65 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the efficacy of solid dispersion of fenbendazole against different stages of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in Samara region

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    The purpose of the research is to study the efficacy of a solid dispersion of fenbendazole at different stages of gastrointestinal nematodes of young sheep. Materials and methods. Evaluation of the efficacy of a solid dispersion of fenbendazole at different stages of gastrointestinal nematodes was carried out in the farms of the Samara region on 35 sheep aged 7–10 months naturally infected with gastrointestinal strongylates. Animals were divided into experimental and control groups of 8-9 animals each. A solid dispersion of fenbendazole was administered once orally at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg of active substance to the animals of the first experimental group. Animals of the 2nd group received the substance of fenbendazole at a dose of 2 mg/kg. The basic drug – Panakur was administered to the sheep of the 3rd experimental group at a dose of 5 mg/kg. Animals of the control group did not receive the drugs. The efficacy of the drugs was calculated in the experiment of «control test» based on the results of coproovoscopic examination, as well as on the results of helminthological necropsy of the digestive tract of animals, 3–5 sheep from each group. Results and discussion. The solid dispersion of fenbendazole showed 97.8–98.2% efficacy against adult strongylates and 80.6–87.5% against larvae. The substance of fenbendazole at the same dose – 2 mg/kg revealed 33.0–41.7% and 16.1–26.9% efficacy respectively. The basic drug Panakur showed 95.4–97.3% and 46.7–73.9% efficacy against imaginal strongylates and larvae respectively at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg of active substance

    Geometric Singularities and Enhanced Gauge Symmetries

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    Using ``Tate's algorithm,'' we identify loci in the moduli of F-theory compactifications corresponding to enhanced gauge symmetry. We apply this to test the proposed F-theory/heterotic dualities in six dimensions. We recover the perturbative gauge symmetry enhancements of the heterotic side and the physics of small SO(32)SO(32) instantons, and discover new mixed perturbative/non-perturbative gauge symmetry enhancements. Upon further toroidal compactification to 4 dimensions, we derive the chain of Calabi-Yau threefolds dual to various Coulomb branches of heterotic strings.Comment: 49 pages harvmac big (must print in big mode for tables to appear correctly); Typos and reference correcte

    Efficiency of Fenbendazole on the Basis of Nanosized Supramolecular Delivery Systems with Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone and Dioctylsulphosuccinate Sodium in the Cases of Helminthosis

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    The purpose of the research is to study the efficiency of fenbendazole on the basis of nanosized supramolecular delivery systems with polyvinyl pyrrolidone and dioctylsulphosuccinate sodium in the cases of helminthosis in animals.Materials and methods. Experiments were conducted on 120 mice experimentally infected by Trichinella spiralis, Hymenolepis nana and on sheep experimentally infected by gastro-intestinal eelworms (120 animals) and by moniezias (60 animals). In each case of helminthosis animals from different groups (10 animals in each) were given fenbendazole supramolecular complex with polyvinyl pyrrolidone and dioctylsulphosuccinate sodium orally at the single dose of 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0 mg/kg on AS compared to background drug fenbendazole at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg. Group of animals, which did not receive a drug was a control. Drug efficiency calculated according to the results of mice enterotomy and data of coproovoscopic studies of sheep by flotation technique before and in 15 days after drug administration.Results and discussion. Fenbendazole supramolecular complex with polyvinyl pyrrolidone and dioctylsulphosuccinate sodium at the doses of 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0 on AS showed 100, 100 and 87.7 % of efficiency against T. spiralis, 100, 100, 91.14% against H. nana, 100, 97.7 and 94.0% against gastro-intestinal eelworms and 100, 92.44 and 44.26% against Moniezia expansa, respectively while efficiency of background drug – fenbendazole substance was 23.0–26.3%

    Mapping 6D N = 1 supergravities to F-theory

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    We develop a systematic framework for realizing general anomaly-free chiral 6D supergravity theories in F-theory. We focus on 6D (1, 0) models with one tensor multiplet whose gauge group is a product of simple factors (modulo a finite abelian group) with matter in arbitrary representations. Such theories can be decomposed into blocks associated with the simple factors in the gauge group; each block depends only on the group factor and the matter charged under it. All 6D chiral supergravity models can be constructed by gluing such blocks together in accordance with constraints from anomalies. Associating a geometric structure to each block gives a dictionary for translating a supergravity model into a set of topological data for an F-theory construction. We construct the dictionary of F-theory divisors explicitly for some simple gauge group factors and associated matter representations. Using these building blocks we analyze a variety of models. We identify some 6D supergravity models which do not map to integral F-theory divisors, possibly indicating quantum inconsistency of these 6D theories.Comment: 37 pages, no figures; v2: references added, minor typos corrected; v3: minor corrections to DOF counting in section

    Families of Canonical Transformations by Hamilton-Jacobi-Poincar\'e equation. Application to Rotational and Orbital Motion

