3 research outputs found

    Bullying in the developing play: Bullying in the developing play

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    Bachelor project - organ donation: Bachelor project - organ donation

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    This project examines the communicative aspect of organ donation. This will be done through the following research question:How do young Danes aged 20-29 receive the 7Livs campaign video "I Did It" and the sundhed.dk campaign video "Have You Made a Decision about Organ Donation?", and what does it reveal about the possibilities and limitations associated with creating campaigns about organ donation?The project is based on six interviews, with the five primary interviews conducted with young individuals aged 20-29. Additionally, an expert interview was conducted with Diana Højmose Lundsgaard from the Danish Center for Organization. The study will analyze the responses of the informants based on theories derived from the phenomenological approach, including Henrik Dahl's theory about Lifeworld and Relevance and Brenda Dervin's Sense-making. Furthermore it will include theory about campaigns. Kim Schrøder's reader-response criticism will be utilized to examine the informants' attitudes towards the two campaign videos. Furthermore the project will discuss the challenges that may be associated with problem- solving campaigns. Dervin's metaphors of “gaps” and “bridges” will be used for this purpose. Additionally the discussion will explore other communicative measures that can be implemented in the future to bring more focus to organ donation.The conclusion demonstrates that the reception of the campaign videos depends on whether organ donation is a part of the informants' lifeworld and whether they find them relevant. Additionally, it is concluded that there are limitations associated with creating campaigns about organ donation, as it is a sensitive topic. Therefore, it would be beneficial to supplement with other initiatives to make organ donation a natural part of the lifeworld and facilitate conversations and decision-making