397 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic Analysis Of Voice In Persons With Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

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    Objectives of the study: The individuals with laryngopharyngeal reflux are prone for aspiration of refluxed contents and so there is a need for aerodynamic evaluation in these individuals. Hence, the present study investigated the aerodynamic characteristics in individuals with Laryngopharyngeal reflux. Study design: Prospective control group design. Method: Thirty laryngopharyngeal reflux subjects and 30 normal subjects participated in the study. Aerodynamic parameters such as vital capacity, mean air flow rate, maximum phonation duration and phonation quotient were measured using Aero Phone Instrument ((Model 6800). Independent t test was employed for statistical inference. Results: The results revealed that the vital capacity and maximum phonation duration values were lower for laryngopharyngeal reflux subjects when compared to normal controls. No significant differences were observed for mean air flow rate and phonation quotient. Conclusions: The results revealed that the laryngopharyngeal reflux individuals showed significant deviations in aerodynamic parameters when compared to normal individuals. Thus study confirms aerodynamic abnormalities in laryngopharyngeal reflux subject

    Blood loss assessment in abdominal hysterectomy: how accurate?

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    Background: Precise estimation of blood loss is the key to optimal transfusion practice in surgery. Many studies done in various fields of surgery infer that clinical assessment of blood loss by the surgeon or anesthesiologist is inaccurate. The purpose of this study is to see if there is any difference in visual estimation of blood loss and actual blood loss calculated using modification of gross formula in abdominal hysterectomy.Methods: Fifty four patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy for various indications at JSS Hospital, Mysore were included in the study. Baseline characteristics, pre-operative haematocrit, clinically estimated blood loss (EBL) and post-operative haematocrit were noted. Actual blood loss (ABL) was calculated from a modification of the Gross formula. The number of cases where the blood loss was clinically underestimated and overestimated; and the relationship between the difference in actual and estimated blood loss and accuracy of clinical assessment of blood loss was determined. The data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics and Crammer’s V test.Results: In the 54 cases of abdominal hysterectomy which we studied, there was overestimation of blood loss in 28 (51.9%) cases and underestimation of blood loss in 26 (48.1%) cases. The more the inaccuracy in clinical assessment of blood loss, more was the possibility of clinicians underestimating the blood loss.Conclusions: Clinical estimation of blood loss is an inaccurate method of assessing blood loss in abdominal hysterectomy

    Total laparoscopic hysterectomy versus vaginal hysterectomy: a retrospective study

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    Background: Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) is now emerging as a safe procedure even in patients suitable for vaginal hysterectomy (VH) due to its advantages like better visualisation, less post-operative pain and shorter hospital stay. This study was done to compare the duration of surgery, intra-operative and postoperative complications, hospital stay and post-operative analgesia requirement in TLH and VH.Methods: A retrospective study of women undergoing TLH and VH between June 2013 and September 2014 in JSS Hospital, Mysore was done. Patients with suspected genital malignancy and uterine prolapse were excluded. Baseline characteristics like age, BMI, parity, indication for hysterectomy, uterine size and previous pelvic surgeries were noted. Intra-operative and post-operative parameters like duration of surgery, complications, post-operative analgesic dosage and hospital stay were compared between the two surgeries and the results were analysed using Chi square test and independent t test.Results: The mean time taken to perform TLH was significantly longer, i.e. 113.46 minutes compared with VH, i.e. 61.18 minutes ( p <0.0001). But the duration of stay in the hospital was shorter for the women undergoing TLH, mean duration being 3.74 days as opposed to 5.85 days in women undergoing VH  (p<0.0001). Also, women undergoing VH required more analgesic doses (mean 1.79) than those undergoing TLH (mean 1.36). When we studied the rate of complications in both the groups, we found no statistically significant difference.Conclusions: TLH was as safe as VH and had advantages like shorter hospital stay and reduced analgesia dose.


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    Cancer is a disease which leads to death, and chemotherapy is a treatment used to treat cancer. Lung cancer and breast cancer are most effective one in the world. The present study examines the anticancer property of culinary vegetables such as Allium vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, and beetroot which are used in day-to-day life have anticancer properties. Allicin and gallic acid in garlic decreases the risk of colon, pancreas, stomach, esophagus, and breast cancers. In onion, cysteine sulfoxide is sulfur compounds which have ant-cancer, antiplatelet, and antithrombotic property. In broccoli, glucosinolates and sulfur compounds play a major role in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer. Betacyanin is a compound present in beetroot which has antioxidant property and anticancer activity

    A Closer Look at Laryngeal Nerves during Thyroid Surgery: A Descriptive Study of 584 Nerves

