80 research outputs found

    Assessing forest fire behavior simulation using FlamMap software and remote sensing techniques in Western Black Sea Region, Turkey 

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    European Community's INTERREG IV 'Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013 MIS ETC 2666 nr. 15610/25.02.2013 Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) in TURKEY TR08C1.01-02/323Aim of study: Forest fuels are very critical for fire behavior models and hazard maps. Relationship among wind speed, fuel moisture content, slope, and fuel type directs us to predict fire behavior of a given region. For this study, we evaluated fire behavior parameters such as fireline intensity and rate of fire spread using the fuel moisture content, slope, fuel load, and wind speed for the Bayam Forest District with the help of remote sensing techniques and FlamMap software. Area of study: The study area is located in Bayam Forest District in the city of Taskopru, Kastamonu, a Western Black Sea region of Turkey. Material and Methods: In order to estimate and map forest fuel load of the study area, fuel models were developed using the parameters of the average vegetation height, 1-hr, 10-hr, and 100-hr fuel load, foliage, total fuel load, litter load and litter depth. Three basic fire descriptors (fireline intensity, rate of fire spread, and flame length) were calculated using FlamMap software with the parameters fuel load, wind speed, fuel moisture, and slope. Using the descriptors above, the historical fire data was overlaid with the fireline intensity maps to determine fire potential areas within the remote sensing and GIS framework. Main results: The results of this study showed that 20.0% of the region had low (<2 m min-1 ), 43.2% had moderate (2- 15 m min-1 ), 12.0% had high (15-30 m min-1 ), and 24.8% had very high (>30 m min-1 ) rate of fire spread, respectively. The fireline intensity map showed that 60.7% of the area was in low (0-350 kW m-1 ), 24.9% was in moderate (350-1700 kW m1 ), 1.3% was in high (1700-3500 kW m-1 ), and 13.0% was in very high (>3500 kW m-1 ) fireline intensity. Highlights: The spatial extent of fuel types was observed and three of the potential fire behavior predictors (fire intensity, rate of fire spread and flame length) were estimated using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The overlaid historical fire data showed that the most fire-prone areas are in the mixed young Anatolian black pine - Scots pine tree stands that have 40-70% canopy cover and that are in the young Anatolian black pine tree stands that have more than 70% canopy cove

    Fire behavior in Mediterranean shrub species (Maquis)

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    The prediction of fire behavior in fire prone ecosystems is of vital importance in all phases of fire management including fire prevention, presuppression, suppression and fire use. This paper deals with an experimental burning exercise conducted in the Mediterranean region in Turkey. A series of 18 experimental fires were carried out in tall maquis fuels in Asar District, Antalya, southwestern Turkey. The site was selected for its structural homogeneity. But, there was an apparent variation in the fuel loadings in different plots. Weather conditions were within reasonable ranges during the burns. Wind speed ranged from 4.8 to 14.4 km h(-1), relative humidity from 16 to 76% and air temperature from 23.7 to 36 degrees C. Of the fire behavior characteristics, rate of spread ranged from 0.38 to 7.35 m min(-1), fuel consumption from 1.57 to 3.05 kg m(-2), and fire intensity from 188.72 to 5906.48 kW m(-1). Rate of spread was related to wind speed, relative humidity, moisture content of live fuels and vegetation cover. Fuel consumption was related to fuel loading and wind speed, and fire intensity was related to wind speed, moisture contents of live fuels and mean vegetation height and vegetation cover. Results obtained in this study should be invaluable in fire management planning


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    Ölü ağaç olarak bilinen dikili kuru, yatık veya devrilmiş ağaç gövdeleri orman ekosistemi içinde biyolojik süreçte oldukça önemli rol oynar. Çoğu hayvan türünün yaşam döngüsünde kısmen veya tamamen ölü ağaçlara bağımlılık sözkonusudur. Bu nedenle ölü ağaç bir orman ekosisteminde tür çeşitliliği için önemli bir indikatördür. Bu çalışmada ölü ağaçta yaşayan çok sayıdaki canlı türünden böcekler (Coleoptera) incelenmiştir. Yerli ve daha çok yabancı literatürden yararlanılarak yapılan çalışmada ölü ağaçlarda yaşayan böcekler, iğne yapraklı ölü ağaçlar ve geniş yapraklı ölü ağaçlarda yaşayan böcekler olarak iki bölümde incelenmiştir. İğne yapraklı ölü ağaçlarda 25 tür geliniş yapraklı ölü ağaçlarda ise 63 tür böcek tesbit edilmiştir. Böceklerin ölü ağaçlara yerleşmeleri; yerleşme, parçalanma ve odunun mineralizasyonu fazları olmak üzere tipik olarak üç fazda tamamlanmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Coleoptera türleri, Orman ekosistemi, Ölü ağaç

    Estimating fuel biomass of some shrub species (maquis) in Turkey

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    Regression equations were developed to estimate shrub fuel biomass of a maquis formation in western Turkey. The relationships between some shrub characteristics and live, dead, available (for consumption), and total fuel biomass were determined by simple/multiple linear regression. Measured biomass values for live, available, and total fuels varied from 0.70 to 6.74 kg m-2, from 0.78 to 3.03 kg m-2, and from 1.06 to 7.72 kg m-2, respectively. The results obtained indicated that shrub fuel biomass could be satisfactorily predicted using the regression equations generated. The resulting equations were able to account for 60% to 89% of the observed variation (P < 0.05) in the fuel biomass categories studied. The results of this study should be invaluable in many forestry disciplines, including ecology, protection, and managemen

