2,102 research outputs found

    Carrie Chapman Catt Returns to Iowa State College

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    If anyone had told the tall, blue-eyed, fun-loving young graduate of Iowa State during her first year of teaching at Sigourney, Iowa, that she would some day return to her Alma Mater to deliver the annual commencement address, she most likely would have enjoyed a good laugh at their erpense. But fate entered so romantically into the life of Carrie Land that she is no longer the teacher of Sigourney but she is the world famous Carrie Chapman Catt, the international leader in the woman\u27s movement

    Itemizing the Dispensable and Indispensable

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    Yes, there really are such things and people do actually keep them. They are not merely a theory, propounded by some deep-thinking, serious-minded personage with a great love for mathematics and a particular aptitude for figuring out Chinese puzzles. No, they are a practical thing and are being put to the test every day by wholesome, wide awake, fun-loving people who also have an appreciative sense of the value of a dollar

    Historic Costume the Mother of Modern Vogue

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    That this period of modern smartness should be an adaptation from the darkness of a buried age, and should breathe an essence of Egyptian grace, Grecian leisure and Roman luxury, is a revelation that seems at once unique and great. And yet, would milady but stop to consider, she would realize that this fact is not indeed so unusual nor so extraordinary. For, even tho the quaint frock of simple line, with the lotus-flower design, and the lovely evening wrap with its Grecian drapes which she purchased from Madame, and the quaint strapped pumps of gold brocade, seem strange and fascinating, they are in reality only an expression of the influence ancient art and historic decoration have had for all time upon artistic development

    Home Made Toys for Tiny Tots

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    A bit of yarn, a piece or two of faded old gingham, a yard or so of unbleached muslin and lo-as though some fairy had waved her magic wand, the Christmas tree is turned into a fascinating bower from which peep characters of fairyland and Mother Goose fame

    What Do You Choose in Table Service?

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    In the modern household what is more essential, what is more often used and what lends more to a tempting looking meal than china? And it is often so that china is an item that is left .to the last to be decided upon for the home. The luncheon sets are made, the table linens purchased and then there is a frantic search for china to match them, when in reality the procedure should be just r e· versed. After carefully.thinking over what type of china one likes best, what sort of meals one will be most apt to serve and what sort would go best with them at all times, one should buy the dishes and then make the luncheon sets and table linens match the dishes

    Utilizing Nature in Entertaining

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    Fall, the most glorious time of the year! Isn\u27t it just an ideal season, not only to begin new activities and duties, such as school and business, but also to be happy and to make others happy? And the very best way to do this is to entertain

    From Third Floor Back to Front Line Rank - Growth of Home Economics at Iowa State

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    From a room, third-floor back, and tucked far away in the rear of one of the dormitories, to the long two staired red brick building now standing, is a scale by which the progress of home economics at Iowa State College may be measured. Standing as it does the best and most famous of all schools offering collegiate courses in home economics, Iowa State presents an interesting aspect in reviewing the history of its growth, progress and development

    An Appreciation of the Life of Dean MacKay

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    The loss of a woman like Dean Catherine J . Mac Kay is felt, not only by the group with which she is most intimately connected, but by people all over the state and nation. In this symposium we have collected a few words of appreciation from representative people, who have realized the influence of Dean MacKay\u27s personality and ideals in their own lives and in the work with which they are connected

    Why I Came to Iowa State

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    Why go to Iowa State? It\u27s a school for men

    Senior Recital

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