9 research outputs found

    Gene aberration profile of tumors of adolescent and young adult females

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    Short-term outcomes of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with capecitabine plus oxaliplatin for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer followed by total or tumor-specific mesorectal excision with or without lateral pelvic lymph node dissection

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    Background: The standard strategy in Japan for locally advanced rectal cancer is total mesorectal excision plus adjuvant chemotherapy. However, large tumors significantly restrict pelvic manipulation of the distal side of the tumor during surgery;therefore, from an oncological point of view, it is better to shrink the tumor as much as possible preoperatively to optimize the circumferential resection margin. In recent years, advances in systemic chemotherapy have significantly improved the tumor reduction effect, enabling such drug therapy prior to surgery for locally advanced rectal cancer. We herein retrospectively evaluated the clinical, short-term outcomes of patients treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) using capecitabin and oxaliplatin (CAPOX), focusing on overall safety as well as clinical and pathological staging responses to NAC. Methods: We applied the preoperative chemotherapy protocol to T3-4, any N, M0 or M1a (with resectable metastases) (UICC 8th) Ra/Rb rectal cancers. The chemotherapy regimen consisted of four cycles of CAPOX. After NAC, curative intent surgery with total mesorectal excision/tumor-specific mesorectal excision with/without metastasectomy was performed. Adverse effects (AEs) and compliance with NAC, surgical complications, clinical and pathological staging were evaluated. All patients undergoing the protocol between January 2017 and June 2021 at Fukushima Medical University were enrolled. Results: Twenty cases were enrolled. No severe AEs were observed either preoperatively or perioperatively. Preoperative assessment of NAC showed no cases of progressive disease (PD). Radical resection was achieved in all cases. Histological therapeutic grading after NAC revealed one grade 3, four grade 2, three grade 1b, eleven grade 1a and one grade 0 among all cases. Conclusion: This study suggests that NAC for locally advanced rectal cancer is likely to be acceptable because there were no severe AEs pre- or perioperatively, radical resection was achieved in all cases, and there were no cases of PD

    Validation of Gene Expression-Based Predictive Biomarkers for Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

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    Background: Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT) followed by surgery is widely used for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. However, response to nCRT varies substantially among patients, highlighting the need for predictive biomarkers that can distinguish non-responsive from responsive patients before nCRT. This study aimed to build novel multi-gene assays for predicting nCRT response, and to validate our signature and previously-reported signatures in multiple independent cohorts. Methods: Three microarray datasets of pre-therapeutic biopsies containing a total of 61 non-responders and 53 responders were used as the discovery cohorts to screen for genes that were consistently associated with nCRT response. The predictive values of signatures were tested in a meta-analysis using six independent datasets as the validation cohorts, consisted of a total of 176 non-responders and 99 responders. Results: We identified four genes, including BRCA1, GPR110, TNIK, and WDR4 in the discovery cohorts. Although our 4-gene signature and nine published signatures were evaluated, they were unable to predict nCRT response in the validation cohorts. Conclusions: Although this is one of the largest studies addressing the validity of gene expression-based classifiers using pre-treatment biopsies from patients with rectal cancer, our findings do not support their clinically meaningful values to be predictive of nCRT response

    Endoscopic ultrasonography can diagnose distal biliary strictures without a mass on computed tomography

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    AIM: To assess the diagnostic ability of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for evaluating causes of distal biliary strictures shown on endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) or magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), even without identifiable mass on computed tomography (CT)

    Downregulation of PAICS due to loss of chromosome 4q is associated with poor survival in stage III colorectal cancer.

