80 research outputs found

    Valoração contingente da Ãrea de Proteção Ambiental (APA) São José – MG: um estudo de caso

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    The São José Environmental Protection Area (EPA) in the State of Minas Gerais has a rich natural and historical patrimony. However, in spite of its value and of being a protection area since 1981, it has now suffering several degradations. In that sense, the major objective of this work is to value São José EPA with the purpose of supplying subsidies for the elaboration and attainment of public and private projects of preservation or sustainable exploration of the referred asset, as well as for public policy directed to its administration. As valuation method, it was used the contingent valuation through the approach of Hanemann (1984) and the bootstrapping method to obtain a monthly willingness-to-pay (WTP) per family of the municipal districts that compose São José EPA of R22,88,witharelativelylowstandarderror,R22,88, with a relatively low standard-error, R3,25. As for the reliability of the estimate measure, stands out the concern of the present work in trying to avoid or to minimize the bias that usually happen in researches of environmental valuation.São José EPA, contingent valuation, environmental valuation, willingness-to-pay., Agribusiness, Q, Q5, Q56,


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    The early entrance to the job market has, among other consequences, a negative effect on the health status of the individual. In 2008, nearly a sixth of the Brazilian population claimed to have started working before the age of 10 and over a third reported to have started working between 10 and 15 years old. This paper aims to investigate the effect of early entrance to the job market on the current health status of the individual. The database provided by the National Survey by Household Sampling (PNAD) for 2008 was used to reach the objective of this paper. The analysis was conducted at national and regional extent using Ordered Logit method. It was evident that delaying entrance to the job market impacts positively on the current state of health. Moreover, it was found that the educational level and personal income increase the likelihood of the individual presenting a better state of health. Distinct effects of these variables on health status were also found when we took into account the regional context. The Southeast and South showed the most severe impacts of child labor on health, as well as the best results in terms of the impact of education and personal income on health status. In contrast, the North and Northeast regions showed the greatest gender disparities related to health status


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    Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, analisar o padrão e o grau de integração dos mercados de suínos nos diferentes estados brasileiros, no período de janeiro de 1980 a março de 2005. foram analisados aspectos relacionados à forma de relacionamento entre eles e à determinação dos mercados mais ou menos integrados. além do mais, analisaram-se os fatores que determinam o grau de integração entre esses mercados. O método utilizado neste estudo foi o de séries temporais, mais especificamente a análise de co-integração multivariada de modo geral, observou-se que o mercado brasileiro de suínos apresentou grande dinamismo em relação ao comportamento dos preços nas diferentes localidades que compõem o mercado, considerando que todos os ajustes ocorreram relativamente rápido, ou seja, num período de menos de três meses. Em relação à análise dos determinantes do grau de integração no mercado brasileiro de suínos, pode-se dizer que há uma relação direta entre as localidades que possuem maior acesso à infra-estrutura de comunicação, melhores níveis educacionais e melhor infra-estrutura de transporte com o grau de integração, o que permite inferir que há um relacionamento entre o nível de desenvolvimento econômico e social dos estados e o grau de integração. Portanto, medidas direcionadas à melhoria da infra-estrutura de transporte e comunicação, além do aumento do nível educacional da população, podem contribuir para o aumento do grau de relacionamento entre as localidades do mercado e, dessa forma, aumentar sua eficiência e competitividade.---------------------------------------------The objectives of this work were to analyze swine market integration in different brazilian states from january 1980 through march 2005. Aspects related to market interrelationship, and determination of more or less integrated markets were analyzed, as well as the factors determining the degree of integration among these markets. The method used in this study was that of temporal series, more specifically, multivariate co-integration analysis. Overall, it was observed that the brazilian swine market showed great vitality regarding price behavior in the different localities studied, considering that all the adjustments occurred relatively fast, i.e., within a period shorter than three months. with regard to the analysis of the determinants of the degree of integration in the brazilian swine market, one can state that there is a direct relationship between the localities possessing greater access to communication infrastructure, better educational levels and better transport infrastructure and degree of integration, allowing to infer that there is a relationship between the level of economic and social development and degree of integration of the states. Therefore, measures directed to improving transport and communication infrastructure, as well as increasing the educational level of the population may contribute to increased degree of relationship among the market localities, leading to enhanced efficiency and competitivity.Integração de mercado, suínos e co-integração multivariada, Market integration, swine e multivariate co-integration, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    Analisou-se a elasticidade de transmissão de preços e a formação espacial entre as principais regiões produtoras de leite do Brasil, no período de 1997 a 2005, pela análise de co-integração, e pelo Modelo Vetorial de Correção de Erro (VEC). Os resultados evidenciaram que a variação de 1% nos preços recebidos pelos produtores de leite de Minas Gerais leva a uma variação de 0,38%, 0,72%, 0,93% e 0,26% nos preços em São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná e Goiás, respectivamente. Pela estimação do VEC os coeficientes do Paraná e São Paulo, em módulo, foram comparativamente maiores aos demais. São Paulo foi menos interdependente, indicando comportamento mais isolado no padrão de liderança preço. Verificou-se que, com o passar dos meses os preços de Minas Gerais, explica grande proporção da variabilidade dos preços de leite ao produtor dos estados, corroborando a importância relativa do estado na formação espacial de preços deste mercado. ----------------------------------------------It was analyzed elasticity of transmission of prices and the space formation enters the main milk producing regions of Brazil, in the period of 1997 the 2005, for the analysis of co-integration, and the Vectorial Model of Correction of Error (VEC). The results had evidenced respectively that the variation of 1% in the value receiveds for the producers of milk of Minas Gerais leads to a variation of 0,38%, 0.72%, 0.93% and 0.26% in the prices in São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Goiás. For the esteem of the VEC the coefficients of the Paraná and São Paulo, in module, had been comparativily bigger to excessively. São Paulo was less interdependent, indicating more isolated behavior in the leadership standard price. The relative importance of the state in the space formation of prices of this market was verified that, with passing of the months the prices of Minas Gerais, explain great ratio of the variability of the prices of milk to the producer of the states, corroborating.Leite, Comercialização Agrícola, Transmissão de Preços, Milk, Agricultural Commercialization, Transmission of Prices, Livestock Production/Industries,

