4 research outputs found
Design of front-end for EEG recording
V rámci práce je navržen funkční prototyp snímače biosignálů, který je konstruován pro záznam EEG signálů. Jako jádro je použita kombinace nízko nákladového a~výkonného mikrokontrolleru ESP8266 a~čipu ADS1299. Zařízení je přímo určeno na měření biopotenciálů a~obsahuje 24 bitový AD převodník, filtry, PGA (Programmable gain amplifier) a~další specifické funkce. Pro uživatelsky lepší nastavení čipu, export a~zobrazovaní dat je připraveno GUI v programovacím jazyku Python. Tento prototyp EEG snímače nabízí levnou variantu při zachování parametrů jaké jsou běžné u klinických EEG přístrojů a zároveň nabízí široké spektrum možností konfigurace programového rozhraní.This work proposes a functional biosignal sensor prototype that is designed to record EEG signals. The core is a combination of the low cost and powerful ESP8266 and ADS1299 microcontrollers. The device is directly designed for biopotential measurement and includes a 24 bit AD converter, filters, PGA (Programmable gain amplifier) and other specific functions. This EEG prototype offers a low-cost option while maintaining the parameters common to clinical EEG instruments. it also offers a wide range of program interface configuration options
In this paper, we describe a technical design of wearable multi-sensor systems for physiological data measurement and wide medical applications, significantly impacted in telehealth. The monitors are composed of three analog front-end (AFE) devices, which assist with interfacing digital electronics to the noise-, time-sensitive physiological sensors for measuring ECG (heart-rate monitor), RR (respiration-rate monitor), SRL (skin resistivity monitor). These three types of sensors can be used separately or together and allow to determine a number of parameters for the assessment of mental and physical condition. The system is designed based on requirements for demanding environments even outside the realm of medical applications, and in accordance with Health and Safety at Work directives (89/391/CE and Seveso-II 96/82/EC) for occupational hygiene, medical, rehabilitation, sports and fitness applications
Knife attacks have become a global problem in recent years, especially in countries where access to firearms is limited. However, the current situation is that the method of selection and characteristics of protective equipment about the physical attributes of stabbing attacks is not systematically determined. Attacks with stab weapons can be divided according to the weapon's grip, the angle of the attack, and its execution into six different attacks (e.g., underarm action stab, overarm action stab, etc.). Our work presents a survey of methods for capturing and then evaluating the physical parameters of point attacks in specific motion capture and analysis programs. In this work, kinematic analysis was used to analyze motion during a stabbing attack and to obtain data on the kinetic energy of the stab. The measurements were performed with the MoCap system - Vicon Nexus 2.70. The results of the study show that the average value for the straight stab and the underarm stab is almost the same (66.5–67.1 J), while the overarm stab reaches a much higher value (92.8 J). The study aims to determine the kinetic energy of types of attacks, for standards state the level of protection based on energy levels. The results could provide new insights into the current state of protective equipment and energy values in national/international standards
Framework for compilation, synchronization and analysis of measured data
V rámci této práce byl řešen návrh modulárního a konfigurovatelného frameworku pro předzpracování dat umožňující mimo jiné import, synchronizaci, analýzu a export. Na základě zadání práce byla vytvořena architektura, podle které byl program implementován v programovacím jazyce Python ve verzi 3.6. Funkčnost frameworku byla následně ověřena na anonymizovaných datech ze simulátoru dopravních prostředků a zařízení pro snímání fyziologických dat. Mezi klíčové charakteristiky vytvořeného nastroje patří rozšiřitelnost a modifikovatelnost, jednoduchá konfigurace pomocí souboru ve formátu json, možnost nastavení odstranění různých druhů artefaktů v datech a následná vizualizace.In this work we designed a modular and configurable framework for data preprocessing, that allows data import, synchronization, analysis and export. Software architecture was created based on work assignment. Python 3.6 language was then used for implementation. The framework was tested on anonymized data generated by car driving simulator and devices for measurement biological data. Key characteristics of the framework are modularity, easy configuration using json file, ability to set mistake correction methods for data and visualize data