1,921 research outputs found

    Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD Revisited

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    Recently, Currie and Stabile (2006) made a significant contribution to our understanding of the influence of ADHD symptoms on a variety of school outcomes including participation in special education, grade repetition and test scores. Their contributions include using a broad sample of children and estimating sibling fixed effects models to control for unobserved family effects. In this paper we look at a sample of older children and confirm and extend many of the JCMS findings in terms of a broader set of measures of human capital and additional specifications.

    Education and Labor Market Consequences of Teenage Childbearing: Evidence Using the Timing of Pregnancy Outcomes and Community Fixed Effects

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    The question of whether giving birth as a teenager has negative economic consequences for the mother remains controversial despite substantial research. In this paper, we build upon existing literature, especially the literature that uses the experience of teenagers who had a miscarriage as the appropriate comparison group. We show that miscarriages are not random events, but rather are likely correlated with (unobserved) community-level factors, casting some doubt on previous findings. Including community-level fixed effects in our specifications lead to important changes in our estimates. By making use of information on the timing of miscarriages as well as birth control choices preceding the teenage pregnancies we construct more relevant control groups for teenage mothers. We find evidence that teenage childbearing likely reduces the probability of receiving a high school diploma by 5 to 10 percentage points, reduces annual income as a young adult by 1,000to1,000 to 2,400, and may increase the probability of receiving cash assistance and decrease years of schooling.teen pregnancy, economic consequences, human capital

    An Analysis of Expansion and Relocation Sites for Major League Soccer

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    This research develops a model of optimal locations for Major League Soccer teams and investigates the important underlying factors.soccer; MLS; regression; probit; demand; location

    The SDSS Damped Lya Survey: Data Release 1

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    We present the results from an automated search for damped Lya (DLA) systems in the quasar spectra of Data Release 1 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR1). At z~2.5, this homogeneous dataset has greater statistical significance than the previous two decades of research. We derive a statistical sample of 71 damped Lya systems (>50 previously unpublished) at z>2.1 and measure HI column densities directly from the SDSS spectra. The number of DLA systems per unit redshift is consistent with previous measurements and we expect our survey has >95% completeness. We examine the cosmological baryonic mass density of neutral gas Omega_g inferred from the damped Lya systems from the SDSS-DR1 survey and a combined sample drawn from the literature. Contrary to previous results, the Omega_g values do not require a significant correction from Lyman limit systems at any redshift. We also find that the Omega_g values for the SDSS-DR1 sample do not decline at high redshift and the combined sample shows a (statistically insignificant) decrease only at z>4. Future data releases from SDSS will provide the definitive survey of DLA systems at z~2.5 and will significantly reduce the uncertainty in Omega_g at higher redshift.Comment: 12 pages, includes color figures. Accepted to PASP, April 20 200

    Measurement of the Spatial Cross-Correlation Function of Damped Lyman Alpha Systems and Lyman Break Galaxies

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    We present the first spectroscopic measurement of the spatial cross-correlation function between damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) and Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). We obtained deep u'BVRI images of nine QSO fields with 11 known z ~ 3 DLAs and spectroscopically confirmed 211 R < 25.5 photometrically selected z > 2 LBGs. We find strong evidence for an overdensity of LBGs near DLAs versus random, the results of which are similar to that of LBGs near other LBGs. A maximum likelihood cross-correlation analysis found the best fit correlation length value of r_0 = 2.9^(+1.4)_(-1.5) h^(-1)Mpc using a fixed value of gamma = 1.6. The implications of the DLA-LBG clustering amplitude on the average dark matter halo mass of DLAs are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Are Simulations of CDM Consistent with Galactic-Scale Observations at High Redshift?

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    We compare new observations on the kinematic characteristics of the damped Lya systems against results from numerical SPH simulations to test the predictions of hierarchical galaxy formation. This exercise is particularly motivated by recent numerical results on the cross-section of damped Lya systems. Our analysis focuses on the velocity widths of ~50 low-ion absorption profiles from our sample of z>1.5 damped Lya systems. The results indicate that current numerical simulations fail to match the damped Lya observations at high confidence levels (>99.9%). Although we do not believe that our results present an insurmountable challenge to the paradigm of hierarchical cosmology, the damped Lya observations suggest that current numerical SPH simulations overlook an integral aspect of galaxy formation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 color figures; Submitted to ApJ
