35 research outputs found

    Transfer matrix and Monte Carlo tests of critical exponents in Ising model

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    The corrections to finite-size scaling in the critical two-point correlation function G(r) of 2D Ising model on a square lattice have been studied numerically by means of exact transfer-matrix algorithms. The systems have been considered, including up to 800 spins. The calculation of G(r) at a distance r equal to the half of the system size L shows the existence of an amplitude correction proportional to 1/L^2. A nontrivial correction ~1/L^0.25 of a very small magnitude also has been detected, as it can be expected from our recently developed GFD (grouping of Feynman diagrams) theory. Monte Carlo simulations of the squared magnetization of 3D Ising model have been performed by Wolff's algorithm in the range of the reduced temperatures t =< 0.000086 and system sizes L =< 410. The effective critical exponent beta_eff(t) tends to increase above the currently accepted numerical values. The critical coupling K_c=0.22165386(51) has been extracted from the Binder cumulant data within 96 =< L =< 384. The critical exponent 1/nu, estimated from the finite-size scaling of the derivatives of the Binder cumulant, tends to decrease slightly below the RG value 1.587 for the largest system sizes. The finite-size scaling of accurately simulated maximal values of the specific heat C_v in 3D Ising model confirms a logarithmic rather than power-like critical singularity of C_v.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures. New references ([9],[18],[29],[37]) are added and the text is changed to reflect partly the status of ar

    Critical behavior of n-vector model with quenched randomness

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    We consider the Ginzburg-Landau phase transition model with O(n) symmetry (i.e., the n-vector model) which includes a quenched randomness, i.e., a random temperature disorder. We have proven rigorously that within the diagrammatic perturbation theory the quenched randomness does not change the critical exponents at n tending to 0, which is in contrast to the conventional point of view based on the perturbative renormalization group theory.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Perturbative renormalization of the Ginzburg-Landau model revisited

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    The perturbative renormalization of the Ginzburg-Landau model is reconsidered based on the Feynman diagram technique. We derive renormalization group (RG) flow equations, exactly calculating all vertices appearing in the perturbative renormalization of the phi^4 model up to the epsilon^3 order of the epsilon-expansion. In this case, the phi^2, phi^4, phi^6, and phi^8 vertices appear. All these vertices are relevant. We have tested the expected basic properties of the RG flow, such as the semigroup property. Under repeated RG transformation R_s, appropriately represented RG flow on the critical surface converges to certain s-independent fixed point. The Fourier-transformed two-point correlation function G(k) has been considered. Although the epsilon-expansion of X(k)=1/G(k) is well defined on the critical surface, we have revealed an inconsistency of the perturbative method with the exact rescaling of X(k), represented as an expansion in powers of k at k --> 0. We have discussed also some aspects of the perturbative renormalization of the two-point correlation function slightly above the critical point. Apart from the epsilon-expansion, we have tested and briefly discussed also a modified approach, where the phi^4 coupling constant u is the expansion parameter at a fixed spatial dimensionality d.Comment: 37 pages, no figure

    Critical two-point correlation functions and "equation of motion" in the phi^4 model

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    Critical two-point correlation functions in the continuous and lattice phi^4 models with scalar order parameter phi are considered. We show by different non-perturbative methods that the critical correlation functions <phi^n(0) phi^m(x)> are proportional to at |x| --> infinity for any positive odd integers n and m. We investigate how our results and some other results for well-defined models can be related to the conformal field theory (CFT), considered by Rychkov and Tan, and reveal some problems here. We find this CFT to be rather formal, as it is based on an ill-defined model. Moreover, we find it very unlikely that the used there "equation of motion" really holds from the point of view of statistical physics.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Monte Carlo test of critical exponents and amplitudes in 3D Ising and phi^4 lattice models

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    We have tested the leading correction-to-scaling exponent omega in O(n)-symmetric models on a three-dimensional lattice by analysing the recent Monte Carlo (MC) data. We have found that the effective critical exponent, estimated at finite sizes of the system L and L/2, decreases remarkably within the range of the simulated L values. This shows the incorrectness of some claims that omega has a very accurate value 0.845(10) at n=1. A selfconsistent infinite volume extrapolation yields row estimates omega=0.547, omega=0.573, and omega=0.625 at n=1, 2, and 3, respectively, in approximate agreement with the corresponding exact values 1/2, 5/9, and 3/5 predicted by our recently developed GFD (grouping of Feynman diagrams) theory. We have fitted the MC data for the susceptibility of 3D Ising model at criticality showing that the effective critical exponent eta tends to increase well above the usually accepted values around 0.036. We have fitted the data within [L;8L], including several terms in the asymptotic expansion with fixed exponents, to obtain the effective amplitudes depending on L. This method clearly demonstrates that the critical exponents of GFD theory are correct (the amplitudes converge to certain asymptotic values at L tending to infinity), whereas those of the perturbative renormalization group (RG) theory are incorrect (the amplitudes diverge). A modification of the standard Ising model by introducing suitable "improved" action (Hamiltonian) does not solve the problem in favour of the perturbative RG theory.Comment: As compared to the first version from June 2001, three figures and additional discussion has been added, including an estimation of the critical exponent omega for O(n)-symmetric models with n=2 and 3. Now there are 18 pages and 9 figure

