24 research outputs found

    A bibliometric analysis of scientific research on tribology of composites in Southeastern Europe

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    In recent years there is a small but increasing number of articles presenting and/or analyzing the scientific production from discrete geographical regions on a certain scientific topic. These articles applied the so-called bibliometric methods in order to evaluate the contribution of different countries in a scientific research field. In the present work, the research output of all countries in Southeastern Europe on the scientific field of composites tribology is presented by using bibliometric indicators such as the total number of publications and citations, the average number of citations per publication, and the h-index. Analysis spans the last ten years and the required scientific data in order to calculate the bibliometric indicators were retrieved using the Scopus (R) scientific database

    A bibliometric analysis of scientific research on tribology of composites in Southeastern Europe

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    In recent years there is a small but increasing number of articles presenting and/or analyzing the scientific production from discrete geographical regions on a certain scientific topic. These articles applied the so-called bibliometric methods in order to evaluate the contribution of different countries in a scientific research field. In the present work, the research output of all countries in Southeastern Europe on the scientific field of composites tribology is presented by using bibliometric indicators such as the total number of publications and citations, the average number of citations per publication, and the h-index. Analysis spans the last ten years and the required scientific data in order to calculate the bibliometric indicators were retrieved using the Scopus (R) scientific database

    Scientific literature on thermal spray coatings from Southeastern Europe: A ten years bibliometric analysis

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    Bibliometrijske analize naučno-istraživačkog rada u određenoj naučnoj oblasti, u okviru definisanog geografskog regiona, predstavljaju jedan od načina za kvantitativno poređenje i rangiranje akademskih i/ili istraživačkih institucija. U ovim analizama se primenjuju tzv. bibliometrijske metode, a u ovom radu su prikazani rezultati naučno-istraživačkog rada u zemljama jugoistočne Evrope, u oblasti prevlaka nanetih termički procesom raspršivanja. Rezultati su prikazani pomoću sledećih bibliometrijskih parametara: ukupan broj publikacija i citata, h-indeks i prosečan broj citata po publikaciji. Razmatrane su publikacije objavljene u poslednjih deset godina, a podaci potrebni za izračunavanje bibliometrijskih parametara su dobijeni korišćenjem Skopus (Scopus®) citatne baze podataka.One of the tools used within the effort of developing new quantitative scientometric tools, reliable to be used for ranking academic/research unities is the bibliometric analysis of the scientific production from discrete geographical regions on a certain scientific topic. These analyses apply the so-called bibliometric methods. In the present work, the research output of all countries in Southeastern Europe (SEE) on the scientific topic of thermal spray coatings is presented by using bibliometric indices such as the total number of publications and citations as well as the h-index and the average number of citations per publication. Analysis spans the last ten years and the required scientific data in order to calculate the bibliometric indices were retrieved using the Scopus® scientific database

    Scientific literature on thermal spray coatings from Southeastern Europe: A ten years bibliometric analysis

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    Bibliometrijske analize naučno-istraživačkog rada u određenoj naučnoj oblasti, u okviru definisanog geografskog regiona, predstavljaju jedan od načina za kvantitativno poređenje i rangiranje akademskih i/ili istraživačkih institucija. U ovim analizama se primenjuju tzv. bibliometrijske metode, a u ovom radu su prikazani rezultati naučno-istraživačkog rada u zemljama jugoistočne Evrope, u oblasti prevlaka nanetih termički procesom raspršivanja. Rezultati su prikazani pomoću sledećih bibliometrijskih parametara: ukupan broj publikacija i citata, h-indeks i prosečan broj citata po publikaciji. Razmatrane su publikacije objavljene u poslednjih deset godina, a podaci potrebni za izračunavanje bibliometrijskih parametara su dobijeni korišćenjem Skopus (Scopus®) citatne baze podataka.One of the tools used within the effort of developing new quantitative scientometric tools, reliable to be used for ranking academic/research unities is the bibliometric analysis of the scientific production from discrete geographical regions on a certain scientific topic. These analyses apply the so-called bibliometric methods. In the present work, the research output of all countries in Southeastern Europe (SEE) on the scientific topic of thermal spray coatings is presented by using bibliometric indices such as the total number of publications and citations as well as the h-index and the average number of citations per publication. Analysis spans the last ten years and the required scientific data in order to calculate the bibliometric indices were retrieved using the Scopus® scientific database

