14 research outputs found


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    Superfluid 3^3He in globally isotropic random media

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    Recent theoretical and experimental studies of superfluid 3^3He in aerogels with a global anisotropy, e.g., due to an external stress, have definitely shown that the A-like phase with an equal spin pairing (ESP) in such aerogel samples is in the ABM (or, axial) pairing state. In this paper, the A-like phase of superfluid 3^3He in globally {\it isotropic} aerogel is studied in details by assuming a weakly disordered system in which singular topological defects are absent. Through calculation of the free energy, a disordered ABM state is found to be the best candidate of the pairing state of the globally isotropic A-like phase. Further, it is found through a one-loop renormalization group calculation that the coreless continuous vortices (or, vortex-skyrmions) are irrelevant to the long-distance behavior of the disorder-induced textures, and that the superfluidity is maintained in spite of lack of the conventional off-diagonal long range order. Therefore, the globally isotropic A-like phase at weak disorder is, like in the case with a global stretched anisotropy, a superfluid glass with the ABM pairing.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.


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    水酸化カルシウム製剤は,根未完成歯のアペキシフィケーションに用いる薬剤である.我々は,8歳の男児が転倒時に顔面を殴打し,右側上顎中切歯が完全脱臼した症例を経験した.脱臼歯は早急に整復固定したものの失活歯となり,同時に歯肉腫脹も認めたため,根管治療(アペキシフィケーション)が必要と診断された.根管内の失活歯髄を除去した後,市販の水酸化カルシウム製剤を適応した後,症状は速やかに改善した.今後約2~3年の経過観察の後,最終根管充填処置を行う必要があると考えられる.Calcium hydroxide is a suitable reagent for apexification procedures in immature permanent teeth. We report on a case of root apexification in a patient (8-yr, male) with a traumatic extrusion of the maxillary right central incisor. After temporary fixation of the traumatically extruded maxillary right central incisor, tooth necrosis and gingival swelling was observed , thus it was diagnosed to require an apexification procedure. The apexification procedure was successfully performed using calcium hydroxide following endodontic treatment. None of the calcium hydroxide -treated tooth showed any clinical or radiographic pathology. Additional follow-up time (2-3 years) is required to determine the final outcome of root canal therapy applied in cases of traumatized maxillary permanent incisor teeth with incomplete root formation


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    慢性辺縁性歯周炎は複数種の口腔細菌の感染によって発症し,炎症性骨吸収によって結果的に歯を喪失する感染症である.口腔内には500種類以上の細菌種が存在すると言われ,1980年代以降,多くの歯科医師によって歯周病の細菌学的な検討が行われてきた.とくに歯周病原性細菌の感染によって,その歯周病原細菌に対する血清中のIgG抗体価の上昇をきたすことが知られている.血清IgG抗体価のレベルは歯周病原細菌の量と比例するので,歯周病治療によって細菌量が減少すると,次第にIgG抗体価のレベルも減少すると考えられている.我々は重度歯周病患者の治療に相応して,複数種の歯周病原性細菌に対する血清IgG抗体価が減少した事例を経験したので,本症例報告において,血清IgG抗体価検査が歯周病治療の有効なマーカーになり得ることを提唱する.Chronic periodontitis is a polymicrobial infectious disease which may result in loss of teeth by inflammation-mediated bone resorption. More than 500 individual cultivable species of microbes have been identified in the human mouth, and the microbiological examinations for periodontitis have been available to dental clinicians since the late 1980s. Infection with periodontal pathogens leads to humoral immunological responses and elevates the levels of serum IgG antibody to the antigens. Since serum IgG antibodies levels correspond to the amount of periodontal bacteria, the effects of treatments focused on elimination of bacteria could be evaluated by decrease of serum IgG titer to the pathogens. In the present case report, we propose the clinical usefulness of serum IgG antibody levels as a marker for periodontal treatment effects


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    前歯部にみられた歯肉増殖症の2例 : アムロジピン歯肉増殖症と特発性歯肉増殖症

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    This report describes two cases of gingival overgrowth which occurred around the anterior teeth. Two adult patients visited the Department of Periodontics for investigation and treatment of their gingival overgrowth. Case 1 : A 73-year-old female was receiving amlodipine for treatment of hypertension. A remarkable inflammation and overgrowth in the periodontal tissues was observed around the upper and lower anterior teeth. Histochemically, the epithelium was elongated and inflammatory cells were ubiquitously infiltrated in the connective tissue. An increase of collagen fibers was observed with the accumulation of fibroblasts. The initial treatment was successfully carried out, followed by flap operation with osteoplasty. After completing all the treatments, no gingival overgrowth was seen. Case 2 : A 34-year-old female with no systemic disease had an esthetical problem in the gingival tissues around the upper left central incisor. The gingival overgrowth was seen in the gingiva ranging from distal to mesial interdental papilla. Histochemical findings showed its cell-rich fibrous connective tissue, but no inflammatory changes were seen in either epithelial or subepithelial tissues. The gingivectomy was performed and the overgrowth vanished. Fortunately, both patients recovered healthy periodontal tissues without gingival overgrowth. It should be noted that dentists are expected to understand and solve true worries behind the chief complaint from each patient