    Longitudinal and transverse Greens functions in phi^4 model below and near the critical point

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    We have extended our method of grouping of Feynman diagrams (GFD theory) to study the transverse (G_t) and longitudinal (G_l) Greens functions in phi^4 model below the critical point (T<T_c) in presence of an infinitesimal external field. Our method allows a qualitative analysis not cutting the perturbation series. We have shown that the critical behavior of the Greens (correlation) functions is consistent with a general scaling hypothesis, where the same critical exponents, found within the GFD theory, are valid both at T<T_c and T>T_c. The long-wave limit k->0 has been studied at T<T_c, showing that the transverse and the longitudinal correlation functions diverge as 1/k in the power of lambda_t and lambda_l, respectively, where d/2< lambda_t < 2 and lambda_l = 2 lambda_t - d holds at the spatial dimensionality 2<d<4. It is the physical solution of our equations, which coincides with the asymptotic solution at T -> T_c as well as with a non-perturbative renormalization group (RG) analysis provided in our paper. It is confirmed also by Monte Carlo simulation. The exponents, as well as the ratio bM^2/a^2 (where M is magnetization, a and b are the amplitudes of G_t and G_l at k->0) are universal. The results of the perturbative RG method are reproduced by formally setting lambda_t=2. Nevertheless, we disprove the conventional statement that lambda_t=2 is the exact result.Comment: The paper has been completed by a wider discussion of literature (Sec.9.1), as well as by Monte Carlo simulations (Sec.10). Now are 32 pages and 2 figure

    Nonexistence of the non-Gaussian fixed point predicted by the RG field theory in 4-epsilon dimensions

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    The Ginzburg-Landau phase transition model is considered in d=4-epsilon dimensions within the renormalization group (RG) approach. The problem of existence of the non-Gaussian fixed point is discussed. An equation is derived from the first principles of the RG theory (under the assumption that the fixed point exists) for calculation of the correction-to-scaling term in the asymptotic expansion of the two-point correlation (Green's) function. It is demonstrated clearly that, within the framework of the standard methods (well justified in the vicinity of the fixed point) used in the perturbative RG theory, this equation leads to an unremovable contradiction with the known RG results. Thus, in its very basics, the RG field theory in 4-epsilon dimensions is contradictory. To avoid the contradiction, we conclude that such a non-Gaussian fixed point, as predicted by the RG field theory, does not exist. Our consideration does not exclude existence of a different fixed point.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Monte Carlo test of critical exponents in 3D Heisenberg and Ising models

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    We have tested the theoretical values of critical exponents, predicted for the three--dimensional Heisenberg model, based on the published Monte Carlo (MC) simulation data for the susceptibility. Two different sets of the critical exponents have been considered - one provided by the usual (perturbative) renormalization group (RG) theory, and another predicted by grouping of Feynman diagrams in phi^4 model (our theory). The test consists of two steps. First we determine the critical coupling by fitting the MC data to the theoretical expression, including both confluent and analytical corrections to scaling, the values of critical exponents being taken from theory. Then we use the obtained value of critical coupling to test the agreement between theory and MC data at criticality. As a result, we have found that predictions of our theory (gamma=19/14, eta=1/10, omega=3/5) are consistent, whereas those of the perturbative RG theory (gamma=1.3895, eta=0.0355, omega=0.782) are inconsistent with the MC data. The seemable agreement between the RG prediction for eta and MC results at criticality, reported in literature, appears due to slightly overestimated value of the critical coupling. Estimation of critical exponents of 3D Ising model from complex zeroth of the partition function is discussed. A refined analysis yields the best estimate 1/nu=1.518. We conclude that the recent MC data can be completely explained within our theory (providing 1/nu=1.5 and omega=0.5) rather than within the conventional RG theory.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. Currently, the paper has been completed by a refined estimation of the critical exponent nu from the imaginary part of the partition function zeroth in 3D Ising model: nonlinear fits yield the best estimate 1/nu=1.518 in agreement with our theoretical value 1.5. This is explained in two additional figure

    Perturbation theory methods applied to critical phenomena

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    Different perturbation theory treatments of the Ginzburg-Landau phase transition model are discussed. This includes a criticism of the perturbative renormalization group (RG) approach and a proposal of a novel method providing critical exponents consistent with the known exact solutions in two dimensions. The new values of critical exponents are discussed and compared to the results of numerical simulations and experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. As compared to the first version, minor errata have been removed (page 11, comparison with experiment

    Power-law singularities and critical exponents in n-vector models

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    Power-law singularities and critical exponents in n-vector models are considered from different theoretical points of view. It includes a theoretical approach called the GFD (grouping of Feynman diagrams) theory, as well as the perturbative renormalization group (RG) treatment. A non-perturbative proof concerning corrections to scaling in the two-point correlation function of the phi^4 model is provided, showing that predictions of the GFD theory rather than those of the perturbative RG theory can be correct. Critical exponents determined from highly accurate experimental data very close to the lambda-transition point in liquid helium, as well as the Goldstone mode singularities in n-vector spin models, evaluated from Monte Carlo simulation results, are discussed with an aim to test the theoretical predictions. Our analysis shows that in both cases the data can be well interpreted within the GFD theory.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure