350 research outputs found

    A nonparametric welfare analysis on water quality improvement of the floating people on Inlay Lake via a randomized conjoint field experiment

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    This study evaluates the potential surplus gain of a water improvement policy and the causal effects of its components on choice probabilities for the floating people on Inlay Lake, Myanmar, based on a randomized conjoint field experiment. In our experimental design, respondents rank three options: two alternative policies and one status quo. We then present a method that enables us to estimate the minimum willingness-to-pay for a policy in the form of compensating variations under a set of weak assumptions using this conjoint data. Results show inter alia that the provision of toilet facilities and a collective wastewater treatment, and joint implementation of the policy by the government and local NGOs have a positive effects on the choice probabilities. Results also show that the surplus gain from a water-quality improvement policy is at least as large as 22.9% of the average annual per-capita income of those on the lake.The present work was in part conducted for methodological advancements in social science of and supported by the Hiroshima University TAOYAKA Program for creating a flexible, enduring, peaceful society, funded by the Program 19 for Leading Graduate Schools, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In addition, the field experiment was in part financially supported by Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) Project

    A Nonparametric Welfare Analysis via a Randomized Conjoint Field Experiment: an Application to Water Quality Improvement and the Floating Settlements on Inlay Lake, Myanmar

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    This study proposes a new approach to survey-based empirical welfare analysis, which combines a new design of the conjoint experiment of Hainmueller et al. (2014) and a non-parametric rational choice model. We focus on the welfare impact of a multi-attribute policy and report the identification result of the marginal component effect on the distribution of willingness-to-pay. As an illustration, the paper evaluates a water improvement policy package for the not previously analyzed floating settlements on Inlay Lake, Myanmar. Our estimation result shows that the average surplus gain from the lake water quality improvement is at least as large as 5.9% of the average annual per capita income of those on the lake. Moreover, attributes such as toilet provision have a clear welfare effect.We gratefully acknowledge financial support for the study by the Hiroshima University TAOYAKA Program for creating a flexible, enduring, peaceful-society, funded by the Program for Leading Graduate Schools, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Sumitomo Foundation #153421. In addition, the field experiment was in part financially supported by the Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) Program

    A role for mDia, a Rho-regulated actin nucleator, in tangential migration of interneuron precursors.

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    神経細胞の配置メカニズムを解明-抑制性神経前駆細胞に特有の移動の機構が明らかに. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2012-1-16.In brain development, distinct types of migration, radial migration and tangential migration, are shown by excitatory and inhibitory neurons, respectively. Whether these two types of migration operate by similar cellular mechanisms remains unclear. We examined neuronal migration in mice deficient in mDia1 (also known as Diap1) and mDia3 (also known as Diap2), which encode the Rho-regulated actin nucleators mammalian diaphanous homolog 1 (mDia1) and mDia3. mDia deficiency impaired tangential migration of cortical and olfactory inhibitory interneurons, whereas radial migration and consequent layer formation of cortical excitatory neurons were unaffected. mDia-deficient neuroblasts exhibited reduced separation of the centrosome from the nucleus and retarded nuclear translocation. Concomitantly, anterograde F-actin movement and F-actin condensation at the rear, which occur during centrosomal and nuclear movement of wild-type cells, respectively, were impaired in mDia-deficient neuroblasts. Blockade of Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK), which regulates myosin II, also impaired nuclear translocation. These results suggest that Rho signaling via mDia and ROCK critically regulates nuclear translocation through F-actin dynamics in tangential migration, whereas this mechanism is dispensable in radial migration

    Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Cell Contribution in Maintenance of Periodontal Ligament Homeostasis

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    In general, remodeling phenomenon of the periodontal ligament (PDL) is occurring in all times. Thus, in the chapter, the word “maintenance” was used, and the chapter title is “Maintenance of Periodontal Ligament Homeostasis.” Our experimental data on the remodeling of the PDL with cell acceleration at the furcation area in this experimental model are recovered using the cells in situ and the bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs). BMC migration into the PDL tissues using green fluorescent protein (GFP) bone marrow-transplanted model mouse was examined. BMCs have abilities of cell migration and differentiation into tissues/organs in the body. The immunohistochemistry revealed that GFP-positive cells were detected in the PDL. GFP-positive cells were also positive to CD31, CD68, and Runx2 suggesting that fibroblasts differentiated into osteoclasts and tissue macrophages. In this way, Notch signaling involvement considered in our tentative examinations revealed that the experimentally induced periodontal polyp was examined; the cytological dynamics of the cells in granulation tissue are mainly from migration of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of the bone marrow and differentiate into the tissue-specified cells. Furthermore, the data suggest that cell differentiation is due to Notch signaling

    Activation of plant immunity by exposure to dinitrogen pentoxide gas generated from air using plasma technology