    Some parameters affecting fire behavior in Anatolian black pine slash

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    This study presents and discusses the results of a fire behavior study conducted in Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. nigra var. caramanica (Loudon) Rehder) slash. A total of 30 experimental fires were conducted over 3 years under varying weather and fuel loading conditions in aging slash. Relationships between fire behavior and fuel properties and weather conditions were determined with correlation and regression analyses. Spread rate, fuel consumption, and fire intensity were all related to fuel properties and weather, and ranged from 0.2 to 3.1 m min(-1), from 0.71 to 6.65 kg m(-2), and from 14.05 to 3961.46 kW m(-1), respectively. Fuel loading ranged from 1.56 kg m(-2) to 6.96 kg m(-2). Differences in fire behavior were clearly shown to be a function of wind speed, fuel moisture, slash age, and fuel loading. Results obtained in this study should be invaluable in overall fire management practices. However, its use should be restricted to the range of conditions within which the data were gathered

    Soil organic matter, soil pH and soil nutrient dynamics in forest stands after fire

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    Fires burn, spread and release energy. The process of burning not only helps increase the decomposition of organic matters but also causes the plant nutrients bound to vegetation and organic dead material to get into soil and inflicts changes on the physical and chemical properties of soil. Changes taken place in soils and their status over time are extremely important for the success of the vegetation that will establish on the site after fire. This study presents the results of a study conducted to monitor the changes in plant nutrients and soil’s chemical properties. In the study, soil organic matter, soil reaction (pH), salinity and soil nutrients were measured. Soil reaction, N and K slightly increased after fire and decreased gradually thereafter. Other nutrients gradually decreased after fire throughout the study period. As a result, it can be said that the effect of fires on soils in areas having little or no dead surface fuels are limited, yet important


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    Yanıcı madde modelleri; Yangın amenajmanında, yangın davranışının tahmin edilmesinde, yangın tehlike oranının belirlenmesinde ve karar destek sistemlerinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yanıcı madde özelliklerine göre hazırlanan yanıcı madde haritaları ise, yangın potansiyelinin tahmin edilmesinde büyük kolaylıklar sağlamaktadır. Yanıcı madde haritaları lokal yanıcı madde durumunu yansıtır. Bunlar, yanıcı maddenin tipi, tepe ve örtüdeki yanıcı madde miktarı, toplam yanıcı madde miktarı, tüketilebilir yanıcı madde miktarı, yanıcı madde sürekliliği, gövde sayısı ve yanıcı madde tipinin arazideki dağılımıdır. Bu veriler, yangın potansiyelinin, yangın zararının ve maliyetlerinin belirlenmesinde önemli roller oynar. Bu çalışmada, yanıcı madde özelliklerine bağlı olarak hazırlanan yanıcı madde haritalarının yangın potansiyelinin belirlenmesindeki önemi üzerinde durulmaya çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yanıcı madde tipleri, Yanıcı madde haritaları, Yangın potansiyeli, Orman yangınlar

    Diurnal surface fuel moisture prediction model for Calabrian pine stands in Turkey

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    We would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to Mugla and Antalya Regional Forest Directorate and its staff. This study was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, project no. TOVAG-112O809. We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions and comments that greatly improved the manuscript.This study presents a dynamic model for the prediction of diurnal changes in the moisture content of dead surface fuels in normally stocked Calabrian pine stands under varying weather conditions. The model was developed based on several empirical relationships between moisture contents of dead surface fuels and weather variables, and calibrated using field data collected from three Calabrian stands from three different regions of Turkey (Mugla, southwest; Antalya, south; Trabzon, north-east). The model was tested and validated with independent measurements of fuel moisture from two sets of field observations made during dry and rainy periods. Model predictions showed a mean absolute error (MAE) of 1.19% for litter and 0.90% for duff at Mugla, and 3.62% for litter and 14.38% for duff at Antalya. When two rainy periods were excluded from the analysis at Antalya site, the MAE decreased from 14.38% to 4.29% and R-2 increased from 0.25 to 0.83 for duff fuels. Graphical inspection and statistical validation of the model indicated that the diurnal litter and duff moisture dynamics could be predicted reasonably. The model can easily be adapted for other similar fuel types in the Mediterranean region

    Steroid Cell Tumor of Ovary Diagnosed After Delivery; Case Report

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    Introduction: Steroid cell tumors (SCTs) constitute less than 0.1% of all ovarian tumors. They are divided into 3 categories according to cell of origin: Stromal Luteoma arising from stromal cells of the ovary, Leydig cell tumor arising from Leydig cells, and SCT not otherwise specified (NOS) when the origin of the tumor is not defined. Case Presentation: Herein is presented a case of SCT diagnosed one month after a caesarian section delivery of a female fetus with ambiguous genitalia. The patient was admitted to the emergency department with the findings of acute abdomen, and surgery was performed under emergency conditions. The patient had virilization and hoarsening of the voice before surgery. Intraoperatively, a 21-cm ovarian mass was detected and resected with unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Conclusion: A histopathological examination of the tumor showed a tumor with cystic degeneration, necrosis, hemorrhage, and tumoral embolism. The pathological examination revealed ovarian SCT. Virilization was resolved immediately after the surgery. In women with virilization who give birth to a fetus with ambiguous genitalia, SCTs should be kept in mind