3 research outputs found

    Rasprostranjenost imposeksa kod vrste Hexaplex trunculus u KaŔtelanskom zaljevu, Jadransko more

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    Imposex, a pseudo-hermaphroditic condition characterized by the development of male sexual characteristics in female prosobranch gastropods, is used as a bioindicator of pollution by tributyltin (TBT) -based antifoulants. The incidence and the intensity of imposex, evaluated from the vas deferens sequence index (VDSI) and the female penis length (FPL), were investigated in Hexaplex trunculus populations from seven locations in KaÅ”tela Bay (Adriatic Sea, Croatia). Analysis of 131 females revealed the absolute prevalence of imposex at all investigated locations. Furthermore, most of the females showed signs of advanced imposex development (VDSI=4.4Ā±0.8, range=2-5). Female penis homologues were found to be well developed (max=20 mm) with mean values ranging from 5.2-12.6 mm. Significant differences were detected regarding both the VDSI (H=36.24, p<0.001) and the FPL (F=7.08, p<0.001) between the locations. The results presented in the study confirm the widespread incidence of imposex and can provide reference values for future monitoring programs.Imposeks, pseudohermafroditizam karakteriziran pojavom muÅ”kih spolnih obilježja u ženki prednjoÅ”kržnih puževa, upotrebljava se kao bionidikator zagađenja tributil-kositrom (TBT), sastojkom protuobraÅ”tajnih boja. Za procjenu pojave i intenziteta imposeksa koriÅ”tene su vrijednosti indeksa stupnja vas deferensa (VDS I) i dužine penisa ženki (FPL ) dobivene analizom primjeraka vrste Hexaplex trunculus prikupljenih sa sedam postaja u KaÅ”telanskom zaljevu. Na istraživanim postajama analizom 131 ženke (visina kućice=66,3Ā±7,5 mm) utvrđena je potpuna zahvaćenost imposeksom. Å toviÅ”e, većina zahvaćenih ženki bila je u uznapredovalom stadiju imposeksa (VDS I=4,4Ā±0,8; raspon vrijednosti=2-5). Penisi su bili dobro razvijeni kod ženki (max=20 mm) sa srednjim vrijednostima od 5,2 do 12,6 mm. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u VDS I (H=36,24, p<0,001) i FPL (F=7,08, p<0,001) između postaja. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju Å”iroku rasprostranjenost imposeksa i mogu se koristiti kao referentne vrijednosti za daljnje praćenje

    Fauna of the Riparian Ecosystems: Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals

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    In pristine environments, riparian ecosystems are continuously distributed along large river flows. As ecotones, they harbor more species diversity than ecosystems bordering them from both sides. Along the Sava River flow, riparian ecosystems are discontinuously distributed, being preserved mainly in protected areas of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. Nine riparian ecosystem types could be listed, harboring in total 17 amphibian, 13 reptile, more than 280 bird, and 80 mammal species. Looking at global species conservation status (global IUCN status: 2009, amphibians and reptiles; 2012, birds; 2008, mammals), the highest concerns should be focused on Triturus dobrogicus (NT), Emys orbicularis (NT), Falco cherrug (EN), Aythya nyroca (NT), Rhinolophus euryale (VU), R. ferrumequinum (NT), R. hipposideros (NT), Barbastella barbastellus (VU), Miniopterus schreibersii (NT), Myotis bechsteinii (VU), M. blythii (NT), M. dasycneme (NT), Plecotus macrobullaris (NT), Lutra lutra (NT), and Eliomys quercinus (NT). Most of the vertebrate species occurring along the Sava River are also protected by national legislations. However, it seems that both their populations and native habitats need more appropriate treatment at place.Milačić R, Ščančar J, Paunović M, editors. The Sava River. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag; 2015. p. 401-435