11 research outputs found

    Clear then Grow: Integrating Mine Action with Food Security in Northeast Syria

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    Over the past several years, considerable attention within the mine action community and in the wider development sector has been devoted to conceptualizing mine action interventions within the broader sustainable development goals (SDGs), or more recently, the so-called triple nexus. Aiming to find linkages between, for instance, clearance efforts and food security is not a new concept. This article, however, looks at the operationalization of these links through an integrated mine action and agricultural recovery program within Northeast Syria (NES)

    Explosive Remnants of War Contamination Response in Libya

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    Abu Grain is a town located 106 km (66 mi) east of Misrata and 138 km (86 mi) west of Sirte with an estimated population of 2,000 inhabitants. The town is known for its strategic road intersection connecting the Mediterranean cities of Misrata and Sirte with the desert district of Jufra. Between February and March 2016, Abu Grain’s population fled as Islamic State (IS) group forces advanced into town in an attempt to expand control toward the west of its stronghold in Sirte. According to the Libyan Red Crescent, Abu Grain’s inhabitants mostly fled to Bani Walid, Misrata, and Tripoli

    External Costs on the Island of Vis: Comparison of Two Traffic Modes

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    External cost of road traffic, identified as the highest among traffic modes, is an important indicator of the European Union\u27s transport policy to shift traffic off the road to a more environmentally acceptable mode. Ferry traffic generates benefits to each port of call in localities having invested in port infrastructure, and there is an interest of the local community to have their own ferry line, especially on islands. Two alternative ferry lines have been created combining maritime and road traffic on the specific route from the town of Vis to the town of Komiža and compared from the external costs standpoint. The first alternative ferry line comprises one port of call in the town of Vis, combining it with a road modality to and from the town of Komiža. In the second alternative, the road traffic has been excluded and two ferry ports of call have been introduced, one towards the town of Vis and the other by extending the ferry voyage to the town of Komiža. The results show the model of one port of call with the integration of more road traffic on the specific route as a better solution. Despite the use of ultra-low sulphur diesel fuel on ferries, the absence of congestion in road traffic on the island of Vis and generally slow implementation of modern emission standards in maritime traffic, road traffic seems to provide a better solution as an environmentally more acceptable mode on this route

    Analiza organizacijske strategije i performansi na tržištu nautičkog turizma

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    Strategija i strateški izbor predstavljaju središnje koncepte u strateškom menadžmentu. Strategija se može definirati kao „teorija“ poduzeća o uspješnom tržišnom natjecanju. Smatra se da je strategija sredstvo pomoću kojeg određeno poduzeće ostvaruje svoju misiju i viziju. Bitno je znati da suvremenu poslovnu okolinu obilježava visoki stupanj neizvjesnosti, dinamičnosti, heterogenosti i kompleksnosti što predstavlja sve veći izazov opstanku i uspjehu poduzeća. Malobrojna su ona poduzeća koja dugoročno mogu izbjeći ili savladati sve prijetnje iz okoline, a još je manji broj onih koja uspijevaju uspješno iskoristiti sve prilike prisutne u svojoj okolini. Performanse predstavljaju indikator uspješnog poslovanja poduzeća u izabranoj okolini. U ovom radu istraživat će se i analizirat organizacijska strategija i performanse vodeće poslovne organizacije u hrvatskoj industriji marina i nautičkom turizmu - Adriatic Croatia International Club. Također usporedno s tim provest će se analiza nautičkog turizma Republike Hrvatske.Strategy and strategic choice represent central concepts in strategic management. Strategy can be defined as the "company's theory of successful market competition". It is considered to be the means by which a given company implements its mission and vision. It is important to bear in mind that the modern business environment is characterised by a high degree of uncertainty, dynamics, heterogeneity and complexity, and that these represent a growing challenge to the company's survival and success. Few are the companies able to avoid or overcome all the threats from their environment over a longer period of time, and even fewer are those able successfully to utilise all the opportunities from their environment. Performances represent indicators of the company's successful operations in a selected environment. This paper is researches and analysesis organisational strategy and performances of the leading business organisation in the Croatian industry of marinas and nautical tourism - Adriatic Croatia International Club. Simultaneously, an analysis of the nautical tourism in Croatia is performed

    Security expert as a security project manager

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    Sigurnost na radu kao cilj ima zaštitu osnovnih vrijednosti čovjeka, materijalnih dobara, poduzeća, ali i šire okoline kao što je društvo i radna okolina. Radno mjesto i područje življenja samo su dio područja na kojem djeluju različite opasnosti pa je potrebno stvoriti obrambeno zaštitnu funkciju u kojoj će sudjelovati radnici i ostatak stručne službe kako bi sigurnost u organizaciji postala dio svih. Sigurnost na radu sastoji se od skupa suvremenih tehničkih, zdravstvenih, socijalnih i drugih mjera i sredstava, pa je potreban dobar menadžment kako bi se upravljalo sigurnosti na radu. Menadžment treba biti organiziran na način da će postojati voditelj. Kao voditelj menadžmenta sigurnosti na radu potreban je iskusan čovjek odnosno stručnjak za sigurnost na radu kako bi se na pravilan način odnosio prema postavljenim ciljevima i kako bi kvalitetno obavljalo postavljene zadatke