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    Reactive nitrogen species (RNS) play an important role in plant immunity as signaling factors. We previously developed a plasma technology to partially convert air molecules into dinitrogen pentoxide (N(2)O(5)), an RNS whose physiological action is poorly understood. To reveal the function of N(2)O(5) gas in plant immunity, Arabidopsis thaliana was exposed to plasma-generated N(2)O(5) gas once (20 s) per day for 3 days, and inoculated with Botrytis cinerea, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst), or cucumber mosaic virus strain yellow (CMV(Y)) at 24 h after the final N(2)O(5) gas exposure. Lesion size with B. cinerea infection was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced by exposure to N(2)O(5) gas. Propagation of CMV(Y) was suppressed in plants exposed to N(2)O(5) gas compared with plants exposed to the air control. However, proliferation of Pst in the N(2)O(5)-gas-exposed plants was almost the same as in the air control plants. These results suggested that N(2)O(5) gas exposure could control plant disease depending on the type of pathogen. Furthermore, changes in gene expression at 24 h after the final N(2)O(5) gas exposure were analyzed by RNA-Seq. Based on the gene ontology analysis, jasmonic acid and ethylene signaling pathways were activated by exposure of Arabidopsis plants to N(2)O(5) gas. A time course experiment with qRT-PCR revealed that the mRNA expression of the transcription factor genes, WRKY25, WRKY26, WRKY33, and genes for tryptophan metabolic enzymes, CYP71A12, CYP71A13, PEN2, and PAD3, was transiently induced by exposure to N(2)O(5) gas once for 20 s peaking at 1–3 h post-exposure. However, the expression of PDF1.2 was enhanced beginning from 6 h after exposure and its high expression was maintained until 24–48 h later. Thus, enhanced tryptophan metabolism leading to the synthesis of antimicrobial substances such as camalexin and antimicrobial peptides might have contributed to the N(2)O(5)-gas-induced disease resistance

    Striatal TRPV1 activation by acetaminophen ameliorates dopamine D2 receptor antagonists-induced orofacial dyskinesia

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    ジスキネジア新治療法の発見 --副作用を減らす併用薬から新しい創薬標的へ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-04-16.Antipsychotics often cause tardive dyskinesia, an adverse symptom of involuntary hyperkinetic movements. Analysis of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System and JMDC insurance claims revealed that acetaminophen prevents the dyskinesia induced by dopamine D₂ receptor antagonists. In vivo experiments further showed that a 21-day treatment with haloperidol increased the number of vacuous chewing movements (VCMs) in rats, an effect that was inhibited by oral acetaminophen treatment or intracerebroventricular injection of N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-arachidonylamide (AM404), an acetaminophen metabolite that acts as an activator of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1). In mice, haloperidol-induced VCMs were also mitigated by treatment with AM404 applied to the dorsal striatum, but not in TRPV1-deficient mice. Acetaminophen prevented the haloperidol-induced decrease in the number of c-Fos⁺/preproenkephalin⁺ striatal neurons in wild-type mice but not in TRPV1-deficient mice. Finally, chemogenetic stimulation of indirect-pathway medium spiny neurons in the dorsal striatum decreased haloperidol-induced VCMs. These results suggest that acetaminophen activates the indirect pathway neurons by activating TRPV1 channels via AM404


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    The purpose of the study was to determine the cell dynamics in periodontal ligament in response to mechanical stress during orthodontic movement. Following Waldo’s method, a square sheet of rubber dam was inserted in between the first and second maxillary molars in 10 ddY mice leaving the stress load for 3 hours. After 3 days and at 1 week, cell count on pressure and tension sides of the periodontal ligament was determined. Furthermore, the type of cell present after mechanical stress was identified using GFP bone marrow transplantation mouse model. Immunohistochemistry was carried out at 0 min (immediately after mechanical stress), 24 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks and 6 months. Temporal changes in the expression of GFP-positive bone marrow derived cells were examined. Moreover, double immunofluorescent staining was performed to determine the type of cell in the periodontal ligament. Cell count on the tension side tremendously increased 3 days after mechanical stress. At 1 week, spindle and round cell count increased compared to the control group. These changes were observed on both tension and pressure sides. Cell count on pressure side at 3 days (22.11+/-13.98) and at 1 week (33.23+/-11.39) was higher compared to the control group (15.26+/-8.29). On the tension side, there was a significantly increased at 3 days (35.46+/-11.85), but decreased at 1 week (29.23+/-13.89) although it is still higher compared to the control group (AD+/-SD: 10.37+/-8.69). Using GFP bone marrow transplantation mouse model, GFP positive cell count increased gradually over time in 6 months. GFP positive cells were also positive to CD31, CD68 and Runx2 suggesting that fibroblasts differentiated into osteoclasts and tissue macrophages. In conclusion, mechanical stress during orthodontic movement promoted the increase in the number of cells in the periodontal ligament on both tension and pressure sides. The increase in the number of cells in the periodontal ligament is believed to be due to the migration and cell division of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells.2015博士(歯学)松本歯科大

    Chapter 6 : Bone marrow masenchymal cell contribution in maintenance of periodontal ligament homeostasis.

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    In general, remodeling phenomenon of the periodontal ligament (PDL) is occurring in all times. Thus, in the chapter, the word “maintenance” was used, and the chapter title is “Maintenance of Periodontal Ligament Homeostasis.” Our experimental data on the remodeling of the PDL with cell acceleration at the furcation area in this experimental model are recovered using the cells in situ and the bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs).BMC migration into the PDL tissues using green Ěuorescent protein (GFP)bone marrow-transplanted model mouse was examined. BMCs have abilities of cell migration and diěerentiation into tissues/organs in the body. The immunohistochemistry revealed that GFP-positive cells were detected in the PDL.GFP-positive cells were also positive to CD31, CD68, and Runx2 suggesting that ębroblasts diěerentiated into osteoclasts and tissue macrophages. In this way, Notch signaling involvement considered in our tentative examinations revealed that the experimentally induced periodontal polyp was examined; the cytological dynamics of the cells in granulation tissue are mainly from migration of undiěerentiated mesenchymal cells of the bone marrow and diěerentiate into the tissue-specięed cells. Furthermore, the data suggest that cell diěerentiation is due to Notch signaling.Edited by Thomas Heinbockel and Vonnie D.C. Shields : Published in London : IntechOpen, 2019