11 research outputs found

    Correlation of x-ray findings and radioisotope changes in children with vesicoureteral reflux

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    Od 1982. godine naovamo ispitivali smo u 18-ero djece, sa vezikoureteralnim refluksom, korelaciju rendgenoloÅ”kih nalaza i radioizotopnih pretraga, sa ciljem utvrđivanja stupnja funkcionalne bubrežne lezije. Kod rendgenoloÅ”ki joÅ” nevidljivih upalnih promjena nalazimo već depresiju bubrežne funkcije u smislu redukcije tubularne mase ili drenažnih smetnji u eliminatornom segmentu, koje, nažalost viÅ”e ni operativni zahvat u većini slučajeva ne može zaustaviti. Stoga smatramo da je baÅ” radioizotopno ispitivanje bubrežne funkcije neobično važno u sluĀ­Äajevima bez rendgenoloÅ”ki vidljivih upalnih promjena u cilju postavljanja pravovremene indikacije za operativni zahvat.Since 1982 the correlation of x-ray findings and radioisotope treatments was investigated in 18 children with vesicoureteral reflux. Its aim was to determine the level of functional renal lesion. With radiologically still invisible inflammatory changes a depression of renal function is already present. It is found either as reduced tubular mass or drainage hindrances in eliminatory segment which unfortunately cannot be, in majority of cases, stopped by a surgery. Therefore the radioisotopic investigation of renal function is of the utmost importance in cases without radiologically visible inflammatory changes in order to indicate a surgery in time

    Beta-2 microglobulinemia - glomerular filtration rate

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    U skupini od 94 ispitanika Ispitali smo korelaciju serumskog beta-2 mikroglobulina i serumskog kreatinina sa glomerularnom filtracijom (GF) procijenjenom klirensom 51Cr-EDTA. Odnos nivoa beta-2 mikroglobulina, a i kreatinina, u serumu s klirensom 51Cr-EDTA najbolje je opisan inverznom potencijalnom funkcijom. Koeficijent korelacije za beta-2-mikroglobulin iznosi ā€”0,9427, a za kreatinin 0,9114. Razlika između dobivenih koeficijenata korelacije je statistički značajna na razini značajnosti od 1 % (t=2,68). Od veće praktične važnosti je značajna razlika utvrđenih koeficijenata regresije. U logaritamskoj skali koeficijent regresije za pravac koji opisuje odnos nivoa serumskog beta-2-mikroglobulina i GF iznosi ā€”0,95122, a za odnos kreatinina i GF iznosi ā€”0,79796. To potvrđuje da je beta-2 mikroglobulin po svojim karakteristikama bliĀ­Å¾i idealnoj endogenoj supstanci za procjenu GF i pokazuje bolju osjetljivost za detekciju umjereno reducirane GF.The correlation of serum beta-2-microglobulin was examined and serum creatinine with glomerular filtration rate (GF). GF was evaluated by clearence Cr5, -EDTA. The best description of correlation between serum beta-2-microglobulin (also and serum creatinin) and GF was by inversely potential function. The coefficient of correlation for the beta-2-microglobulin was ā€”0.9427 and for the creatinin test ā€”0.9114. The difference between obtained coefficients of correlations was statistically significant (p = 0.001 t = 2.68). More important is the significant difference between the obtained coefficients of regression. In the logaritmic scale the coefficient of regression of the straight line which described the relation of serum level of beta-2-microglobulin and GF was ā€”0.9512 and ā€”0.7979 for the relation of the serum level of creatinine and GF. It indicates that beta-2-microglobulin is more similar to the ideal endogenic substance for evaluation of GF and shows better sensitivity for the detection of moderately reduced GF

    Correlation of ERPF by blaufox model according to mono-and two- compartmental model

