65 research outputs found

    Messaging Rules as a Programming Model for Enterprise Application Integration

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    Rule-based systems and languages are successful in many application areas such as business rules or active database systems. The goal of the Demaq project is to investigate the feasibility and benefits of using a declarative, rule-based programming language to simplify the development of complex, distributed applications. For this purpose, we propose a novel programming paradigm based on messaging, queues and declarative rules. We focus on evaluating whether the proposed, rule-based approach can be used to implement complex application patterns. We use Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) as an example application domain, as EAI applications involve multiple, heterogeneous systems with complex interaction patterns. We discuss whether and how these application patterns can be implemented using our rule language

    Efficient storage of XML data

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    We introduce NATIX, an efficient, native repository for storing, retrieving and managing tree-structured large objects, preferably XML documents. In contrast to traditionallarge object (LOB) managers, we do not split at arbitrary byte positions but take the semantics of the underlying tree structure of XML documents into account. Our parameterizable split algorithm dynamically maintains physical records of size smaller than a page which contain sets of connected tree nodes. This not only improves efficiency by clustering subtrees but also facilitates their compact representation. Existing approaches to store XML documents either use flat files or map every single tree node onto a separate physical record. The increased flexibility of our approach results in higher efficiency. Performance measurements validate this claim

    A Linear-Time Algorithm for Optimal Tree Sibling Partitioning and its Application to XML Data Stores

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    Document insertion into a native XML Data Store (XDS) requires to partition the document tree into a number of storage units with limited capacity, such as records on disk pages. As intra partition navigation is much faster than navigation between partitions, minimizing the number of partitions has a beneficial effect on query performance. We present a linear time algorithm to optimally partition an ordered, labeled, weighted tree such that each partition does not exceed a fixed weight limit. Whereas traditionally tree partitioning algorithms only allow child nodes to share a partition with their parent node (i.e. a partition corresponds to a subtree), our algorithm also considers partitions containing several subtrees as long as their roots are adjacent siblings. We call this sibling partitioning. Based on our study of the optimal algorithm, we further introduce two novel, near-optimal heuristics. They are easier to implement, do not need to hold the whole document instance in memory, and require much less runtime than the optimal algorithm. Finally, we provide an experimental study comparing our novel and existing algorithms. One important finding is that compared to partitioning that exclusively considers parent-child partitions, including sibling partitioning as well can decrease the total number of partitions by more than 90%, and improve query performance by more than a factor of two

    The Importance of Sibling Clustering for Efficient Bulkload of XML Document Trees

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    In an XML Data Store (XDS), importing documents from external sources is a very frequent operation. Since a document import consists of a large number of individual node inserts, it is essentially a small bulkload operation. Hence, efficient bulkload support is crucial for XDSs. Essentially, XML bulkload is the transformation of an XML parser's output into the XDS's persistent storage structures. This involves two major subtasks: (1) Partitioning the documents' logical tree structure into subtrees smaller than a disk page in a way that is both space-efficient an suitable for later processing. (2) Mapping the subtrees to the XDS's internal page representation. In enterprise-scale environments with very large documents and/or very many parallel bulkloads, task (1) is particularly challenging, as not only disk space consumption, but also CPU and main-memory usage are important factors. In this article, we (1) discuss requirements for an XML bulkload module, (2) examine existing algorithms for tree partitioning with respect to their applicability as XML bulkload algorithms, (3) derive a new tree partitioning algorithm, (4) present the design and implementation of the bulkload module used in our Natix XDS, and (5) evaluate the implementation

