779 research outputs found

    Strategic management of nitrogen within an organic cropping system using digestate from biogas production of recirculated crop residues

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    This project investigates strategic management of nitrogen by integrating crop residue management with biogas production. The approach offers potential for diversified farmer income, as food crops, feedstock for biogas and digestate for nutrient cycling are produced simultaneously. This type of diversification provides multifunctional solutions in organic farming, especially in production without access to animal manure. Biogas production from crop residues offers the possibility of reducing both emissions and leaching of nutrients to the surrounding ecosystems, as compared to the case where crop residue is incorporated into the soil for decomposition (Baggs et al. 2000; Velthof et al. 2002). This type of multifunctional cropping system provides solutions that can also help to solve issues on conventional farms, such as N emissions, and can also provide local production of biogas

    Can on-farm bioenergy production make organic farming more sustainable? - A model for energy balance, nitrogen losses, and green house gas emissions in a 1000 ha energy catchment with organic dairy farming and integrated bioenergy production

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    Can biogas and bioethanol production make organic farming more sustainable? - Results from a model for the fossil energy balance, Nitrogen losses, and greenhouse gas emissions in a 1000 ha energy catchment with organic dairy farming and integrated biogas and bioethanol production. Dalgaard T1, Pugesgaard S1, Jørgensen U1, Olesen JE1, Møller HB1 and Jensen ES2 1) Dept. Agroecology and Environment. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (DJF), University of Aarhus. DK-8830 Tjele. Denmark. Contact: [email protected] 2) Biosystems Department, Risø DTU, The National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, The Technical University of Denmark DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark The vision of organic farming systems, independent of fossil energy resources, with significantly lower nutrient losses, and no net contribution to the greenhouse gas emissions might be fulfilled via the integration of biogas production. This is an important hypothesis investigated in the www.bioconcens.elr.dk/uk/ research project. This poster illustrates preliminary results from a model for the fossil energy balance, Nitrogen losses, and greenhouse gas emissions in a 1000 ha energy catchment with organic dairy farming and integrated biogas production in Denmark. The model will draw on results from previous models (e.g the farmGHG model), and includes a number of organic dairy farm type components, including information on livestock production, housing, manure storage, manure and fodder import/export, crop rotations, yield levels, and soil types. In addition, a biogas plant model component evaluates effects of the inclusion of variable amounts of manures and crop residues from the specified farm types, into the biogas energy production. The model is intended to result in an overall catchment balance for the following three types of indicators: 1) the fossil energy use – i.e. the net fossil energy use minus the bioenergy production, 2) losses of Nitrogen in the form of nitrates, ammonia and nitrous oxide, and 3) the emission of the three main greenhouse gasses from agriculture: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, measured in carbon dioxide equivalents. Moreover, these indicator values are specified for each of the farm types included in the model, and for the biogas plant component. Finally, selected model results are discussed in relation to the overall hypothesis of the research project, and it is discussed how the integration of biogas production in organic farming, can help to improve the self-sufficiency in Nitrogen, and thereby reduce the import of nutrients to the organic farming systems

    Skal energien øverst på det økologiske jordbrugs dagsorden?

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    Analyser af fødevareproduktionens energiforbrug viser, at økologiske fødevarer pr. produceret kg kun har et marginalt lavere energiforbrug end konventionelle produkter. I lighed med samfundets øvrige sektorer er det økologiske jordbrug stærkt afhængig af fossil energi til produktion, forarbejdning og afsætning. Der synes at have hersket et modsætningsforhold mellem de grundlæggende principper for økologisk jordbrug (ØJ) og interessen for at producere bioenergi. Skal vi i ØJ forsøge at leve op til principperne om primært at basere produktionen på fornybare ressourcer og dermed sørge for, at økologisk jordbrug påny får førertrøjen på i udviklingen af fødevareproduktionen i en mere bæredygtig retning


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    Prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus antibodies in dogs from Denmark

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    BACKGROUND: Large regions of central and eastern Europe are recognized as areas where tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is endemic, including countries neighbouring Denmark. It is therefore timely and relevant to determine if TBEV infections occur in Denmark. This study investigates the presence of antibodies against TBEV in a cross-section of the Danish canine population to assess the level of exposure to TBEV and possibly identify TBEV microfoci in Denmark. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 125 dogs originating from five regions of Denmark between November 2005 and March 2006. Serum was tested by indirect ELISA. All positive and borderline samples were re-evaluated by neutralisation test (NT). RESULTS: The prevalence of TBEV serocomplex antibodies was 30% by ELISA and 4.8% by NT (with 100%-neutralising capacity). The island of Bornholm was the only area in Denmark with NT positive samples. CONCLUSIONS: The island of Bornholm is an area with a high risk of encountering TBEV microfoci. The presence of TBEV serocomplex antibodies in many sentinel animals from other parts of Denmark points toward existence of other TBEV microfoci. Discrepancies found between ELISA and NT results stress the importance of careful evaluation of serological tests, when interpreting results