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    Uspoređivali smo vrijednost klirensa J 131 hipurana, određenog iz retencione krivulje, i jednog uzorka krvi po modelu s jednini odjeljkom, sa klirensom određenim iz retencione krivulje i dva uzorka krvi po modelu sa dva odjeljka. Uzajamnu ovisnost promatranih metoda najbolje smo opisali funkcijom polinoma IV. stupnja, gdje je koeficijent korelacije iznosio r = 0,82. Posebno smo obradili grupu bolesnika sa niskim vrijednostima klirensa, jer je poznato da monokompartmentalni model upravo ove precjenjuje. Korelacija ovih dviju metoda u niskom području je linearna sa koeficijentom korelacije r = 0,91.We have compared the values of J 131 hippuran clearence obtained from two methods. First is the retention curve and a single blood sample technique according to monocompartmental model. The second method is the retention curve and two blood sample technique according to the two-compartmental model. To describe this dependence most properly we have used the function of the polinom of the fourth degree where the coeffitient of correlation was r = 0.82. Also we have examined groups of patients with the low values of J 131 hippuran clearence, because it is known that the monocompartmental model overestimates regarded values. The correlation between these two methods in the low range is also linear with the coeffitient of correlation r = 0.91

    Comparison of scientigraphic and radiographic findings in detecting of the skeleton metastases

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    Retrospektivnom studijom obuhvaćeno je 206 bolesnika koji boluju od malignih bolesti, a upućeni su na scintigrafiju i radiografiju skeleta u cilju otkrivanja metastaza. U 107 bolesnika (52%) nađen je scintigrafski pozitivan nalaz na metastaze, dok je radiografski nalaz bio pozitivan u 60 bolesnika (29%). U 48 bolesnika (45%) otkrivene su metastaze scintigrafijom skeleta, a radiografski nalaz je bio negativan. Lažno negativan nalaz scintigrafije skeleta nađen je samo u jednom slučaju. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je scintigrafija skeleta vrlo osjetljiva metoda u ranom otkrivanju metastaza skeleta. U slučaju scintigrafski pozitivnih nalaza, ispitivanje je potrebno dopuniti radiografijom u cilju isključenja benignih lezija skeleta.This retrospective study deals with the cases of 206 patients with a malignant disease whose skeletons were scintigraphically and radiographically examined for detecting the metastases. In 107 patients (52%) the scintigraphic findings were positive, while the radiographic findings were such in 60 cases (29u/o). In 48 patients (45%) metastases were found after scintigraphy of the skeleton, while the radiographic finding was negative. A false negative scintigraphic finding of the skeleton was present only in one case. The results of investigations confirm the scintigraphy of the skeleton to be a very sensitive method in the early detection of the metastases of the skeleton. In the case of positive scintigraphic findings additional radiography is necessary in order to be able to exclude the benign lesions of the skeleton

    Effective renal plasma flow in physical exercise in florid hyperthyroidism

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    Kod 25 bolesnica oboljelih od floridne hipertireoze, određen je efektivni bubrežni protok plazme metodom pojedinačne injekcije 131J orto jod hipurana i pojednostavljenim uzimanjem uzoraka iz venske krvi u dvije klirens periode (klirens u mirovanju i klirens u opterećenju). Za hiperkinetsku cirkulaciju karakterističan je povećani protok plazme kroz bubrege, dok fizičko opterećenje u zdravih dovodi do smanjenja protoka plazme kroz bubrege. Nakon fizičkog opterećenja (10 minuta na cikloergometru intenziteta 50ā€”75 W), vrijednosti sistoličkog krvnog tlaka, frekvencije pulsa i tlaka pulsa značajno su porasle (p 0,01), dok se vrijednost dijastoličkog krvnog tlaka nije značajno promijenila. Vrijednosti efektivnog bubrežnog protoka plazme nisu se značajno promijenile nakon fizičkog opterećenja, dakle, čini se da fizičko opterećenje ne mijenja značajno efektivni bubrežni protok plazme.Effective renal plasma flow was examined in 25 patients with florid hyperthyroidism by a single injection and simplified blood sampling in two clearence periods (clearence at rest and in exercise). Hyperkinetic circulation is characterized by a higher renal plasma flow, whereas physical effort in healthy probands leads to the lower renal plasma flow. After the exercise (10 minutes on a cycloergometre; intensity: 50ā€”75 W), the values of systolic blood pressure, pulse frequency and heart rate have increased (p < 0.01), but the values of diastolic blood pressure have not changed. Exercises do not seem to have any remarkable effects on the effective renal plasma flow