158 research outputs found

    Political Implication in “Sepha Khun Chang - Khun Phaen”

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    This research is a study of the political implications in the Vajirayan Royal Library version of “Sepha Khun Chang - Khun Phaen”. It aims to provide an explanation on the political implications, which appeared in the text and the context, and the political agenda that prompted the revision and publication of this literature in 1917 by utilising detailed interpretation of the text and contextual analysis. This research shows that the body of the Vajirayan Royal Library version of “Sepha Khun Chang - Khun Phaen” can be portrayed as a social reality that highlights the correlation between the people of different classes in the social hierarchy. The literature also covers the concept of loyalty, especially that of the government officials to the royal institute. Furthermore, once the status and role of Prince Damrong Rajanubhab, the then president of the Vajirayan Royal Library, and the Thai State’s context at that time into account, it reveals a hypothesis suggesting that the creation of this book was not by the reason “to preserve a well-versed Thai literature permanently” as the prince stated, but instead by a political reason which purposefully intended to foster people’s loyalty to the royal institute by using the aforementioned portrayal as a model. Keywords: Loyalty, Palace Revolt of 1912, Sepha Khun Chang - Khun Phae

    Supply Chain in Digital Era: Role of IT Infrastructure and Trade Digitalization in Enhancing Supply Chain Performance

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    Digitalization is knocking at the door of all industries but manufacturing industry is responding comparatively lesser than the other sectors. Poor IT infrastructure can lead towards diminishing performance at all fronts including financial, operational, marketing and supply chain. Trade digitalization can emerge as a savior in industry digitalization era. This study is focused to analyze the influence of IT standardization and integration on supply chain performance in mediating role of trade digitalization. Questionnaire-based survey was conducted in Thailand’s manufacturing industry where almost 47 firms’ employees were taken as sample and their responses were analyzed on SPSS and AMOS for statistical findings. Findings have revealed that both dimensions of IT infrastructure have significant impact on supply chain performance and mediating role of trade digitalization was also flagged significant. None of the previous studies had checked trade digitalization’s mediating role in respective relationship which was the originality of this study. Study has its implications for academia, industry and government as IT infrastructure has to be developed in not only Thailand’s industry but in all countries locating at Asian belt to enhance supply chain performance


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    Purpose: The main objective of the current study is exploring the impact of firm’s strategic orientation on the supply chain agility. In addition to that the current study has examined the impact of environmental uncertainties on the agile supply chain. Therefore, the study is among the pioneering studies on the issues. This research study contributes to the existing literature. Methodology: The research has worked on the need for analyzing the influence of supply chain and market orientation on supply chain agility of a firm so, current study has used hierarchal regression as statistical tool to answer the research questions raised in this study and research objectives envisaged in the current study. Results: The findings of the current study have provided support to with the proposed. The results have shown that the along with customer focus approach the firms are also following the production focus approach. The findings pf the study will be helpful for policy makers in understanding the issues related to integration supply chain management. In author knower this is among few pioneering studies on these issues


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    Purpose: Majority of times, it is argued that firm could face difficulty to reconfigure its processes and capture opportunities within the marketplace, without even suspecting such opportunities earlier. Methodology: Market sensing shows the routines of organization which are associated with quick learning about competitors, customers, business environment, and SC members, enabling to understand market conditions for the purpose of forecasting. Results: This study is interested in examining the relationship between supply chain performance and firm performance in the presence of firm performance. To test the hypotheses we have used the SEM-AMOS statistical technique. The findings of the study have provided support to the theoretical foundation and proposed hypothesis of the current study. Current study will be helpful for policymakers and practitioners in understanding the issues related to supply chain risk, supply chain integration and supply chain performance. In the author's knowledge this is among very few pioneering studies on this issue


