44 research outputs found

    Leiomyoma in a female urethral diverticulum

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    Neoplasms arising within urethral diverticula are rare. It is important to know if a diverticulum is fi lled by tumor, but traditional diagnostic methods, such as voiding cystourethrography, cannot detect a tumor or diverticulum, as in our case. We report an unusual case of leiomyoma developing in a female urethra diverticulum and review the literature

    Diagnostic value of anterior cruciate ligament-tibial medial plateau angle in anterior cruciate ligament tears

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada ön çapraz bağ (ÖÇB) yırtıklarında ÖÇB-medial tibial plato açısının tanısal değeri araştırıldı. Hastalar ve yöntemler: Ekim 2007 - Mayıs 2008 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde ÖÇB yırtığı tanısı konulan ve ameliyat edilen 10 erkek hasta (ort. yaş 34.6±11.3 yıl; dağılım 21-51 yıl) geriye yönelik olarak değerlendirildi. Ameliyat öncesi, hastalara öncelikle 1.5 Tesla cihazı ile manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) ve ardından tanı ve tedavi amaçlı artroskopi yapıldı. Kontrol grubundaki 10 erkek birey (ort. yaş 40.2±13.0 yıl; dağılım 21-56 yıl) rutin diz MRG incelemesi ve artroskopisi yapılan, ancak ÖÇB’si sağlam olan diğer hastalar arasından seçildi. Hastaların ve kontrollerin MRG’leri iki radyolog tarafından değerlendirildi. Hasta ve kontrol grubunda her bir bireyin ÖÇB-medial tibial plato açıları ölçüldü. Bulgular: Ön çapraz bağ yırtığı olan hastalarda ortalama ÖÇB-medial tibial plato açısı değerleri (59.5±1.3°), kontrol grubunun ortalama değerlerine göre (68.1±3.5°) önemli ölçüde düşüktü. Sonuç: Ön çapraz bağ-medial tibial plato açısı değerleri hem tam, hem de kısmi ÖÇB yırtıklarında normal değerlerin altına düşer ve özellikle klinik açıdan şüpheli olgularda tanıya yardımcı olur

    Nadir bir burun tıkanıklığı nedeni: dev invaziv nonfonksiyonel hipofiz adenomu

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    Nasal obstruction is a very rare symptom caused by a pituitary adenoma. A 57-year-old man admitted to our clinic with bilateral nasal obstruction for the last six months. Endoscopic examination revealed soft pinkish pulsatile tissues in both nasal cavities. Radiologic investigation revealed a suprasellar mass extending to the frontal lobes, spheno-ethmoidal sinuses and nasal cavities. He had bitemporal superior quadrant hemianopsia. Pituitary hormone levels were normal. Biopsies were taken from the patient endonasally. Pathological evaluations and laboratory findings were compatible with nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma.Burun tıkanıklğı hipofiz adenomun neden olduğu çok nadir bir semptomdur. Elli yedi yaşında erkek hasta altı aydır süren iki taraflı burun tıkanıklığı ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Endoskopik muayenesinde her iki burun boşluğunda yumuşak pembemsi, pulsatil doku izlendi. Radyolojik incelemelerinde frontal loba, sfeno-ethmoidal sinüslere ve burun boşluklarına uzanım gösteren suprasellar kitle izlendi. Hastada bitemporal üst kadran hemianopsi vardı. Hipofiz hormon düzeyleri normal idi. Biyopsiler hastadan endonazal yol ile alındı. Patolojik değerlendirmesi ve laboratuvar bulguları nonfonksiyonel hipofiz adenomu ile uyumluydu

    Clinical diagnosis and complications of paratubal cysts: review of the literature and report of uncommon presentations

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    Paraovarian or paratubal cysts (PTCs) constitute about 10 % of adnexial masses. Although they are not uncommon; they rarely cause symptoms and are usually incidentally found. Actual incidence is not known. The symptoms occur when they grow excessively, or in case of hemorrhage, rupture or torsion. Here, literature review reporting the incidence, presentation and complications of PTCs is performed. Uncommon presentations of PTCs in three different cases, a giant PTC, torsion of PTC and borderline paratubal tumor, are also reported and discussed. Ultrasonography, CT or MRI may be performed in preoperative evaluation; but none of these imaging techniques have specific criteria for diagnosis. So, in most cases misdiagnosis as an ovarian mass remains to be a problem. Paratubal cysts can become extremely big before causing symptoms. Torsion is another urgent issue regarding PTCs, necessiating urgent surgery for preservation of the ovary and the tube. Although malignancy is rare, borderline paratubal tumors have been reported in the literature

