21 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the income of potato farming in Sinsingon Village, Passi Timur District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency. This research was conducted in Sinsingon Village, Passi Timur District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency. Sampling in this study was carried out by simple random sampling, as many as 30 farmers who worked on potatoes. This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data collection was carried out by direct interview with potato farmers in Sinsingon Village. Secondary data were collected from the Sinsingon Village Office and Passi Timur Sub-district Agriculutural Extension Office. Data analysis uses the formula for income and R / C ratio. The results showed that the average potato farm receipts per farmer was Rp. 18,746,000 and the total average cost per farmer is Rp. 10,891,458.33 and produce an average income per farmer of Rp. 7,854,541.67 so as to obtain an R / C ratio of> 1 which is 1.72, it means that the potato farming in Sinsingon Village, Passi Timur District is experiencing profit so that this business is worth the effort.*eprm

    Pendapatan Usahatani Kelapa Di Desa Jiko Belanga Kecamatan Nuangan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur

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    This study aims to calculate the income of coconut farming in Jiko Belanga Village, Nuangan District, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency. This research was conducted during September 2022. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through direct interviews with 10 respondents using a questionnaire. And secondary data obtained through books, journals, and literature related to this research topic. The results of this study indicate that the average income received by the farmers of Jiko Belanga Village, Nuangan District, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency with coconut farming for one harvest/per quarter (3 months) with copra production of IDR4,956,517. and income per hectare is IDR2,065,215


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of consumer satisfaction What's Up Cafe Manado regarding products, prices, places, and services. This research was conducted for 2 months from February to March 2019. Determination of the sample using accidental sampling technique. Data collected in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected from direct interviews with 30 respondents (consumers) using a questionnaire with a Likert scale.Secondary data were obtained from local bookstores and the internet. From the internet using Google Scholar to get books, scientific journal articles and theses from other universities related to research topics on the level of consumer satisfaction. The results showed that the level of consumer satisfaction of What’s Up Cafe Manado overall was classified as very satisfied by 82.04%. In detail, the level of customer satisfaction for What's Up Cafe for the very satisfied category was 84.45% for product variables, 83.99% for prices, and 80.33% for places. For the satisfied category, the service variable is 79.99%.*eprm

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Dimensi Penyusun Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    This study aims to analyze the Pure Partisipation Rate of SD/MI and Gross Regional Domestic Product which affect the Education Dimension (Expected Years of Schooling) in North Sulawesi Province and to analyze the number of poor people and the open unemployment rate which affect the Expenditure Dimension (Decent Standard of Living) in North Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted from March to May 2023. The type of data used is secondary data from published reports produced by the North Sulawesi Central Statistics Agency for 2021. The objects in this study were 15 districts/cities in North Sulawesi province. The results of the study show that the Pure Partisipation Rate of SD/MI and Gross Regional Domestic Product simultaneously have an influence on the Old School Expectancy. The influence exerted by PPR SD/MI is 37.7% and GRDP is 25.8%. The number of poor people and the open unemployment rate simultaneously have an influence on per capita spending. The influence given by the number of poor people is 39.9% and the open unemployment rate is 45.8%

    Perbandingan Pendapatan Dan Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Petani Padi Sawah Di Desa Tolok Kecamatan Tompaso

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    The aim of this study was to compare the income and expenses of farming households in Tolok Village, Tompaso District in one growing season. The research was conducted for 3 months, from January to March 2022. The data analysis method used in the research was descriptive statistical analysis, namely by calculating the average income and tabulating the data to find out income, income of paddy rice farmers and expenditure on food and non-food consumption. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through direct interviews with farmers who were research respondents using a list of questions that had been prepared. Secondary data was obtained from related institutions, namely the village office, the internet via Google Search and Google Books, articles and scientific journals. The results of the study show that farm households still depend on income from farming. The average income earned by respondent rice farming households in Tolok Village is greater than that spent by farmers for their household needs. The total income received is IDR511,115,000 so that the total income per year is IDR1,022,230,000 and the total expenditure for farming households is IDR105,480,000 each year. The income of lowland rice farmers is sufficient to meet the needs of lowland rice farmers and their families. This also provides opportunities for the respondent farmer households to save money, open a business or send their children to school

