12 research outputs found

    Introducing BEREL: BERT Embeddings for Rabbinic-Encoded Language

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    We present a new pre-trained language model (PLM) for Rabbinic Hebrew, termed Berel (BERT Embeddings for Rabbinic-Encoded Language). Whilst other PLMs exist for processing Hebrew texts (e.g., HeBERT, AlephBert), they are all trained on modern Hebrew texts, which diverges substantially from Rabbinic Hebrew in terms of its lexicographical, morphological, syntactic and orthographic norms. We demonstrate the superiority of Berel on Rabbinic texts via a challenge set of Hebrew homographs. We release the new model and homograph challenge set for unrestricted use

    Large Pre-Trained Models with Extra-Large Vocabularies: A Contrastive Analysis of Hebrew BERT Models and a New One to Outperform Them All

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    We present a new pre-trained language model (PLM) for modern Hebrew, termed AlephBERTGimmel, which employs a much larger vocabulary (128K items) than standard Hebrew PLMs before. We perform a contrastive analysis of this model against all previous Hebrew PLMs (mBERT, heBERT, AlephBERT) and assess the effects of larger vocabularies on task performance. Our experiments show that larger vocabularies lead to fewer splits, and that reducing splits is better for model performance, across different tasks. All in all this new model achieves new SOTA on all available Hebrew benchmarks, including Morphological Segmentation, POS Tagging, Full Morphological Analysis, NER, and Sentiment Analysis. Subsequently we advocate for PLMs that are larger not only in terms of number of layers or training data, but also in terms of their vocabulary. We release the new model publicly for unrestricted use

    A Prediction Model of Autism Spectrum Diagnosis from Well-Baby Electronic Data Using Machine Learning

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    Early detection of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is crucial for timely intervention, yet diagnosis typically occurs after age three. This study aimed to develop a machine learning model to predict ASD diagnosis using infants’ electronic health records obtained through a national screening program and evaluate its accuracy. A retrospective cohort study analyzed health records of 780,610 children, including 1163 with ASD diagnoses. Data encompassed birth parameters, growth metrics, developmental milestones, and familial and post-natal variables from routine wellness visits within the first two years. Using a gradient boosting model with 3-fold cross-validation, 100 parameters predicted ASD diagnosis with an average area under the ROC curve of 0.86 (SD < 0.002). Feature importance was quantified using the Shapley Additive explanation tool. The model identified a high-risk group with a 4.3-fold higher ASD incidence (0.006) compared to the cohort (0.001). Key predictors included failing six milestones in language, social, and fine motor domains during the second year, male gender, parental developmental concerns, non-nursing, older maternal age, lower gestational age, and atypical growth percentiles. Machine learning algorithms capitalizing on preventative care electronic health records can facilitate ASD screening considering complex relations between familial and birth factors, post-natal growth, developmental parameters, and parent concern

    Partogram of Grandmultiparous Parturients: A Multicenter Cohort Study

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    Sparse and conflicting data exist regarding the normal partogram of grand-multiparous (GMP, defined as parity of 6+) parturients. Customized partograms may potentially lower cesarean delivery rates for protraction disorders in this population. In this study, we aim to construct a normal labor curve of GMP women and compare it to the multiparous (MP, defined as parity of 2–5) partogram. We conducted a multicenter retrospective cohort analysis of deliveries between the years 2003 and 2019. Eligible parturients were the trials of labor of singletons ≥37 + 0 weeks in cephalic presentation with ≥2 documented cervical examinations during labor. Exclusion criteria were elective cesarean delivery without a trial of labor, preterm labor, major fetal anomalies, and fetal demise. GMP comprised the study group while the MP counterparts were the control group. A total of 78,292 deliveries met the inclusion criteria, comprising 10,532 GMP and 67,760 MP parturients. Our data revealed that during the first stage of labor, cervical dilation progressed at similar rates in MPs and GMPs, while head descent was a few minutes faster in GMPs compared to MPs, regardless of epidural anesthesia. The second stage of labor was faster in GMPs compared to MPs; the 95th percentile of the second stage duration of GMPs (48 min duration) was 43 min less than that of MPs (91 min duration). These findings remained similar among deliveries with and without epidural analgesia or labor induction. We conclude that GMPs’ and MPs’ cervical dilation progression in the active phase of labor was similar, and the second stage of labor was shorter in GMPs, regardless of epidural use. Thus, GMPs’ uterus function during labor corresponds, and possibly surpasses, that of MPs. These findings indicate that health providers can use the standard partogram of the active phase of labor when caring for GMP parturients

    Transporting an Artificial Intelligence Model to Predict Emergency Cesarean Delivery: Overcoming Challenges Posed by Interfacility Variation

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    Research using artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine is expected to significantly influence the practice of medicine and the delivery of health care in the near future. However, for successful deployment, the results must be transported across health care facilities. We present a cross-facilities application of an AI model that predicts the need for an emergency caesarean during birth. The transported model showed benefit; however, there can be challenges associated with interfacility variation in reporting practices

    NICU Admission for Term Neonates in a Large Single-Center Population: A Comprehensive Assessment of Risk Factors Using a Tandem Analysis Approach

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    Objective: Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission among term neonates is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, as well as high healthcare costs. A comprehensive NICU admission risk assessment using an integrated statistical approach for this rare admission event may be used to build a risk calculation algorithm for this group of neonates prior to delivery. Methods: A single-center case–control retrospective study was conducted between August 2005 and December 2019, including in-hospital singleton live born neonates, born at ≥37 weeks’ gestation. Analyses included univariate and multivariable models combined with the machine learning gradient-boosting model (GBM). The primary aim of the study was to identify and quantify risk factors and causes of NICU admission of term neonates. Results: During the study period, 206,509 births were registered at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center. After applying the study exclusion criteria, 192,527 term neonates were included in the study; 5292 (2.75%) were admitted to the NICU. The NICU admission risk was significantly higher (ORs [95%CIs]) for offspring of nulliparous women (1.19 [1.07, 1.33]), those with diabetes mellitus or hypertensive complications of pregnancy (2.52 [2.09, 3.03] and 1.28 [1.02, 1.60] respectively), and for those born during the 37th week of gestation (2.99 [2.63, 3.41]; p < 0.001 for all), adjusted for congenital malformations and genetic syndromes. A GBM to predict NICU admission applied to data prior to delivery showed an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.750 (95%CI 0.743–0.757) and classified 27% as high risk and 73% as low risk. This risk stratification was significantly associated with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. Conclusion: The present study identified NICU admission risk factors for term neonates; along with the machine learning ranking of the risk factors, the highly predictive model may serve as a basis for individual risk calculation algorithm prior to delivery. We suggest that in the future, this type of planning of the delivery will serve different health systems, in both high- and low-resource environments, along with the NICU admission or transfer policy