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    Purpose: Given the internationalization of business today, it illustrates the importance of companies looking for overseas market opportunities for the capture of and sustainability of competitive advantage. Following the success of companies from newly developed nations such as the Far East Asian nations of the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China, Taiwan and South East Asian countries such as Singapore, emerging economies are shifting to external sector growth through export industries from the internal sector growth of import substitutes industries. Thus the current study is interested in exploring the nexus between supply chain integration, export marketing strategies and export performance of Indonesian manufacturing firms. Methodology: Employing the survey-based methodology, the SEM-PLS technique is used to test the hypothesized relationships. So, the current study has used SEM-PLS as a statistical tool to answer the research questions raised in this study and research objectives envisaged in the current study. Results: The findings of the study have provided support to the theoretical foundation and proposed hypothesis of the current study. Current study will be helpful for policymakers and practitioners in understanding the issues related to supply chain risk, supply chain integration and supply chain agility. In the author's knowledge this is among very few pioneering studies on this issue

    Role of Pressures and Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Enhancing the Operational Efficiency of Firms: Evidence from Thailand

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    The environmental challenges for business are on rise. Bearing this fact in mind current has explored the relationship between different pressures and green supply chain management practices (GSCMP). In addition current study has considered the GSCMP as a mediator. 220 respondents participated in the study and Smart-PLS was used for data analysis. Results revealed positive link between coercive, normative, mimetic pressure and GSCMP. Furthermore the study also revealed that GSCMP significantly and positively mediates the relationship between coercive, normative, mimetic pressure and operational efficiency. The study concluded that when an organization is forced through the external sources such as legislation, environment protection agencies and customers they tend to follow the GSCMP. These practices in turn lead towards the operational efficiency of the firms. The limitations and future research areas are provided in the study

    Mediating Impact of Information Sharing In the Relationship of Supply Chain Capabilities and Business Performance among the Firms of Thailand

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    Thailand is considered one of the largest exporters and producers of foods and agricultural products, and play an important role in the economic development of Thailand. However, food industry produces a high income for the country. Its supply chain system still has some problems among different parties. There are lot of factors which effect the performance of food industry’s chain. It is difficult to choose one success factor to be improved since improving one factor could lead to a positive or even a negative impact on another factor. The study purpose is to explore the relationship between supply chain capabilities and information sharing towards the business performance. The data was drawn from 220 food companies in Thailand and the measurement scale was validated using structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings show that supplies chain management capabilities have positive and significant association with business performance. Similarly, information sharing also have positive and significant association with business performance and also has mediating impact. Thus, proposed model could also provide causal-effect determinants affecting supply chain performance for enhance the supply chain strategies to meet supply chain goals and also to guide decision makers with the pertaining information for implement such strategies


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    Purpose: The basic purpose of this research is to analyze the interactive impact of IS and SCM practices factors which enable and inhibit SCM-IS on the OPER of SMEs in EC. Methodology: The key dimensions of IS and SCM practices are attempted to be identified by this research study along with the inhibiting and enabling factors related to SCM-IS. Moreover, the study is based on a set of research hypothesis, which are tested and the findings are comparatively discussed specifically to the SMEs working in Indonesia. Results: The role of practices related to IS and SCM as well as inhibitors and enablers of SCM-IS in OPER of SMEs in Emerging Countries has been examined timely relying on data obtained from executives of SMEs. The research contributes to the identified research gap on IS and SCM practices in a comparative aspect. Therefore, the study is among the pioneering studies on the issues. So, the current study has used SEM-PLS as a statistical tool to answer the research questions raised in this study and research objectives envisaged in the current study

    Mobilizing Organizational Performance through Robotic and Artificial Intelligence Awareness in Mediating Role of Supply Chain Agility

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    Tourism industry is lifeline for Thailand as this sector is contributing a lot in country’s GDP. With an increasing flux of tourists, hotel industry is bringing artificial intelligence and robotic awareness in their employees to ensure better performance from all dimensions. Such performance levels are also linked with supply chain agility up to some extent. This paper has aimed to analyze the impact of artificial intelligence and robotic awareness on environmental, operational and economic performance of hotel sector of Thailand. Moreover, mediating role of supply chain agility has also been checked in relationship between the respective empirical linkages. Data was collected from the managing employees of hotel sector of Thailand through a structured instrument and it was then analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Results have provided the insight that robotic awareness has significant impact of all three dimensions of performance and supply chain agility significantly mediates these relationships in positive direction. This study is novel due to testing supply chain agility as mediator in robotic awareness and performance linkage and also because of taking operational performance as another dimension of performance which was not tested in prior literature. Implications, limitations and future research indications are also given in this study
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