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    The Hamilton-Jacobi equation in the sense of Poincar\'e, i.e. formulated in the extended phase space and including regularization, is revisited building canonical transformations with the purpose of Hamiltonian reduction. We illustrate our approach dealing with orbital and attitude dynamics. Based on the use of Whittaker and Andoyer symplectic charts, for which all but one coordinates are cyclic in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, we provide whole families of canonical transformations, among which one recognizes the familiar ones used in orbital and attitude dynamics. In addition, new canonical transformations are demonstrated.Comment: 21 page

    Anomaly Cancelation in Field Theory and F-theory on a Circle

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    We study the manifestation of local gauge anomalies of four- and six-dimensional field theories in the lower-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory obtained after circle compactification. We identify a convenient set of transformations acting on the whole tower of massless and massive states and investigate their action on the low-energy effective theories in the Coulomb branch. The maps employ higher-dimensional large gauge transformations and precisely yield the anomaly cancelation conditions when acting on the one-loop induced Chern-Simons terms in the three- and five-dimensional effective theory. The arising symmetries are argued to play a key role in the study of the M-theory to F-theory limit on Calabi-Yau manifolds. For example, using the fact that all fully resolved F-theory geometries inducing multiple Abelian gauge groups or non-Abelian groups admit a certain set of symmetries, we are able to generally show the cancelation of pure Abelian or pure non-Abelian anomalies in these models.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos corrected, comments on circle fluxes adde

    Изучение эффективности твердой дисперсии фенбендазола на разные стадии развития нематод пищеварительного тракта овец в Самарской области

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    The purpose of the research is to study the efficacy of a solid dispersion of fenbendazole at different stages of gastrointestinal nematodes of young sheep. Materials and methods. Evaluation of the efficacy of a solid dispersion of fenbendazole at different stages of gastrointestinal nematodes was carried out in the farms of the Samara region on 35 sheep aged 7–10 months naturally infected with gastrointestinal strongylates. Animals were divided into experimental and control groups of 8-9 animals each. A solid dispersion of fenbendazole was administered once orally at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg of active substance to the animals of the first experimental group. Animals of the 2nd group received the substance of fenbendazole at a dose of 2 mg/kg. The basic drug – Panakur was administered to the sheep of the 3rd experimental group at a dose of 5 mg/kg. Animals of the control group did not receive the drugs. The efficacy of the drugs was calculated in the experiment of «control test» based on the results of coproovoscopic examination, as well as on the results of helminthological necropsy of the digestive tract of animals, 3–5 sheep from each group. Results and discussion. The solid dispersion of fenbendazole showed 97.8–98.2% efficacy against adult strongylates and 80.6–87.5% against larvae. The substance of fenbendazole at the same dose – 2 mg/kg revealed 33.0–41.7% and 16.1–26.9% efficacy respectively. The basic drug Panakur showed 95.4–97.3% and 46.7–73.9% efficacy against imaginal strongylates and larvae respectively at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg of active substance.Цель исследований – изучение эффективности твердой дисперсии фенбендазола на разные стадии развития нематод пищеварительного тракта молодняка овец. Материалы и методы. Оценку эффективности твердой дисперсии фенбендазола на ранние стадии развития нематод пищеварительного тракта проводили в хозяйствах Самарской области, неблагополучных по нематодозам, на 35 валухах в возрасте 7–10 мес., спонтанно инвазированных стронгилятами пищеварительного тракта. Животных разделили на опытные и контрольные группы по 8-9 голов в каждой. Валухам первой опытной группы назначали перорально однократно в дозе 2,0 мг/кг по ДВ твердую дисперсию фенбендазола. Животные 2-й группы получили субстанцию фенбендазола в дозе 2,0 мг/кг. Базовый препарат – панакур вводили валухам 3-й опытной группы в дозе 5,0 мг/кг. Животные контрольной группы препарат не получали. Эффективность препаратов учитывали в опытах типа «контрольный тест» по результатам копроовоскопических исследований, а также по результатам гельминтологических вскрытий пищеварительного тракта животных по 3–5 голов с каждой группы. Результаты и обсуждение. Установлена 97,8–98,2%-ная эффективность твердой дисперсии фенбендазола против взрослых стронгилят и 80,6–87,5%-ная активность против личинок стронгилят. Субстанция фенбендазола в этой же дозе показала 33,0–41,7% и 16,1–26,9%-ную эффективность соответственно. Панакур – базовый препарат в дозе 5,0 мг/кг по ДВ проявил соответственно 95,4–97,3% и 46,7–73,9%-ную эффективность против имагинальных стронгилят и личинок

    Six-dimensional (1,0) effective action of F-theory via M-theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds

