16 research outputs found
Appendix A. Supporting material including a detailed description of methods; one table summarizing relevant variables used to calculate metabolism and nutrient uptake; and five figures showing location of Ivishak Spring; ER and GPP vs. day of the year; summary of daily PAR, air temperature, and water temperature; GPP, ER, NEP vs. water temperature; and seasonal patterns of organic matter biomass and DOC concentration.
Supporting material including a detailed description of methods; one table summarizing relevant variables used to calculate metabolism and nutrient uptake; and five figures showing location of Ivishak Spring; ER and GPP vs. day of the year; summary of daily PAR, air temperature, and water temperature; GPP, ER, NEP vs. water temperature; and seasonal patterns of organic matter biomass and DOC concentration
Appendix B. Supplementary photographs of experimental enrichment system and enclosures.
Supplementary photographs of experimental enrichment system and enclosures
Appendix A. Added nutrient concentrations and supplementary results, including AIC model results, the number of larvae recovered during the enclosure study for each stream, and the number of larvae captured during CMR. Additionally, average body size of E. wilderae in each treatment stream and its relationship with added and measured phosphorus concentrations is included.
Added nutrient concentrations and supplementary results, including AIC model results, the number of larvae recovered during the enclosure study for each stream, and the number of larvae captured during CMR. Additionally, average body size of E. wilderae in each treatment stream and its relationship with added and measured phosphorus concentrations is included
Appendix A. Fish and crustacean species sampled in this study with common names in English and Kosraean, trophic guild, and number of replicates analyzed for stable isotope ratios from the four estuaries sampled.
Fish and crustacean species sampled in this study with common names in English and Kosraean, trophic guild, and number of replicates analyzed for stable isotope ratios from the four estuaries sampled
Appendix B. Mean 13C, 15N, and 34S values (± 1 SE where n>1) for organic matter sources and consumer species sampled from the catchments and estuaries of the Finkol, Okat, Yela, and Yeseng rivers, Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, September–December, 2000.
Mean 13C, 15N, and 34S values (± 1 SE where n>1) for organic matter sources and consumer species sampled from the catchments and estuaries of the Finkol, Okat, Yela, and Yeseng rivers, Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, September–December, 2000
Appendix C. Ranges of feasible percent contributions (1–99 percentile) of five dominant organic matter sources to carbon and sulfur assimilated by fishes and Scylla serrata from the four estuaries on Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, September–December, 2000 based on 13C and 34S and IsoSource source partitioning software.
Ranges of feasible percent contributions (1–99 percentile) of five dominant organic matter sources to carbon and sulfur assimilated by fishes and Scylla serrata from the four estuaries on Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia, September–December, 2000 based on 13C and 34S and IsoSource source partitioning software
Appendix B. Supplementary results: Shredder biomass in maple and rhododendron litter bags during PRE, YR1, and YR2 as a function of litter C:N and C:P.
Supplementary results: Shredder biomass in maple and rhododendron litter bags during PRE, YR1, and YR2 as a function of litter C:N and C:P
Appendix B. Fungal biomass and microbial respiration data associated with incubated leaf litter.
Fungal biomass and microbial respiration data associated with incubated leaf litter
Appendix A. Additional path model results, including weight of support for each of the models tested, model performance when specific parameters were removed from path models, selected single-year model path coefficients, and unstandardized path coefficients for overall models.
Additional path model results, including weight of support for each of the models tested, model performance when specific parameters were removed from path models, selected single-year model path coefficients, and unstandardized path coefficients for overall models