11 research outputs found
Between theory and narrative : a mask as a hermetextual artefact in "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe
Maska, będąca jednym z głownych elementow kamuflażu, jest symbolem szczegolnym.Jako nieodłączny element estetyki literatury grozy skrywa zarowno tożsamośćpostaci, jak i nierzadko jej mroczne intencje. Jednak sprowadzenie maski jedynie doroli kamuflującego akcesorium byłoby dużym uproszczeniem. Niniejszy artykuł jestprobą ukazania podwojnej funkcji maski w opowiadaniu Edgara Allana Poe BeczkaAmontillado, funkcji modyfikującej dwie płaszczyzny: wewnętrzną, na poziomie narracjitekstu, oraz poza-tekstową, wyznaczającą kierunek interpretacji dla czytelnika. Maskaw tym opowiadaniu pełni rolę zarowno narracyjno-symboliczną, jak i hermeneutyczną:to co skrywa przed bohaterem-ofiarą tekstu, nieszczęsnym Fortunato, ujawniaprzed czytelnikiem, wciągając obydwu w grę podwojnego znaczenia. Artykuł analizujei opatruje komentarzem sekwencje wydarzeń przedstawione w opowiadaniu, ukazującdwie rownoległe linie fabularne tekstu: wydarzenia, tak jak jawią się oczom Fortunato,oraz wydarzenia, takimi jakimi powinien widzieć je czytelnik podążający za zwodniczymgłosem narratora-mściciela Mortesora. Maska jest tu czynnikiem wprowadzającyminterpretacyjny dysonans – hermeneutycznym kamuflażem, dzięki ktoremu narratorprowadzi swą przewrotną, podszytą ironią grę z ofiarą i z czytelnikie
The Wild, the Unconscious, the Mad
While the medical science recognises a number of symptoms which point to
a particular mental disease and the methods of diagnosis and treatment are very
advanced, madness still remains a vague and unclear term. This opaqueness
becomes evident when one attempts to position a barrier separating sanity and
insanity, and finds that the two elements of the binary opposition are, in fact,
blended into one another without a precise point of distinction. Instinctively one
feels that such a border must exist, but its location remains unclear. When investigating,
for example, the effects of a horror story, which deals with madness, upon
its reader one cannot resist the impression that the narrative in some way provides
a very close insight into insanity. This insight exists, however, only
in the form of a short-lasting emotional imprint; by no means is it an actual dynamic
process of crossing a supposed barrier between sanity and madness. Madness
stubbornly avoids enclosure into semantic boundaries: attempts at finding the
line which separates the world of the normal and the world of the mentally sick
seem futile
Plagiarism in the contemporary academia : identity and ethics
"It would be difficult to consider the problem of plagiarism without entangling
oneself into the web of relations that it forms with the structure of the
institution of academia. The complexity of those relations surfaces when it is
realised that plagiarism, broadly perceived as a breach of honest scholarship,
infringes simultaneously upon several established and approved social orders.
The internal rules of the most conspicuous of those orders, the judicial, the
economic and the ethical, cannot accept plagiarism within their boundaries,
discerning it respectively as criminal, unprofitable and immoral. The analysis
of the question of plagiarism performed from those angles would almost
certainly prove to be fruitless, at the risk of being obvious. However, the study
of the actual guidelines for the proper conduct of a student or a scholar, which
are published by almost every university, may point towards a direction quite
different from the axiomatic presuppositions as to the reason for the apparent
vice of plagiarism." (fragm.
Komplementarna interdyscyplinarność, interdyscyplinarna komplementarność
Recenzja książki: Makoto Katsumori, Niels Bohr’s Complementarity. Its Structure,
History, and Intersections with Hermeneutics and Deconstruction
Groza i przerażenie : "obce" w ontologii "Bycia i czasu" Martina Heideggera
Terror and Dread: The Significance of “The Unfamiliar” in the Ontology of Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time The article is dedicated to the concept of fear (Furcht) as mode-of-attunement in Martin Heidegger’s ontological analysis as presented in Being and Time. Unlike the much discussed anxiety (Angst), fear for most of the time remains a marginal concept in Heideggerian studies. The article focuses specifically on fear and the three graded forms that it may assume (alarm, dread, terror) which are dependent upon the actual cause for fear. The discussion turns to the possible causes, distinguishing a fundamental polar division into the recognizable and the unfamiliar. The unfamiliar is then brought into proximity with a related concept, that of the uncanny, and both are analyzed in terms of the existential fore-structure of understanding with the intention of demonstrating the possible consequences of the unfamiliar upon Dasein’s being-in-the-world
Omijać prawdę jak dziury w drodze : o relatywistycznym intencjonaliźmie Stanleya Fisha
Artykuł omawia pojęcie prawdy w kontekście krytyki czytelnika-odpowiedzi Stanleya Fisha. Wstępne porównanie teorii Fisha z kilkoma współczesnymi paradygmatami filozoficznymi toruje drogę argumentacji na rzecz uznania wywrotowej obecności skandalicznej koncepcji prawdy w pismach Fisha. Koncentrując się na ideach znaczenia i retoryce, kolejne zestawienie idei Fisha z myślą hermeneutyczną próbuje odkryć tę implikowaną obecność i nakreślić możliwe konsekwencje dla koncepcji interpretacji i stabilności tekstu
Zew nihilizmu, czyli o relatywności prawdy hermeneutycznej - recenzja
Recenzja książki: Gianni Vattimo, Beyond Interpretation. The Meaning of Hermeneutics for Philosophy,
przeł. David Webb, Cambridge, Polity Press 1997, s. 129
Complementary Interdisciplinarity, Interdisciplinary Complementarity
Tomasz Kalaga's book review: Makoto Katsumori Niels Bohr’s Complementarity. Its Structure, History, and Intersections with Hermeneutics and Deconstruction, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2011, 178 pages.Book review: Makoto Katsumori Niels Bohr’s Complementarity. Its Structure, History, and Intersections with Hermeneutics and Deconstruction, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2011, 178 s. Publikacja anglojęzyczn
The Call of Nihilism or on the Relativity of Hermeneutic Truth
Tomasz Kalaga's review of Beyond Interpetation. The Meaning of Hermeneutics for Philosophy" by Gianni Vattimo (1997)
Dodging the Truth like Stray Bullets: Stanley Fish's Relativist Intentionalism.
Tomasz Kalaga
Dodging the Truth like Stray Bullets: Stanley Fish's Relativist Intentionalism.
The article discusses of the notion of truth in the context of Stanley Fish's reader-response criticism. The initial comparison of Fish's theory with several contemporary philosophical paradigms paves way for the argumentation in favour of acknowledging the subversive presence of the otherwise clandestine concept of truth in Fish's writings. Focusing on the ideas of meaning and rhetoric, the subsequent juxtaposition of Fish's ideas with the hermeneutic thought attempts to uncover this implied presence and outline possible consequences for the concepts of interpretation and textual stability.Tomasz Kalaga
Dodging the Truth like Stray Bullets: Stanley Fish's Relativist Intentionalism.
The article discusses of the notion of truth in the context of Stanley Fish's reader-response criticism. The initial comparison of Fish's theory with several contemporary philosophical paradigms paves way for the argumentation in favour of acknowledging the subversive presence of the otherwise clandestine concept of truth in Fish's writings. Focusing on the ideas of meaning and rhetoric, the subsequent juxtaposition of Fish's ideas with the hermeneutic thought attempts to uncover this implied presence and outline possible consequences for the concepts of interpretation and textual stability