    A exclusão social de mulheres jovens, com idade entre 15 a 24 anos, no mercado de trabalho no Brasil

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    Vários fatores como escolaridade, renda per capita, experiência, maternidade, raça, dentre outros, têm contribuído para a exclusão de mulheres jovens no mercado de trabalho. O objetivo deste artigo é identificar a situação das mulheres jovens, com idade entre 15 e 24 anos, no mercado de trabalho brasileiro em 2005. Estimou-se um modelo logit multinomial para as probabilidades das jovens encontrarem, em determinado período de tempo, em uma das seguintes ocupações: inativo, ativo e empregado, ou ativo e desempregado. Verificou-se que, o aumento da escolaridade e experiência diminui as probabilidades de emprego e desemprego e aumenta a probabilidade inatividade. A renda per capita relaciona-se positivamente com as probabilidades de inatividade e empregado e negativamente com o desemprego. A variável experiência e escolaridade não se mostrou significativa para as categorias empregada e desempregada e a probabilidade da inatividade foi estatisticamente significativo e decrescente. O fato de a jovem possuir filho, diminui a probabilidade de ela estar empregada e aumenta a probabilidade de desemprego. Com relação à probabilidade de desemprego, observam-se indícios de existência de discriminação racial contra mulheres jovens que não são da cor branca. Finalmente, residir na zona urbana consiste em fator negativo para a jovem fazer parte do mercado de trabalho. -------------------------------Multiple factors such as education, income per capita, experience, motherhood, race, among others, have contributed to the exclusion of young women in the labour market. The objective of this article is to identify the situation of young women, aged between 15 and 24 years, the labour market in Brazil 2005. Estimated to be a multinomial logit model to the likelihood of young people find in certain period of time, in one of the following occupations: idle, and active employee, or active and unemployed. It was found that the increase of schooling and experience reduces the chances of employment and unemployment and increases the likelihood downtime. Per capita income is positively related with the likelihood of downtime and employee and negatively with unemployment. The variable experience and schooling was not significant for categories employed and unemployed and the likelihood of downtime was statistically significant and decreasing. The fact that the couple have children reduces the likelihood of it being used and increases the likelihood of unemployment. Regarding the likelihood of unemployment, there is evidence of the existence of racial discrimination against young women who are not white. Finally, reside in the urban area is to negative factor for the couple to be part of the labour market.ercado de trabalho, mulheres jovens, emprego, exclusão social, desemprego, labour market, young women, employment, social exclusion, unemployment, Labor and Human Capital,

