3 research outputs found

    Architecture of the Island of Lastovo

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    U sklopu redovnog programa "Istraživanje i uređivanje stanja etnološke građe na području Republike Hrvatske", konzervatori Ministarstva kulture, Uprave za zaštitu kulturne baštine iz Zagreba i Konzervatorskog odjela iz Splita proveli su tijekom listopada 2003. inventarizaciju etnološke građe na otoku Lastovu. Ranijih sustavnih istraživanja nije bilo, izuzev onih za određene potrebe, odnosno izradu Urbanističkog i Prostornog plana općine Lastovo, 1983., Izmjene i dopune plana, 2000. i za izradu Programa integralnog razvoja lastovskog otočja.As part of the regular program "Research and evaluation of the ethnological material in the Republic of Croatia", the conservators from the Ministry of Culture, Administration for the protection of Cultural Heritage from Zagreb, and from the Conservation Institute from Split, carried out, during October 2003, an inventory of ethnological heritage of the Island of Lastovo. Prior systematic researches were not conducted, except from the ones which were carried out from specific purposes, i.e. for the design of the Urban Development Plan and Physical Plan of the Lastovo County in 1983 and Amendments to the Plan in 2000 and for the writing up of the Program of Integral Development of the Lastovo region


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    U sklopu programskog zadatka za 2004. godinu Ministarstva kulture – Uprave za zaštitu kulturne baštine, provedena su etnološka istraživanja na otoku Premudi u suradnji s konzervatorima Konzervatorskog odjela u Zadru. U radu su sudjelovali etnolozi, povjesničar i arhitekti. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi stanje etnološke građe otoka – stanje tradicijskog graditeljstva, njegovu očuvanost i uporabu. Dokumentirani su i drugi oblici materijalne i duhovne kulture otočana.Within the programme task for 2004, the Ministry of Culture, Board for the Cultural Heritage Protection and in co-operation with the conservators from the Conservation Department from Zadar, ethnological research has taken place on the island of Premuda. Ethnologists, a historian and architects have participated in this fieldwork. The aim of the research was to establish the state of the ethnological materials that can be found on the island – the state of the traditional architecture, its preservation and present use. Other forms of material and immaterial culture of the islanders have also been documented