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    Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase, phosphoribosylaminoimidazole succinocarboxamide synthetase (PAICS) encodes an enzyme that catalyzes de novo purine biosynthesis. Although PAICS has been implicated as a potential therapeutic target in several cancers, its clinical and prognostic significance in colorectal cancer (CRC) is not fully understood. To elucidate the roles of PAICS in CRC, we investigated PAICS expression in four cohorts consisting of a total of 1659 samples based on quantitative RT-PCR, microarray and RNA-seq analysis. Despite upregulated PAICS levels in tumor compared to those of normal mucosa, we found a decreasing trend of PAICS expression during tumor progression and metastasis. We conducted immunohistochemistry on 252 specimens, showing that PAICS protein was strongly expressed in the majority of CRCs, but not in adjacent mucosa. Notably, 29.0% of tumors lacked PAICS staining, and PAICS-negative expression in tumor had significant prognostic impact on poor cancer-specific survival in stage III CRC. Correspondingly, decreased levels of PAICS transcript were also correlated with poor relapse-free survival particularly in stage III patients, and this finding was robustly confirmed in three microarray datasets of a total of 802 stage II-III patients. Bioinformatics analysis of CRC tissues and cell lines consistently indicated a correlation between decreased PAICS expression and copy number loss of chromosome arm 4q. In conclusion, our results suggest that PAICS expression is downregulated during tumor progression due to genetic deletion of chromosome 4q in microsatellite stable but chromosomally unstable tumors. Furthermore, decreased expression of PAICS transcript or loss of PAICS protein may provide prognostic stratification for postoperative patients with stage III CRC

    Tn Antigen Expression Defines an Immune Cold Subset of Mismatch-Repair Deficient Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) cells often express Tn antigen, a tumor-associated truncated immature O-glycan (GalNAcα-O-Ser/Thr) that can promote tumor progression. Immunotherapies against Tn antigen have been developed and are being evaluated in clinical trials. Tn antigen can also be considered a novel immune checkpoint that induces immunosuppressive signaling through glycan-biding lectins to lead effector T cell apoptosis. We evaluated the correlation of Tn antigen expression by immunohistochemistry with mismatch-repair (MMR) status, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, tumor cell PD-L1 expression, and clinicopathological characteristics in 507 CRC patients. Although 91.9% of CRCs showed negative or weak Tn antigen staining (Tn-negative/weak), we identified a small subset of CRCs (8.1%) that displayed particularly intense and diffuse distribution of Tn antigen immunoreactivity (Tn-strong) that closely related to deficient MMR (dMMR). Moreover, 40 dMMR CRCs were stratified into 24 Tn-negative/weak dMMR tumors (60.0%) exhibiting dense CD8+ lymphocyte infiltrate concomitant with a high rate of PD-L1 positivity, and 16 Tn-strong dMMR tumors (40.0%) that demonstrated CD8+ T cell exclusion and a lack of PD-L1 expression, which was comparable to those of proficient MMR. Our finding suggests that the immune cold subset of patients with Tn-strong dMMR CRC may be effectively treated with immune checkpoint blockade therapy or cellular immunotherapy targeting Tn antigen


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    症例は56歳男性で貧血,肝機能障害,大腸ポリープを認め当院を受診した。41歳時に直腸癌にて直腸切断術の既往あり,大腸癌家族歴は認めず。今回多発する大腸癌,Vater乳頭部癌に対して手術を施行した。免疫染色にて癌病変部においてMSH2タンパクおよびMSH6タンパクの欠失を認めた。遺伝学的検査にてhMSH2遺伝子の生殖細胞系列変異が認められLynch 症候群と診断した。今回の症例について若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。A 56-years-old male presented at our hospital due to the symptoms of anemia, liver disfunction and colon polyps. He had resected rectal cancer at the ages of 41 and has no family history of colorectal cancer. A thorough examination for anemia resulted in detection of multiple colon cancer and cancer on ampulla of Vater. We performed total colectomy with dissection of regional lymph nodes and pancreaticoduodenectomy with dissection of regional lymph nodes. Immunohistochemical analysis showed a lack of MSH2 and MSH6 protein in the colon cancer and cancer on ampulla of Vater, and germline mutation of hMSH2 gene was recognized. Therefore, we diagnosed the case as Lynch syndrome