127 research outputs found

    Panoramic Annular Localizer: Tackling the Variation Challenges of Outdoor Localization Using Panoramic Annular Images and Active Deep Descriptors

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    Visual localization is an attractive problem that estimates the camera localization from database images based on the query image. It is a crucial task for various applications, such as autonomous vehicles, assistive navigation and augmented reality. The challenging issues of the task lie in various appearance variations between query and database images, including illumination variations, dynamic object variations and viewpoint variations. In order to tackle those challenges, Panoramic Annular Localizer into which panoramic annular lens and robust deep image descriptors are incorporated is proposed in this paper. The panoramic annular images captured by the single camera are processed and fed into the NetVLAD network to form the active deep descriptor, and sequential matching is utilized to generate the localization result. The experiments carried on the public datasets and in the field illustrate the validation of the proposed system.Comment: Accepted by ITSC 201

    FlowLens: Seeing Beyond the FoV via Flow-guided Clip-Recurrent Transformer

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    Limited by hardware cost and system size, camera's Field-of-View (FoV) is not always satisfactory. However, from a spatio-temporal perspective, information beyond the camera's physical FoV is off-the-shelf and can actually be obtained "for free" from the past. In this paper, we propose a novel task termed Beyond-FoV Estimation, aiming to exploit past visual cues and bidirectional break through the physical FoV of a camera. We put forward a FlowLens architecture to expand the FoV by achieving feature propagation explicitly by optical flow and implicitly by a novel clip-recurrent transformer, which has two appealing features: 1) FlowLens comprises a newly proposed Clip-Recurrent Hub with 3D-Decoupled Cross Attention (DDCA) to progressively process global information accumulated in the temporal dimension. 2) A multi-branch Mix Fusion Feed Forward Network (MixF3N) is integrated to enhance the spatially-precise flow of local features. To foster training and evaluation, we establish KITTI360-EX, a dataset for outer- and inner FoV expansion. Extensive experiments on both video inpainting and beyond-FoV estimation tasks show that FlowLens achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/MasterHow/FlowLens.Comment: Code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/MasterHow/FlowLen

    FocusFlow: Boosting Key-Points Optical Flow Estimation for Autonomous Driving

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    Key-point-based scene understanding is fundamental for autonomous driving applications. At the same time, optical flow plays an important role in many vision tasks. However, due to the implicit bias of equal attention on all points, classic data-driven optical flow estimation methods yield less satisfactory performance on key points, limiting their implementations in key-point-critical safety-relevant scenarios. To address these issues, we introduce a points-based modeling method that requires the model to learn key-point-related priors explicitly. Based on the modeling method, we present FocusFlow, a framework consisting of 1) a mix loss function combined with a classic photometric loss function and our proposed Conditional Point Control Loss (CPCL) function for diverse point-wise supervision; 2) a conditioned controlling model which substitutes the conventional feature encoder by our proposed Condition Control Encoder (CCE). CCE incorporates a Frame Feature Encoder (FFE) that extracts features from frames, a Condition Feature Encoder (CFE) that learns to control the feature extraction behavior of FFE from input masks containing information of key points, and fusion modules that transfer the controlling information between FFE and CFE. Our FocusFlow framework shows outstanding performance with up to +44.5% precision improvement on various key points such as ORB, SIFT, and even learning-based SiLK, along with exceptional scalability for most existing data-driven optical flow methods like PWC-Net, RAFT, and FlowFormer. Notably, FocusFlow yields competitive or superior performances rivaling the original models on the whole frame. The source code will be available at https://github.com/ZhonghuaYi/FocusFlow_official.Comment: The source code of FocusFlow will be available at https://github.com/ZhonghuaYi/FocusFlow_officia
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