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    The six-dimensional effective action of F-theory compactified on a singular elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau threefold is determined by using an M-theory lift. The low-energy data are derived by comparing a circle reduction of a general six-dimensional (1,0) gauged supergravity theory with the effective action of M-theory on the resolved Calabi-Yau threefold. The derivation includes six-dimensional tensor multiplets for which the (anti-) self-duality constraints are imposed on the level of the five-dimensional action. The vector sector of the reduced theory is encoded by a non-standard potential due to the Green-Schwarz term in six dimensions. This Green-Schwarz term also contains higher curvature couplings which are considered to establish the full map between anomaly coefficients and geometry. F-/M-theory duality is exploited by moving to the five-dimensional Coulomb branch after circle reduction and integrating out massive vector multiplets and matter hypermultiplets. The associated fermions then generate additional Chern-Simons couplings at one-loop. Further couplings involving the graviphoton are induced by quantum corrections due to excited Kaluza-Klein modes. On the M-theory side integrating out massive fields corresponds to resolving the singularities of the Calabi-Yau threefold, and yields intriguing relations between six-dimensional anomalies and classical topology.Comment: 55 pages, v2: typos corrected, discussion of loop corrections improve

    F-Theory and the Mordell-Weil Group of Elliptically-Fibered Calabi-Yau Threefolds

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    The Mordell-Weil group of an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold X contains information about the abelian sector of the six-dimensional theory obtained by compactifying F-theory on X. After examining features of the abelian anomaly coefficient matrix and U(1) charge quantization conditions of general F-theory vacua, we study Calabi-Yau threefolds with Mordell-Weil rank-one as a first step towards understanding the features of the Mordell-Weil group of threefolds in more detail. In particular, we generate an interesting class of F-theory models with U(1) gauge symmetry that have matter with both charges 1 and 2. The anomaly equations --- which relate the Neron-Tate height of a section to intersection numbers between the section and fibral rational curves of the manifold --- serve as an important tool in our analysis.Comment: 29 pages + appendices, 5 figures; v2: minor correction

    Эффективность супрамолекулярного комплекса фенбендазола против нематод при комиссионном производственном испытании

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    The purpose of the research is determining the efficacy of the supramolecular complex of fenbendazole (SMCF) based on the nano-sized supramolecular delivery system with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) against nematodes in sheep in a commission and production test. Materials and methods. A commission test was carried out at Izmailov LLC in the Krasnoarmeysky District of the Samara Region in August 2019. The SMCF at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg by the active substance was given to sheep (30 animals) of different age. The substance of fenbendazole was used as the major drug at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg in 20 sheep. A group of 20 sheep who were not given the drug was a control group. The drug efficacy was recorded by the flotation method according to results of the coproovoscopic studies of sheep before and 16 days after the drugs were administered. The drug efficacy was calculated by a “control test”. The production test of the SMCF in gastrointestinal strongylatosis of sheep was carried out on 120 wether hoggs at the same farm. The SMCF was prescribed to sheep once at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg by the AS in a mixture with 0.3 kg of oatmeal stock feed (per animal) given for the whole group. The efficacy of the SMCF was recorded according to the results of the coproovoscopic studies before and 15 days after deworming. Results and discussion. In the commission test of 70 sheep with combined infection, the SMCF with PVP at doses of 3.0 and 2.0 mg/kg by the AS showed 98.7% effectiveness against Nematodirus infection and 99.2% activity against other types of gastrointestinal Strongylata. In the production test, the SMCF at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg by the AS showed a 99.1 % effect against nematodirosis and 98.8% against other gastrointestinal strongylatoses. Цель исследований – определение антигельминтой активности супрамолекулярного комплекса фенбендазола (СМКФ) на основе наноразмерной супрамолекулярной системы доставки с поливинилпирролидоном (ПВП) против нематод у овец при комиссионном и производственном испытании.Материалы и методы. При комиссионном испытании в августе 2019 г. СМКФ в дозе 2,0 мг/кг по действующему веществу (ДВ) задавали овцам (30 гол.) разного возраста, спонтанно инвазированным стронгилятами пищеварительного тракта. Субстанцию фенбендазола, которую использовали в качестве базового препарата, вводили в дозе 5,0 мг/кг овцам (20 гол.). Контрольная группа препарат не получала (20 гол.). На основании результатов копроовоскопических исследований овец методом флотации до и через 15 сут после применения препаратов оценивали их антигельминтное действие, и расчет эффективности проводили по типу «контрольный тест». Производственное испытание СМКФ проводили в этом же хозяйстве на 120 валухах. СМКФ задавали овцам однократно в дозе 2,0 мг/кг по ДВ в смеси с 0,3 кг овсяной дерти (на голову) путем групповой дачи. Оценку эффективности проводили аналогично. Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что при комиссионном испытании СМКФ показал 98,7%-ную эффективность против нематодирусов и 99,2%-ную активность против других видов желудочно-кишечных стронгилят в дозах 3,0 и 2,0 мг/кг по ДВ на 70 овцах. При производственном испытании СМКФ в дозе 2,0 мг/кг по ДВ был отмечен 99,1%ный эффект при нематодирозе и 98,8%-ный – при других желудочно-кишечных стронгилятозах.