3 research outputs found

    Quantifying Robustness Metrics in Parameterized Static Timing Analysis

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    Process and environmental variations continue to present significant challenges to designers of high-performance integrated circuits. In the past few years, while much research has been aimed at handling parameter variations as part of timing analysis, few proposals have actually included ways to interpret the results of this parameterized static timing analysis (PSTA) step. In this paper, we propose a new post-variational analysis metric that can be used to quantify the robustness of designs to parameter variations. In addition to helping designers diagnose if and when different nodes can fail, this metric can give insights on what to fix, by identifying nodes with small robustness values and proceeding to fix those nodes first. Inspired by the rich literature on design centering, to lerancing, and tuning (DCTT), we use distance as a measure for robustness. Our analysis thus determines the minimum distance from the nominal point in the parameter space to any timing violation, and works under the assumption that parameters are specified as ranges rather than statistical distributions. We demonstrate the usefulness of this distance-based robustness metric on circuit blocks extracted from a commercial 45nm microprocessor

    DNN-Opt: An RL Inspired Optimization for Analog Circuit Sizing using Deep Neural Networks

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    Analog circuit sizing takes a significant amount of manual effort in a typical design cycle. With rapidly developing technology and tight schedules, bringing automated solutions for sizing has attracted great attention. This paper presents DNN-Opt, a Reinforcement Learning (RL) inspired Deep Neural Network (DNN) based black-box optimization framework for analog circuit sizing. The key contributions of this paper are a novel sample-efficient two-stage deep learning optimization framework leveraging RL actor-critic algorithms, and a recipe to extend it on large industrial circuits using critical device identification. Our method shows 5—30x sample efficiency compared to other black-box optimization methods both on small building blocks and on large industrial circuits with better performance metrics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of DNN-based circuit sizing on industrial scale circuits