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    Morbidity after thyroidectomy is related to injuries to the parathyroids, recurrent laryngeal (RLN) and external branch of superior laryngeal nerves (EBSLN). Mostly these are due to variations in the surgical anatomy. In this study we analyse the surgical anatomy of the laryngeal nerves in Indian patients undergoing thyroidectomy. Materials and Methods. Retrospective study (February 2008 to February 2010). Patients undergoing surgery for benign goitres, T1, T2 thyroid cancers without lymph node involvement were included. Data on EBSLN types, RLN course and its relation to the TZ & LOB were recorded. Results. 404 thyroid surgeries (180 total & 224 hemithyroidectomy) were performed. Data related to 584 EBSLN and RLN were included (324 right sided & 260 left sided). EBSLN patterns were Type 1 in 71.4%, Type IIA in 12.3%, and Type IIB in 7.36%. The nerve was not seen in 4.3% cases. RLN had one branch in 69.34%, two branches in 29.11% and three branches in 1.36%. 25% of the RLN was superficial to the inferior thyroid artery, 65% deep to it and 8.2% between the branches. TZ was Grade 1 in 65.2%, Grade II in 25.1% and Grade III in 9.5%. 31.16% of the RLN passes through the LOB. Conclusions. A thorough knowledge of the laryngeal nerves and anatomical variations is necessary for safe thyroid surgery


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    Objective: The researchers are searching for innate bioactive compounds, competent of curing various diseases. In the present study, the cytotoxicity and the angiogenic nature of the glycolipoprotein powder from the earthworm were considered for its pharmaceutical and biological uses.Methods: The in vitro MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay of the glycolipoprotein powder (GLP) of the earthworm in the Murine embryonic fibroblast cell line (NIH 3T3) was performed. Further the haemolytic assay of the GLP was also tested. The angiogenic potential was also evaluated by the (in vitro) chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model in 9 days old fertilized chick eggs.Results: The MTT assay was performed wherein the cell response to extract was by dose-dependent manner and great cytotoxic effect was not shown for the tested concentrations. In the MTT assay increased cell viability (84%) was found at concentrations of 100 µg/ml. The hemolytic activity of the extract was also determined, wherein it showed insignificant lytic activity compared to the control. On performing the CAM assay, 500 μl extract (25 μg/ml) was found to increase the number of capillaries on the treated CAM surfaces after 72 hours of incubation.Conclusion: These findings suggested that the earthworm powder possesses the significant angiogenic potential, which may be beneficial in the treatment of wound healing.Â

    Systematic Review of Primary Hyperparathyroidism in India: The Past, Present, and the Future Trends

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) has become an asymptomatic disease in the Western world with the introduction of routine calcium screening. However, the same phenomenon is not observed in India. We have now systematically reviewed the status of PHPT in India. While there is a paucity of literature on PHPT from India when compared to Western countries, some information can be gleaned upon. Most patients present with symptomatic disease whereas very few are screen-detected cases (bone disease 77%, renal disease 36%, and 5.6% asymptomatic). Mean calcium, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and alkaline phosphate levels are high while Vitamin D levels are low. The average parathyroid gland weight is large and the majority being parathyroid adenomas (89.1%). Hungry bone syndrome (HBS) is common in the postoperative period. The disease-related mortality rate is 7.4%, recurrence 4.16%, and persistent disease 2.17%. We suggest that dedicated efforts are needed to pick up asymptomatic disease in India by methods like incorporating calcium estimation in the routine health check-up programs

    Harlequin Syndrome in a Case of Toxic Goitre: A Rare Association

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    Harlequin syndrome (HS) is known to be associated with conditions like brain stem infarcts and superior mediastinal neurinoma. However, it has not been reported in association with autoimmune hyperthyroidism. We report a case of exacerbation of unilateral sweating in a patient with HS following the onset of toxic goitre. Previous reports have suggested that a tortuous inferior thyroid artery can produce neurovascular compression of the sympathetic chain which was not observed in our patient. Autoimmune aetiology for HS needs to be explored. Increased sweating in hyperthyroid patients needs to be assessed properly so as to prognosticate appropriately

    Perl module and PISE wrappers for the integrated analysis of sequence data and SNP features

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    Background There is a need for software scripts and modules for format parsing, data manipulation, statistical analysis and annotation especially for tasks related to marker identification from sequence data and sequence diversity analysis. Results Here we present several new Perl scripts and a module for sequence data diversity analysis. To enable the use of these software with other public domain tools, we also make available PISE (Pasteur Institute Software Environment) wrappers for these Perl scripts and module. This enables the user to generate pipelines for automated analysis, since PISE is a web interface generator for bioinformatics programmes. Conclusion A new set of modules and scripts for diversity statistic calculation, format parsing and data manipulation are available with PISE wrappers that enable pipelining of these scripts with commonly used contig assembly and sequence feature prediction software, to answer specific sequence diversity related questions