    Analiza organizacijske strategije i performansi na tržištu nautičkog turizma

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    Strategija i strateški izbor predstavljaju središnje koncepte u strateškom menadžmentu. Strategija se može definirati kao „teorija“ poduzeća o uspješnom tržišnom natjecanju. Smatra se da je strategija sredstvo pomoću kojeg određeno poduzeće ostvaruje svoju misiju i viziju. Bitno je znati da suvremenu poslovnu okolinu obilježava visoki stupanj neizvjesnosti, dinamičnosti, heterogenosti i kompleksnosti što predstavlja sve veći izazov opstanku i uspjehu poduzeća. Malobrojna su ona poduzeća koja dugoročno mogu izbjeći ili savladati sve prijetnje iz okoline, a još je manji broj onih koja uspijevaju uspješno iskoristiti sve prilike prisutne u svojoj okolini. Performanse predstavljaju indikator uspješnog poslovanja poduzeća u izabranoj okolini. U ovom radu istraživat će se i analizirat organizacijska strategija i performanse vodeće poslovne organizacije u hrvatskoj industriji marina i nautičkom turizmu - Adriatic Croatia International Club. Također usporedno s tim provest će se analiza nautičkog turizma Republike Hrvatske.Strategy and strategic choice represent central concepts in strategic management. Strategy can be defined as the "company's theory of successful market competition". It is considered to be the means by which a given company implements its mission and vision. It is important to bear in mind that the modern business environment is characterised by a high degree of uncertainty, dynamics, heterogeneity and complexity, and that these represent a growing challenge to the company's survival and success. Few are the companies able to avoid or overcome all the threats from their environment over a longer period of time, and even fewer are those able successfully to utilise all the opportunities from their environment. Performances represent indicators of the company's successful operations in a selected environment. This paper is researches and analysesis organisational strategy and performances of the leading business organisation in the Croatian industry of marinas and nautical tourism - Adriatic Croatia International Club. Simultaneously, an analysis of the nautical tourism in Croatia is performed

    Security expert as a security project manager

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    Sigurnost na radu kao cilj ima zaštitu osnovnih vrijednosti čovjeka, materijalnih dobara, poduzeća, ali i šire okoline kao što je društvo i radna okolina. Radno mjesto i područje življenja samo su dio područja na kojem djeluju različite opasnosti pa je potrebno stvoriti obrambeno zaštitnu funkciju u kojoj će sudjelovati radnici i ostatak stručne službe kako bi sigurnost u organizaciji postala dio svih. Sigurnost na radu sastoji se od skupa suvremenih tehničkih, zdravstvenih, socijalnih i drugih mjera i sredstava, pa je potreban dobar menadžment kako bi se upravljalo sigurnosti na radu. Menadžment treba biti organiziran na način da će postojati voditelj. Kao voditelj menadžmenta sigurnosti na radu potreban je iskusan čovjek odnosno stručnjak za sigurnost na radu kako bi se na pravilan način odnosio prema postavljenim ciljevima i kako bi kvalitetno obavljalo postavljene zadatke

    Risk assessment and exemption approval procedure for the semi-closed seas according to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004

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    The paper analyses statutory foundations applicable to ships requiring to be exempted from the mandatory installation of the ballast water management system. In particular, it deals with ships sailing on regular international lines but within the semi-closed seas, such as the Adriatic Sea. The legal framework is set out in the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM, 2004), the IMO Guidelines for Risk Assessment A-4 (G7), and the Croatian Ordinance on Ballast Water Control and Management, 2012 [Pravilnik o upravljanju i nadzoru balastnih voda]. The paper presents the model procedure to be followed by main stakeholders, mainly national maritime administrations and shipping companies. The paper outlines the main advantages and disadvantages of the whole process and analyses several cases of good practice. Furthermore, the main stakeholders in the approval procedure and their responsibilities are described, available risk assessment models are analysed, with the particular emphasis on the species-specific risk assessment method as the most preferred method. Finally, the need for cooperation between the involved states and their maritime administrations is considered. It is concluded that bilateral and regional cooperations are an essential element in preserving the marine environment of any sea area. In that respect, the proposed model of the BWM system exemption approval in closed and semi-closed seas, such as the Adriatic Sea, is essential for shipping companies connecting ports in different countries on regular routes. Although demanding in respect of efforts and time, a procedure is viable and may be carried out in due time and with satisfactory outcomes

    Overview of status and priorities for sustainable management of european seaports

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    In the past decade a strong commitment in terms of environmental protection and sustainable development in port sector is noted. In order to achieve and maintain the environmental performance of port it is necessary to establish guidelines and priorities. This paper presents status and priorities which are marked within the European port sector through ESPO`s Ecoports environmental reports for the period 2013-2018. The change of environmental priorities in the port sector over the years has been noticed and therefore potential reasons for priority changes are addressed in this paper. The general aim of set priorities is to provide information about the high priority environmental issues and thus set the framework for guidance and initiatives that influence the environmental performance of the port. The analysis indicates that most of European ports actively work to protect the environment and thus guarantee sustainable development. From 2016 to 2018 the top 3 priorities have been the same (air quality, noise and energy efficiency), while air quality has remained the number one priority of the European ports since 2013. It is interesting to highlight that climate change priority which has been introduced in 2017 has been rapidly climbing the ranks and went up by 3 places in 201