7 research outputs found
The sustainable delivery of sexual violence prevention education in schools
Sexual violence is a crime that cannot be ignored: it causes our communities significant
consequences including heavy economic costs, and evidence of its effects can be seen in our
criminal justice system, public health system, Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC),
and education system, particularly in our schools. Many agencies throughout New Zealand
work to end sexual violence. Auckland-based Rape Prevention Education: Whakatu Mauri
(RPE) is one such agency, and is committed to preventing sexual violence by providing a
range of programmes and initiatives, information, education, and advocacy to a broad range
of audiences.
Up until early 2014 RPE employed one or two full-time positions dedicated to co-ordinating
and training a large pool (up to 15) of educators on casual contracts to deliver their main
school-based programmes, BodySafe – approximately 450 modules per year, delivered to
some 20 high schools. Each year several of the contract educators, many of whom were
tertiary students, found secure full time employment elsewhere. To retain sufficient
contract educators to deliver its BodySafe contract meant that RPE had to recruit, induct
and train new educators two to three times every year. This model was expensive, resource
intense, and ultimately untenable. The Executive Director and core staff at RPE wanted to
develop a more efficient and stable model of delivery that fitted its scarce resources.
To enable RPE to know what the most efficient model was nationally and internationally,
with Ministry of Justice funding, RPE commissioned Massey University to undertake this
report reviewing national and international research on sexual violence prevention
education (SVPE). [Background from Executive Summary.]Rape Prevention Education: Whakatu Maur
Does grooming facilitate the development of Stockholm syndrome? The social work practice implications
INTRODUCTION: This article focuses on the problem of risk instrumentalism in social work and the way it can erode the relationship-based nature of practice and with it, the kinds of critical reflexivity required for remedial interventions to keep children safe. METHOD: By exploring the relationship between the process of grooming and the condition known as Stockholm syndrome, the article seeks to address this problem by offering some concepts to inform a critical understanding of the case dynamics in the sexual abuse of children which can explain the reluctance of victim-survivors to disclose. FINDINGS: Beginning with an overview of the development of actuarial risk assessment (ARA) tools the article examines the grooming process in child sexual abuse contexts raising the question: “Is grooming a facilitator of Stockholm syndrome?” and seeks to answer it by examining the precursors and psychological responses that constitute both grooming and Stockholm syndrome. CONCLUSION: The article identifies the underlying concepts that enable an understanding of the dynamics of child sexual abuse, but also identifies the propensity of practitioners to be exposed to some of the features of Stockholm syndrome.falsePublished onlin
Memory of cell shape biases stochastic fate decision-making despite mitotic rounding
Cell shape influences function, and the current model suggests that such shape effect is transient. However, cells dynamically change their shapes, thus, the critical question is whether shape information remains influential on future cell function even after the original shape is lost. We address this question by integrating experimental and computational approaches. Quantitative live imaging of asymmetric cell-fate decision-making and their live shape manipulation demonstrates that cellular eccentricity of progenitor cell indeed biases stochastic fate decisions of daughter cells despite mitotic rounding. Modelling and simulation indicates that polarized localization of Delta protein instructs by the progenitor eccentricity is an origin of the bias. Simulation with varying parameters predicts that diffusion rate and abundance of Delta molecules quantitatively influence the bias. These predictions are experimentally validated by physical and genetic methods, showing that cells exploit a mechanism reported herein to influence their future fates based on their past shape despite dynamic shape changes