28 research outputs found

    Prikaz knjige o rapskom plemstvu

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    DuÅ”an Mlacović: Građani plemići: pad i uspon rapskog plemstva, Leykam international, Zagreb, 2008

    The Population of Bakar According to the Census of 1775

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    U radu se raŔčlanjuje i prikazuje druÅ”tvena struktura grada Bakra na temelju popisa stanovniÅ”tva iz 1775. godine. Polazeći od tog izvora, pojedinačno, cilj je utvrditi sastav i uređenje obitelji i kućanstva te njihova vitalna demografska obilježja. DruÅ”tvena struktura obrađena je kroz prevladavajući sastav tipa obitelji; od pučana preko duhovnog staleža do plemstva. Građanstvo nije zasebno iskazano. Također, analizira se gospodarska struktura i zaključuje kakav je njen utjecaj na bakarske obitelji krajem XVIII. stoljeća. U ovoj povijesnodemografskoj analizi ističu se pokazatelji koji se mogu smatrati lokalnim specifičnostima.The paper analyses and presents the social structure of the city of Bakar according to the census of 1775. The census was conducted in pre-statistic times and belongs to the group of static historical-demographic analyses with the following main features: instantaneousness, comprehensiveness and individuality. Starting from this source, we determined the structure and organisation of family and household, as well as their vital demographic features. Based on these factors, we concluded that simple nuclear family type and young population (according to the number of children recorded) had prevailed in Bakar. Social structure was analysed through the prevailing types of family structure ā€“ from plebeians and clergy to aristocracy. Bourgeoisie was not pointed out separately. Furthermore, the economic structure was analysed; it was concluded what kind of influence it had exercised at the end of the XVIIIth century on the families in Bakar. The beginning of industrialisation and economy in progress ensured the preconditions for an increased number and choice of professions, which made the city of Bakar rather appealing to live and work in. In this historical and demographic analysis, there were factors indicating to what might be understood as locally specific qualities

    Secular clergy and religious orders in Zadar according to the official report of 1811

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    Autor je na temelju izvornoga arhivskog gradiva i tiskanih izvora prikazao crkveno stanje Zadarske nadbiskupije za vrijeme francuske uprave po službenom iskazu iz 1811. godine. Zadarska crkva promatrana je kroz smjenu vlasti u Dalmaciji od mletačke, prve austrijske do francuske vlasti. Donose se podatci o nadbiskupu, glavi zadarske Crkve, potom podatci članova Prvostolnog kaptola, dvaju kolegijatnih zborova, mirskog svećenstva te muÅ”kog i ženskog redovniÅ”tva. Iskazani podatci iz obrađenih izvora prilog su poznavanju crkvene hijerarhije tri desetljeća prije objave prvih dijecezanskih shematizama. Ukazuje se značaj i uloga svećenstva i redovniÅ”tva u Zadru te koju je ulogu imala zadarska Crkva u cjelokupnom crkvenom ustrojstvu onodobne pokrajine Dalmacije.When French rule was established, the city of Zadar was the capital of Dalmatia. It had first acted as the seat of the diocese, later of the archdiocese, while as of 1154, it was the seat of the Metropolitanate of North Dalmatia. Since the earliest days, there was a canonical assembly established within the cathedral-dominated chapter of Zadar. The city had a clergy large in number, as well as both male and female monastic communities. These ecclesiastic institutions had been preserved in Zadar, with some changes, throughout the Napoleon rule. At that time, the archbishop of Zadar was Josip Grgur Scotti, an emphatic follower of the new authority, which had nominated him for this position. The cathedral-dominated chapter acted in full complement, being composed of eminent priests originating from both the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie of Zadar. Monastic communities operated pursuant to the rules of their respective orders and kept the old class structure. The clergy of the Zadar Diocese at the beginning of the 19th century was ununiform social- and culture-wise. The city clergy, originating from both the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie, was raised and educated in an urban cultural milieu. It thereby differed from the village clergy not only by education, but also by the level of communication and operation. Thereby, the structure of the clergy offers a social picture regarding town versus village, which further reflects a realistic social picture showing the class division