    Atherogenic dyslipidemia, subclinical atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance in polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Objective: We aimed to explore the relationship between insulin resistance (IR) and small dense lipoprotein (sd-LDL) particles, carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in young normal weight PCOS cases. Methods: This prospective, case-control study was designed in a University Hospital and 34 women with PCOS and 21 healthy controls were enrolled. Fasting plasma glucose, insulin, lipid (including sd-LDL particles) and hormone profiles, abdominal ultrasound and CIMT were evaluated. Results: IR was present in 68% of PCOS group while in none of controls. High density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), triglycerides (TG), and sd-LDL were higher in patients with IR (p<0.05). A positive correlation of sd-LDL with IR, VLDL and TG was found. A significantly higher rate of NAFLD and CIMT was found in PCOS. Totaltestosterone levels were weakly and positively correlated with CIMT (r=0.277, p=0.041). Conclusion: Insulin resistance and NAFLD are highly prevalent among young normal weight PCOS patients. When compared to controls levels of sd-LDL and CIMT are increased in PCOS. Insulin resistance is the key parameter for NAFLD and atherogenic dyslipidemia in PCOS. Hence, screening for NAFLD may be valuable for detection and prevention of liver disease. Higher levels of sd-LDL in insülin resistant PCOS cases necessiates treating PCOS for I

    The effect of placental angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors on pregnancy outcome in patients with early onset preeclampsia

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    Objective: The aim was to evaluate the possible effects of anti-angiogenic factors including soluble endoglin (sEng), placental growth factor (Pgf), and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) in both normotensive pregnant patients and preeclampsia (PE) patients. Material and Methods: The study was carried out at the Departments of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Biochemistry of Yozgat Bozok University Training and Research Hospital. Eighteen women with PE who were pregnant for at least 20 weeks comprised the study group. The control group consisted of 33 pregnant women with no complications and with similar demographic features. In the study, laboratory parameters, demographic characteristics, sEng, sFlt-1, and Pgf levels, delivery type, APGAR scores of the infants, and birthweight were determined and a comparison was made between the groups. Results: It was found that the sEng level was significantly lower in the PE group compared to the control group (p<0.05). In addition, the Pgf, birthweight, and 1st and 5th-minute APGAR scores were significantly lower in the PE group compared to the control group (p[removed

    A renal cell carcinoma case presenting with bilateral adrenal metastasis

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    Renal hücreli karsinom (RHK) renal parankimin en sık görülen primer malign tümörüdür. RHK en sık akciğer, karaciğer, kemik, beyin, lenf nodları ve kontralateral böbreğe metastaz yapar. RHK’nın sürrenal metastazı ise sıklıkla ipsilateral gerçekleşir ve sürrenal metastazlar sıklıkla klinik ve fonksiyonel olarak sessiz seyreder. RHK’nın iki taraflı adrenal beze aynı anda metastazı oldukça nadirdir ve literatürde sadece 18 olgu bildirilmiştir. Bu makalede, sol böbrekte RHK ve iki taraflı sürrenal metastazı olan 58 yaşındaki erkek hastayı literatür ışığında ve radyolojik bulgular eşliğinde sunmayı amaçladık.Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common primary malignant tumor of renal parenchyma. RCC metastases most commonly occur in the lung, liver, bone, brain, lymp nodes, and contralateral kidney. Adrenal gland metastasis from renal cell carcinoma is generally ipsilateral, and frequently clinically and functionally silent. Synchronous bilateral adrenal gland metastases from RCC are very rare, and 18 other cases were reported in the literature. In this article, we aimed to present a case of bilateral synchronous adrenal metastases from left kidney RCC in a 58-year-old man with radiologic findings and review the literature

    Thyroid Emphysema Following Penetrating Neck Trauma

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    Although traumatic thyroid gland rupture or hemorrhage is usually seen in goitrous glands, injuries of the normal thyroid gland after neck trauma have rarely been described in the literature. We describe a 44-year-old man who presented with thyroid emphysema and subcutaneous emphysema (SCE) that occurred after penetrating neck trauma. CT images showed complete resolution of thyroid emphysema and subcutaneous emphysema at follow-up examination. Neck injuries can be life threatening. After penetrating neck traumas, physicians should consider subtle esophageal or tracheal laceration. Thyroid emphysema can occur as the result of penetrating neck trauma. The mechanism of emphysema of the thyroid parenchyma can be explained by the thyroid gland’s presence in a single visceral compartment that encompasses the larynx, trachea and thyroid gland. We describe an unusual case of thyroid emphysema of a normal thyroid gland following a penetrating neck injury