4,638 research outputs found

    c-theorem of the entanglement entropy

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    We holographically investigate the renormalization group flow in a two-dimensional conformal field theory deformed by a relevant operator. If the relevant operator allows another fixed point, the UV conformal field theory smoothly flows to a new IR conformal field theory. From the holographic point of view, such a renormalization group flow can be realized as a dual geometry interpolating two different AdS boundaries. On this interpolating geometry, we investigate how the c-function of the entanglement entropy behaves along the RG flow analyt- ically and numerically, which reproduces the expected central charges of UV and IR. We also show that the c-function monotonically decreases from UV to IR without any phase transition.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum correlation in quark-gluon medium

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    We study thermodynamics and quantum correlations of the string cloud geometry whose field theory dual is the quark-gluon medium. We found the novel universality of the entanglement entropy first law in the high quark density limit. We also showed that a correlation function generally decreases as the entanglement entropy of the background medium increases due to the screening effect of the background. We study the UV and IR effects of the medium on phase transition behaviour observed in the holographic mutual information using both perturbative and numerical computations. Moreover, by numerical computation, we show that in the IR region the critical length obtained from the mutual information behaves similar to the correlation length of the two-point function.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, reference added, minor change

    Fermi Surface Spin Texture and Topological Superconductivity in Spin-Orbit Free Non-Collinear Antiferromagnets

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    We explore the relationship among the magnetic ordering in real space, the resulting spin texture on the Fermi surface, and the related superconducting gap structure in non-collinear antiferromagnetic metals without spin-orbit coupling. Via a perturbative approach, we show that a non-collinear magnetic ordering in a metal can generate a momentum-dependent spin texture on its Fermi surface, even in the absence of spin-orbit coupling, if the metal has more than three sublattices in its magnetic unit cell. Thus, our theory naturally extends the idea of altermagnetism to non-collinear spin structures. When superconductivity is developed in a magnetic metal, as the gap-opening condition is strongly constrained by the spin texture, the nodal structure of the superconducting state is also enforced by the magnetism-induced spin texture. Taking the non-collinear antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice as a representative example, we demonstrate how the Fermi surface spin texture induced by noncollinear antiferromagnetism naturally leads to odd-parity spin-triplet superconductivity with nontrivial topological properties

    Holography Transformer

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    We have constructed a generative artificial intelligence model to predict dual gravity solutions when provided with the input of holographic entanglement entropy. The model utilized in our study is based on the transformer algorithm, widely used for various natural language tasks including text generation, summarization, and translation. This algorithm possesses the ability to understand the meanings of input and output sequences by utilizing multi-head attention layers. In the training procedure, we generated pairs of examples consisting of holographic entanglement entropy data and their corresponding metric solutions. Once the model has completed the training process, it demonstrates the ability to generate predictions regarding a dual geometry that corresponds to the given holographic entanglement entropy. Subsequently, we proceed to validate the dual geometry to confirm its correspondence with the holographic entanglement entropy data.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, add references (version 2), add some comment (version 3
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