14 research outputs found
Appendix A. Mapping of spatial variation in resource availability.
Mapping of spatial variation in resource availability
Catch per unit effort (CPUE) of perch (white bars) and roach (grey bars) in one brown and one clear water lake during day (a) and night (b).
<p>Catch per unit effort (CPUE) of perch (white bars) and roach (grey bars) in one brown and one clear water lake during day (a) and night (b).</p
Behavioural parameters of pikeperch foraging on perch (white bars) and roach (grey bars) at visual ranges of 0.5 and 2 m.
<p>Behavioural parameters include number of interests (a) and strikes (b), as well as capture success (c). In the analyses of attack distances (d), data for the two prey species are pooled. Error bar denote 1 SE.</p
Escape distance of perch (white bars) and roach (grey bars) at a visual range of 0.5 and 2 m.
<p>Error bar denote 1 SE.</p
The effects of visual range (VR, random factor) and prey species (Prey, roach or perch, fixed) on pikeperch foraging behaviours.
<p>Pikeperch individual (PI) was included as a random blocking factor.</p><p>The effects of visual range (VR, random factor) and prey species (Prey, roach or perch, fixed) on pikeperch foraging behaviours.</p
Pikeperch prey selection of perch (white bars) and roach (grey bars) at different visual ranges at day (a) and night (b) in the laboratory experiments.
<p>The horizontal line at 0.5 represents the null hypothesis of equal prey selection. Error bars denote 1 SE.</p
Data used for analysis of lynx mating and non-mating season home range size as detailed in the Methods section in the paper. Variables are explained in the ReadMe file
Data used for analysis of female lynx seasonal home range size as detailed in the Methods section in the paper. Variables are explained in the ReadMe file
Results of the linear mixed additive model with the response variable set to the percentage of time active per hour.
<p>Results of the linear mixed additive model with the response variable set to the percentage of time active per hour.</p
Lynx activity predicted by the linear mixed additive model for the response variable portion of time spent active (activity) for one 24–h period (whole day) and during the phases day, twilight morning, twilight evening and night depending on daylight duration.
<p>Each covariable is predicted for the reference category adult, female, autumn, Bavaria–Czech Republic, full moon ( = 0); therefore, only daylight influences the activity.</p