    Integração espacial de mercados na presença de custos de transação: um estudo para o mercado de boi gordo em Minas Gerais e São Paulo

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    The analysis of market integration of agricultural commodities based on price information are limited because the effects of transaction costs are not considered in the adjustment process. The main objective of this paper was to estimate the possible transaction costs impacts on market integration of beef cattle between the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo. It was estimated a Threshold Vector Error Correction Model (TVEC model) using monthly price data for the period from January 1972 to August 2005. The results indicated the presence of threshold cointegration implying that transaction costs have important effect on the price adjustment process.market integration, transaction costs, beef cattle, TVEC model, threshold cointegration., Agribusiness, Q13, C32,


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    The present work had as its main objective to identify and characterize milk production systems through methods of multivaried statistical analysis. Factorial analysis, cluster, discriminant and canonical correlation were utilized. The production gradation and defrayal were the main classification criterium among the productors. Combining the results obtained with the cluster analysis and the canonical correlation analysis, the second classification analysis aggregates the grazing lands and the care with the flock health. Three productors groups were identified, among which the first one is prominent for aggregating about 90% of the total analyzed and is composed by relatively smaller productors. The discriminant analysis and the measuring among financial indicators confirm such classification.multivaried analysis, milk cattle raising, Minas Gerais., Livestock Production/Industries, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    The Brazilian agricultural sector is characterized by a great diversity of production systems subject to a wide number of risk factors. These risks cannot be completely eliminated, but they can be minimized by the adoption of some strategies, such as diversification of agricultural and livestock activities. In this light, a comparative analysis, under operational and market risk conditions, of the financial viability of integrated crop-livestock systems, in relation to systems characterized by grain exploitation or specialized in livestock (beef cattle), was done. The methodology included data on farming in Paraná state, especially the in area of Guarapuava. Long term financial indicators were generated: net present value, internal return rate and cost-benefit analysis. The results show that, in both deterministic and uncertain conditions, the integrated system generates the best financial results.farming system, financial indicators, probabilities, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization,

    Preço de reserva e "caronas" para o bem público: área de proteção ambiental (APA) São José - MG

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    Despite the importance of its ecosystem and being an environmental preservation area, the São José Environmental Protection Area (EPA) in the State of Minas Gerais has shown deterioration in recent years. Because of this, public policy becomes relevant to São José EPA´s conservation. Given to the difficulty of obtaining the true current benefits of those policies, the present article aimed at: a) to estimating benefit´s public policy obtaining of medium reservation's price, starting from the contingent valuation; e b) to analyzing the "free riders" in the demand for the improvement and preservation of EPA. It was possible to notice the "free riders's" existence, because people that enjoy the benefits of EPA are not willing to contribute for its preservation. As for reservation's price, it was obtained a monthly medium value quite significant of R$22,88, indicating that the population recognizes São José EPA as an important patrimony able to supply valuable environmental services.Public goods, São José EPA, “Free Rider" problem, Reservation price, Environmental Economics and Policy,


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    Foot and mouth disease (FMD) has been a problem for the Brazilian livestock since the XIX century. Once it affects the livestock productivity and has always been a problem for the country exports due to the imposition of sanitary barriers. In 1992, when no state was free from FMD, the National Program for Eradication of FMD (PNEFA) was implemented. Since then good results has been obtained with control and eradication of the disease in some states. However, in other states the problem still persists. It is important to determine why some states have faced difficulties in reaching the status of free from FMD while others not. This work aimed to identify the factors which discriminate the populations of states free from FMD from those not free. The results showed that the private efforts in controlling the disease are the most important variables for differentiating the states free from the non-free ones, together with the lack of public investment. The bad climatic conditions of most of the non-free states seem to contribute to the lack of interest to eradicate the disease. It is suggested attention of the authorities in relation to the state of Alagoas which has presented sufficient scores to be considered free from FMD.foot and mouth disease, Brazil, discriminant analysis, livestock, PNEFA.,