    Membandingkan Nilai Tukar Petani Padi Dan Palawija Di Sulawesi Utara

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    The purpose of this study was to compare farmers' exchange rate between rice and secondary crops in North Sulawesi Province. The research lasted for 3 months from September to November 2023, conducted at the BPS office of North Sulawesi Province. The data used in this research data is secondary data, namely data on the exchange rate of rice and food crop farmers obtained from other parties in the form of finished data in the form of publications in the form of monthly farmer exchange rate developments at the North Sulawesi Province level. The data used in this study is data in the form (time series) of the last 2 years from 2021 to 2022. The data was obtained from various sources, namely the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and website sources related to the research. The variables measured in this study are the period in years of data on food crops, namely rice and secondary crops. Data analysis method of calculation formula of It and Ib, calculation of NTP, calculation of NTUP, T test analysis, and Trend analysis. The results showed that the farmer exchange rate on secondary crops was higher than the farmer exchange rate on rice, which meant that the purchasing power of farmers was higher


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    This research aims to analyze the level of  income disparity of oil palm farmers in Sei Jawi-Jawi Village, Panai Hulu District, Labuhan Batu Regency. This research was conducted from April to May 2021. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained by direct interview to 38 respondents using  questionnaires. secondary data obtained from government agencies, or institutions related to this research. The research is carried out by using surveys method and data analysis used to calculate the level of  income disparity of farmers was the Gini Ratio and World Bank. The research result showed  that the level of income disparity of oil palm farmers, based on Gini Ratio, was 0.32 and 0,28, which was in low category


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    This research aims to identify (1) the difference in the value of agricultural land before and after becoming the Manado-Bitung toll road and (2) describe the social and economic changes of landowners in tumaluntung village. The study was conducted on the object of the constructions of the Manado-Bitung toll road in the village of Tumaluntung. The time of the study from august to November 2017 and continued in May until June 2019. The method used in this research is descriptive method presented in tabular form. Determination of the sample using the (purposive sampling) method. Primary data used in this study were obtained through interviews with 15 landowners. The secondary data obtained from the Tumaluntung village office, internet through google scholar to get articles from various scientific journals and theses from other tertiary institutions related to the topic of research on the value of agricultural land. The results of the study show that (1) the value of agricultural land before becoming the Manado-Bitung toll road is higher than the value of land after the toll road has been built. (2) improve social status (making current landowners better at meeting needs because land compensation money is used by landowners to be deposited into bank as investment capital such as boarding houses, bakeries, livestock business chiken, showroom, restaurant cars for purchasing capital for cars used for transportation service..*eprm

    Analisis Risiko Usaha Tani Jagung Di Desa Lompad Baru Kecamatan Ranoyapo Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    This study aims to determine the income of corn farming farmers, the risks faced by corn farming farmers, and how much risk is faced by farmers. The research was conducted in Lompad Baru Village, Ranoyapo District, South Minahasa Regency. This research was conducted from April to August 2022. The selection of respondents was intentional. Primary data is data obtained directly from the field through interviews using a questionnaire to each corn farming farmer. Secondary data, namely data obtained through related agencies such as the field agricultural extension office in Ranoyapo District and the Lompad Baru Village office. The results showed that the total income earned by all corn farming farmers was IDR14,200,000 with an average income earned by corn farming farmers amounting to IDR1,420,000. The risks of corn farming in the study area are production risks originating from disturbances of plant-disturbing organisms (pests, diseases and weeds), erratic weather/climate (long dry spells) and minimal availability of subsidized seeds; price/market risk stems from high corn fertilizer prices and high pesticide prices; institutional risk; human risk; financial risk. The level of income risk faced by corn farming farmers is low with a coefficient of variation (KV) of 0.56