    Scalability Transformations on Declarative Applications

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    Many current distributed applications are based on the exchange of XML messages. Scaling such applications to the high processing volume demanded by Internet-scale deployment typically requires costly redesign and coding. In this paper, we investigate how a declarative specification of such applications can simplify the task of deploying them on a large number of host machines. In our model, applications are represented as a graph of message queues connected by message flow rules. The state of application instances is encoded in the message history of the queues and accessed using XQuery expressions. We show how to split such an application into distributable fragments using graph partitioning and discuss different algorithms for placing the fragments on hosts. Typically, an initial application specification contains data dependencies that place an upper limit on the number of fragments, and hence the number of usable machines. We describe transformations that increase the number of possible fragments by converting data dependencies into message flow. An evaluation using the TPC-App benchmark and a runtime system prototype confirms the feasibility and performance benefits of this approach

    Core Technologies for Native XML Database Management Systems

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    This work investigates the core technologies required to build Database Management Systems (DBMSs) for large collections of XML documents. We call such systems XML Base Management Systems (XBMSs). We identify requirements, and analyze how they can be met using a conventional DBMS. Our conclusion is that an XML support layer on top of an existing conventional DBMS does not address the requirements for XBMSs. Hence, we built a Native XBMS, called Natix. Natix has been developed completely from scratch, incorporating optimizations for high-performance XML processing in those places where they are most effective

    Isolation in XML Bases

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is well accepted in many different application areas. As a consequence, there is an increasing need for persistently storing XML documents. As soon as many users and applications work concurrently on the same collection of XML documents - i.e. an XML base - isolating accesses and modifications of different transactions becomes an important issue. We discuss six different core protocols for synchronizing access to and modifications of XML document collections. These core protocols synchronize structure traversals and modifications. They are meant to be integrated into a native XML base management System (XBMS). Four of the six core protocols are based on two phase locking, one uses time stamps, and the last one uses a novel dynamic commit-ordering approach. The latter two protocols achieve a higher degree of concurrency by a novel implicit representation of multiple versions. We also discuss extensions of these core protocols to full-fledged protocols. Further, we show how the two phase locking based protocols can achieve a higher degree of concurrency by exploiting the semantics expressed in Document Type Definitions (DTDs)

    Lock-based Protocols for Cooperation on XML Documents

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is well accepted in several different Web application areas. As soon as many users and applications work concurrently on the same collection of XML documents - e.g. on an XML database via a Web interface - isolating accesses and modifications of different transactions becomes an important issue. We discuss four different core protocols for synchronizing access to and modifications of XML document collections. These core protocols synchronize structure traversals and modifications. They are meant to be integrated into a native XML base management System (XBMS) and are based on two phase locking. We also demonstrate the different degrees of cooperation that are possible with these protocols by various experimental results. Furthermore, we also discuss extensions of these core protocols to full-fledged protocols. Further, we show how to achieve a higher degree of concurrency by exploiting the semantics expressed in Document Type Definitions (DTDs)

    Optimized Translation of XPath into Algebraic Expressions Parameterized by Programs Containing Navigational Primitives

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    We propose a new approach for the efficient evaluation of XPath expressions. This is important, since XPath is not only used as a simple, stand-alone query language, but is also an essential ingredient of XQuery and XSLT. The main idea of our approach is to translate XPath into algebraic expressions parameterized with programs. These programs are mainly built from navigational primitives like accessing the first child or the next sibling. The goals of the approach are 1) to enable pipelined evaluation, 2) to avoid producing duplicate (intermediate) result nodes, 3) to visit as few document nodes as possible, and 4) to avoid visiting nodes more than once. This improves the existing approaches, because our method is highly efficient

    Let a Single FLWOR Bloom

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    To globally optimize execution plans for XQuery expressions, a plan generator must generate and compare plan alternatives. In proven compiler architectures, the unit of plan generation is the query block. Fewer query blocks mean a larger search space for the plan generator and lead to a generally higher quality of the execution plans. The goal of this paper is to provide a toolkit for developers of XQuery evaluators to transform XQuery expressions into expressions with as few query blocks as possible. Our toolkit takes the form of rewrite rules merging the inner and outer FLWOR expressions into single FLWORs. We focus on previously unpublished rewrite rules and on inner FLWORs occurring in the For, Let, and Return clauses in the outer FLWOR