    Green tribology and quality of life

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    Every system is immersed in its surrounding. The changes in this interaction (contact) leading to degradation processes will affect the safety of the system. If the processes of changes are in a steady state, it can be considered that the system is safe. Sustainability includes the quality merits. Being the science and technology of the tribological aspects in the ecological balance and environmental impacts, Green tribology can be used with the purpose of saving of energy and materials, as well as of enhancement of the environment and the quality of life. Following the principles of green tribology, by identifying safety-related requirements early in the development of the system, special design and technologies can be used throughout the system life to conduct its safe development and evolution

    Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of TIG Hardfaced Dispersive Layer by Reinforced with Particles Extruded Aluminium

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    The article presents the results of the implemented technology for generation of hardfaced dispersive layers obtained by additive material containing reinforcing phase of non-metal particles. The wear resistant coatings are deposited on pure aluminium metal matrix by shielded gas metal-arc welding applying tungsten inert gas (TIG) with extruded aluminium wire reinforced by particles as additive material. Wire filler is produced by extrusion of a pack containing metalized and plated by flux micro/nano SiC particles. The metalized particles implanting in the metal matrix and its dispersive hardfacing are realized by solid-state welding under conditions of hot plastic deformation. Tribological characteristics are studied of the hardfaced layers of dispersive reinforced material on pure aluminium metal matrix with and without flux. Hardness profiles of the hardfaced layers are determined by nanoindentation. The surface layers are studied by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. Increase by 15-31 % of the wear resistance of the hardfaced layers and 30-40 % of their hardness was found, which is due to the implanted in the layer reinforcing phase of metalized micro/nano SiC particles

    Introduction of Nickel Coated Silicon Carbide Particles in Aluminum Metal Matrix Hardfaced by MIG/TIG Processes on Precoated Flux Layer

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    The aim of the study was to investigate an aluminium metal matrix surface layer hardfaced by shielded gas metal arc welding processes applying either metal inert gas (MIG) or tungsten inert gas (TIG), with standard wire filler onto the precoated flux layer - a baked resistant film containing electroless nickel coated micro/nano SiC particles. During baking, the components of the flux (MgCl2, NaCl, KCl and Na3AlF6) form a low melting eutectic, which: protects the hardfaced surface from oxidation, provides electrical conductance and keeps the particles on the surface during welding, as well as facilitates particles wettability and their interfacial bonding with the molten metal into the weld puddle

    Wear-resistance of Aluminum Matrix Microcomposite Materials

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    A procedure is developed for the study of wear of aluminum alloys AlSi7 obtained by casting, reinforced by TiC microparticles, before and after heat treatment. Tribological study is realized under conditions of friction on counterbody with fixed abrasive. Experimental results were obtained for mass wear, wear rate, wear intensity and wear-resistance of the alloys with different wt% of microparticles

    Characteristics and Properties of Chromium Coatings with Diamond Nanoparticles Deposited Directly on Aluminum Alloys

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    The objective of this study was to deposit directly chromium with diamond nanoparticles (ND) on aluminum alloys and investigate the coating surface. The chromium coatings on aluminum alloys were obtained by electrochemical deposition. The coatings were doped with ND. The diamond nanoparticles were obtained by detonation synthesis. Chromium coatings were deposited on aluminum alloys with a silicon content of 7 % and 10 %. The ND concentration in the electrolyte was 25 g/l. The surface analysis was performed by means of Atomic force microscopy. The surface of the coating of chromium with ND on Al10Si is twice more even than that on Al7Si. The microstructure and microhardness were examined with a metallographic microscope and a microhardness tester. The microhardness of the coated samples is 9163 MPa compared to 893 MPa of uncoated aluminum samples. The thickness of the chromium coatings doped with diamond nanoparticles is between 45 – 55 μm. The coatings are dense, continuous and uniform with good adhesion to the substrate material