5 research outputs found

    Indigenous magical tonic to build resistance in vegetables against insect pests and diseases

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    67-70Vegetables are the major constituents ofIndian diet as majority of the Indians are vegetarian. India is the second largest producer of vegetables after China, producing about 75 million tonnes. The existing area under vegetable cultivation in India is around 4.5 million ha. However, there are several factors that limit the productivity of the vegetables, mainly the insect pests and diseases. Traditional knowledge should essentially be a component of integrated pest management to reduce the dependence on chemical pesticides and ecological deterioration. The insect pests inflict crop losses to the tune of 40% in vegetable production. Menace of pests on vegetables is not a hidden phenomenon and the use of more and more insecticides has not solved the purpose. Traditional practices of biological pest control have recently been the subject of increasing scientific interest as ageold location specific farming practices in general and pest management in particular are followed in different regions for managing crop pests. These practices are environmentally sound, nature friendly and economically feasible. One of the interesting indigenous knowledge has been explored from Akoli Tehshil of Ahmadnagar district in Maharashtra by conducting a survey to explore traditional practice in plant protection under one of the institute's research projects. This indigenous knowledge is locally known as magical tonic which is prepared from homely available materials like pure ghee, neem leaves extract, cow urine, butter milk/chhach, jaggery and bajra flour. A formulation is obtained after fermentation of these ingredients. The formulation acts as plant tonic, which builds up resistance to withstand pests and diseases in vegetables, particularly brinjal, beans, and tomatoes. The growth and development of fruits also get enhanced. Plants with severe wilt got rejuvenated after its application and attained strength and vigour. It helps in reducing the application of chemical inputs. Thus, farmers get economical gains besides keeping the environment safe from the hazardous impact of synthetic pesticides

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    Not AvailableIn the present investigation, a biopesticide formulation (BPF) was prepared indigenously from various plant based and natural ingredients, by standardizing their ratio and proportions, in indigenous cow-urine as a solvent, and evaluated for its in-vitro bio-efficacy against various plant pathogenic fungi. The main aim of this study was to validate scientifically the traditional practices for managing diseases of vegetable crops thereby reducing the load of synthetic chemical pesticides. One percent of BPF could inhibit the growth of Rhizoctonia bataticola by 75 per cent Sclerotinia. Sclerotiorum 50 per cent and Pythium aphenidermatum pathogenic fungi by 85 per cent compared with check untreated experiments under laboratory conditions. The organic solvents extracts of BPF were also bio-assayed against various plant pathogenic fungi. The antifungal activity of ethyl acetate extract was observed more promising than that of hexane extract. 100 ppm (0.1%) ethyl acetate extract could inhibit the growth of Alternaria alternata (78%), Sclerotinia rolfsii (88%), Phytopthora infestence (55%); and R. bataticola & F. oxysporum (80-90% with 1000 ppm).Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIn the present study an indigenous biopesticide formulation (BPF) comprising easily accessible botanicals along with cow urine, was evaluated for its efficacy against insect pests of tomato crop under field. BPF gave promising results in controlling tomato fruit borers and afforded a substantial yield of the produce. The BPF treatment could control 70–80% of fruit borers compared to check plots, resulting in an enhanced fruit yield of 35 tonnes/ha as compared to 15 tonnes/ha in the check plots. The main aim of this study was to reduce the load of synthetic chemical pesticides and evaluate indigenous knowledge as an alternate component of pest management to have pesticide residuefree tomatoNot Availabl

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    Not AvailableTomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is attacked by number of insect pests and is susceptible to a variety of diseases (Pandey et al. 2006; Reddy et al. 2007) and it consumes huge amount of pesticides. Large doses of pesticides are applied on tomatoes crop to prevent losses due to insect pests (Yardlm and Edwards 2003), which are harmful to environment besides uneconomical. This paper presents assessment of economics and Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) of indigenously prepared Biopesticide formulation (BPF) in comparison with organic, IPM and non-IPM programs of tomato crop. The BPF utilized was comprising Phyllanthus emblica (amla, 4%) fruit, Curcuma zedooria (turmeric, 6%), Allum (phitkari, 5%), Allium cepa (onion, 3.5%) bulb, Allium sativum (garlic, 4%) bulb, Calotropis procera (5%). Fresh cow-dung extract (3%), Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato, 6%) leaf extract, Ferula narthexboiss (2%), Azadirachta indica leaves (5.5%), Ocimum canum (tulsi leaves, 4%), cow urine (52%).Not Availabl