26 research outputs found

    Adamantane, the Building Block in the Construction of Macrocyclic Systems

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    Dio naših istraživanja obuhvaća sintezu novih makrocikličkih polietera i politialaktona koji sadrže policikličke molekule ugrađene u makrociklički prsten ili vezane kao supstituent pokrajnjeg lanca. Pripravili smo niz oksa-, aza- i tiakrunastih etera s adamantanskom molekulom ugrađenom u makrociklički prsten i istraživali smo njihovu sposobnost kompleksiranja s metalnim kationima pomoću eksperimenata ekstrakcije pikratnih soli alkalijskih metala ili uporabom spektrometrije masa, metodom ionizacije elektroraspršenjem. Našli smo da vrsta heteroatoma kao i prisutnost adamantanske podjedinice utječe na selektivnost kompleksiranja metalnih iona, a također i na ukupnu lipofilnost makrocikličkog liganda.Part of our investigation was directed to the synthesis of novel macrocyclic polyethers, which contain polycyclic cage molecule, incorporated into the macrocyclic framework or attached as a side chain. We have prepared a series of adamantane-functionalized oxa-, aza- and thia-crown ethers, and studied their complexation abilities by alkali or transition metal picrate extraction experiments or by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. In the homogeneous methanol/chloroform solutions as well as, in the extractions of metals from aqueous solution by macrocycles in chloroform, it was found that the type of heteroatom (O, N, S) and presence the adamantanesubstituents, influence the metal selectivity as well as the overall lipophilicity of the macrocyclic ligand

    Bioactive Molecules – Polycyclic Guanidine Derivatives

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    Biološka aktivnost različitih adamantanskih derivata i njihova primjena opisane su u brojnim preglednim člancima. Isto tako, mnogi revijalni članci opisuju biološku aktivnost i primjenu gvanidinskih spojeva. Međutim do sada nije načinjen pregled koji bi se bavio gvanidinskim derivatima adamantana i drugih policikla, tj. spojevima koji sadrže obje navedene podjedinice u istoj molekuli. U ovom radu bit će stoga dan pregled policikličkih derivata gvanidina, i to s naglaskom na njihovu primjenu kao potencijalnih farmakofora.Biological activity of different adamantane derivatives and their application has been described in various reviews. Similarly, many reviews deal with biological activity and application of guanidine compounds. However, up to now no review has been made concerning the guanidine derivatives of adamantane and other polycycles, compounds which incorporate both of these moieties in the same molecule. Therefore, a literature survey of polycyclic guanidine derivatives is here provided and their application as potential pharmacophores stressed

    Phane Nomenclature. Part II: Modification of the Degree of Hydrogenation and Substitution Derivatives of Phane Parent Hydrides

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    Ciklofani i linearni fanski sustavi smatraju se osnovnim fanskim hidridima. Njihovi derivati imenuju se u skladu s načelima, pravilima i dogovorima propisanim za imenovanje organskih spojeva. U ovim pravilima opisana su sljedeća nomenklaturna obilježja: indicirani i dodani vodik, prioritet supstituenata pri numeriranju, supstituenti opisani sufiksima, supstituenti opisani prefiksima, promjena osnovnih fanskih hidrida dodavanjem ili oduzimanjem vodikova atoma i polifunkcijski derivati.Cyclophane and linear phane systems are considered as parent hydrides. Their derivatives are named in conformity with the principles, rules, and conventions prescribed for naming organic compounds. The following nomenclatural features are described: indicated and added hydrogen, order of seniority for numbering, substituents expressed as suffixes, substituents cited as prefixes, phane parent hydrides modified by addition or subtraction of hydrogen atoms, and polyfunctional derivatives

    Application of testing temperature sensors for quasi-dimensional (3D) measurement systems used in measuring hydrotechnical earthworks–prelilinary results

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    This paper presents the test point temperature sensors, designed for the ISMOP project. The point temperature sensors allow for full realization of spatial measurement by using a distributed measurement based on MESH type topology. The designed solutions described the selection and design of all elements of the sensors. It is also described how to install them at the existing levee. Applied construction and method of selection of the location of the point temperature sensors allow monitoring of levees in the quasi-spatial (3D) system, what is an alternative to termomonitoring performed by means of optical fibers

    Crystal structure of 1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-oxaadamantane, C11H18O3

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    This article describes the crystal structure of 1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-oxaadamantane, C₁₁H₁₈O₃

    Metody badań ultradźwiękowych, jako efektywny sposób szacowania trwałości oraz diagnozowania zdolności eksploatacyjnych laminatów kompozytowych stosowanych w lotnictwie

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    The paper presents selected issues in the field of exploitation research and the prediction capabilities of durability of composite laminates by ultrasonic methods used in the aerospace industry. Some research methods allow to set the quality parameters and operating in real aircraft structures. The study determined the relationship between the amplitude decrease of the ultrasonic wave and the level of porosity for hand lay-up manufactured glass / epoxy laminate using the method Through-Transmission of representative in C (TT C-Scan). In addition, showing the ability of amplitude attenuation imaging methods to detect and determine the extent of damage of high quality laminate and metal fiber composite after at low-dynamic velocity. It was specified real area an internal damage in FML laminates subjected to dynamic impact on low-energy, for which there was no visible damage in the outer layers. The study also determined the relationship between energy and the impact of dynamic surface area in testing laminates.W pracy przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia z zakresu badań zdolności eksploatacyjnych oraz prognozowania trwałości metodami ultradźwiękowymi laminatów kompozytowych stosowanych w przemyśle lotniczym. Wybrane metody badawcze umożliwiają określenie parametrów jakościowych jak i eksploatacyjnych rzeczywistych struktur lotniczych. W pracy określono zależność pomiędzy wartością spadku amplitudy fali ultradźwiękowej a poziomem porowatościdla wytworzonego metodą laminowania ręcznegolaminatu szklano/epoksydowego przy użyciu metody Through-Transmissionw zobrazowaniu w trybie C (TT C-Scan). Dodatkowo pokazano zdolność metody obrazowania tłumienia amplitudowego do wykrywania i określania wielkości uszkodzeń wysokojakościowych laminatów kompozytowych i metalowo włóknistych po uderzeniach dynamicznych o niskich prędkościach. Określono rzeczywiste pola powierzchni uszkodzeń wewnętrznych laminatów FML poddanych uderzeniom dynamicznym o niskich energiach, dla których nie odnotowano widocznych uszkodzeń w warstwach zewnętrznych. W pracy wyznaczono również zależność pomiędzy energią uderzenia dynamicznego a polem powierzchni uszkodzenia badanych laminatów

    A note on designing two-level carry-skip adders

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