bub1Ξ”K cells are sensitive to microtubule drugs. This is because bub1Ξ”K cells display significant chromosome mis-segregation upon release from nocodazole arrest. bub1Ξ”K cells mislocalise Sgo1p, and we demonstrate that both the Bub1 kinase domain and Sgo1p are required for accurate chromosome biorientation after nocodazole treatment. We propose that Bub1 kinase and Sgo1p act together to ensure efficient biorientation of sister chromatids during mitosis

    Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling of the TACC Protein Mia1p/Alp7p Is Required for Remodeling of Microtubule Arrays during the Cell Cycle

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    Microtubule arrays are remodeled as cells proceed through the cell cycle. It is important to understand how remodeling is regulated in time and space. In fission yeast, the conserved microtubule associated TACC/TOG complex plays an important role in organizing microtubules throughout the cell cycle. Here we show that this complex undergoes nucleocytoplasmic shuttling through the nuclear import and export signals located in the TACC protein Mia1p/Alp7p. When the Crm1p-dependent nuclear export signal of Mia1p is disabled, Mia1p accumulates in the nucleus while its partner protein Alp14p/TOG is restricted to the cytoplasm. This leads to defects in assembly of both interphase arrays and the mitotic spindle. Artificial targeting of Alp14p to the nucleus partially rescues the mitotic spindle defects caused by lack of Mia1p nuclear export. Interestingly, the nuclear export sequence of Mia1p appears to overlap with the Alp14p binding site. We propose that intricate regulation of the subcellular distribution of TACC/TOG complexes drives microtubule array remodeling as cells progress through the cell cycle

    Fission Yeast Mad3p Is Required for Mad2p To Inhibit the Anaphase-Promoting Complex and Localizes to Kinetochores in a Bub1p-, Bub3p-, and Mph1p-Dependent Manner

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    The spindle checkpoint delays the metaphase-to-anaphase transition in response to spindle and kinetochore defects. Genetic screens in budding yeast identified the Mad and Bub proteins as key components of this conserved regulatory pathway. Here we present the fission yeast homologue of Mad3p. Cells devoid of mad3(+) are unable to arrest their cell cycle in the presence of microtubule defects. Mad3p coimmunoprecipitates Bub3p, Mad2p, and the spindle checkpoint effector Slp1/Cdc20p. We demonstrate that Mad3p function is required for the overexpression of Mad2p to result in a metaphase arrest. Mad1p, Bub1p, and Bub3p are not required for this arrest. Thus, Mad3p appears to have a crucial role in transducing the inhibitory β€œwait anaphase” signal to the anaphase-promoting complex (APC). Mad3-green fluorescent protein (GFP) is recruited to unattached kinetochores early in mitosis and accumulates there upon prolonged checkpoint activation. For the first time, we have systematically studied the dependency of Mad3/BubR1 protein recruitment to kinetochores. We find Mad3-GFP kinetochore localization to be dependent upon Bub1p, Bub3p, and the Mph1p kinase, but not upon Mad1p or Mad2p. We discuss the implications of these findings in the context of our current understanding of spindle checkpoint function

    Comment on "A centrosome-independent role for gamma-TuRC proteins in the spindle assembly checkpoint"

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    MΓΌller et al. (Reports, 27 October 2006, p. 654) showed that inhibition of the Ξ³-tubulin ring complex (Ξ³-TuRC) activates the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), which led them to suggest that Ξ³-TuRC proteins play molecular roles in SAC activation. Because Ξ³-TuRC inhibition leads to pleiotropic spindle defects, which are well known to activate kinetochore-derived checkpoint signaling, we believe that this conclusion is premature

    The Septins Function in G1 Pathways that Influence the Pattern of Cell Growth in Budding Yeast

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    The septins are a conserved family of proteins that have been proposed to carry out diverse functions. In budding yeast, the septins become localized to the site of bud emergence in G1 but have not been thought to carry out important functions at this stage of the cell cycle. We show here that the septins function in redundant mechanisms that are required for formation of the bud neck and for the normal pattern of cell growth early in the cell cycle. The Shs1 septin shows strong genetic interactions with G1 cyclins and is directly phosphorylated by G1 cyclin-dependent kinases, consistent with a role in early cell cycle events. However, Shs1 phosphorylation site mutants do not show genetic interactions with the G1 cyclins or obvious defects early in the cell cycle. Rather, they cause an increased cell size and aberrant cell morphology that are dependent upon inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdk1 at the G2/M transition. Shs1 phosphorylation mutants also show defects in interaction with the Gin4 kinase, which associates with the septins during G2/M and plays a role in regulating inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdk1. Phosphorylation of Shs1 by G1 cyclin-dependent kinases plays a role in events that influence Cdk1 inhibitory phosphorylation

    Bub1 Is a Fission Yeast Kinetochore Scaffold Protein, and Is Sufficient to Recruit other Spindle Checkpoint Proteins to Ectopic Sites on Chromosomes

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    The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset until all chromosomes have attached in a bi-polar manner to the mitotic spindle. Mad and Bub proteins are recruited to unattached kinetochores, and generate diffusible anaphase inhibitors. Checkpoint models propose that Mad1 and Bub1 act as stable kinetochore-bound scaffolds, to enhance recruitment of Mad2 and Mad3/BubR1, but this remains untested for Bub1. Here, fission yeast FRAP experiments confirm that Bub1 stably binds kinetochores, and by tethering Bub1 to telomeres we demonstrate that it is sufficient to recruit anaphase inhibitors in a kinase-independent manner. We propose that the major checkpoint role for Bub1 is as a signalling scaffold

    Mad3 KEN Boxes Mediate both Cdc20 and Mad3 Turnover, and Are Critical for the Spindle Checkpoint

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    Mitotic progression is controlled by proteolytic destruction of securin and cyclin. The mitotic E3 ubiquitin ligase, known as the anaphase promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C), in partnership with its activators Cdc20p and Cdh1p, targets these proteins for degradation. In the presence of defective kinetochore-microtubule interactions, APC/C(Cdc20) is inhibited by the spindle checkpoint, thereby delaying anaphase onset and providing more time for spindle assembly. Cdc20p interacts directly with Mad2p, and its levels are subject to careful regulation, but the precise mode(s) of APC/C( Cdc20) inhibition remain unclear. The mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC, consisting of Mad3p, Mad2p, Bub3p and Cdc20p in budding yeast) is a potent APC/C inhibitor. Here we focus on Mad3p and how it acts, in concert with Mad2p, to efficiently inhibit Cdc20p. We identify and analyse the function of two motifs in Mad3p, KEN30 and KEN296, which are conserved from yeast Mad3p to human BubR1. These KEN amino acid sequences resemble β€˜degron’ signals that confer interaction with APC/C activators and target proteins for degradation. We show that both Mad3p KEN boxes are necessary for spindle checkpoint function. Mutation of KEN30 abolished MCC formation and stabilised Cdc20p in mitosis. In addition, mutation of Mad3-KEN30, APC/C subunits, or Cdh1p, stabilised Mad3p in G1, indicating that the N-terminal KEN box could be a Mad3p degron. To determine the significance of Mad3p turnover, we analysed the consequences of MAD3 overexpression and found that four-fold overproduction of Mad3p led to chromosome bi-orientation defects and significant chromosome loss during recovery from anti-microtubule drug induced checkpoint arrest. In conclusion, Mad3p KEN30 mediates interactions that regulate the proteolytic turnover of Cdc20p and Mad3p, and the levels of both of these proteins are critical for spindle checkpoint signaling and high fidelity chromosome segregation
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