6 research outputs found
Additional file 1 of Value of information methods to design a clinical trial in a small population to optimise a health economic utility function
Derivation of expected utility function. Detailed mathematical derivation of results cited in main paper. (PDF 102 kb
Model schematic.
<p>The arrows indicate the permitted movement between the health states. NPDR = non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.</p
Markov model clinical parameter estimates.
<p>Markov model clinical parameter estimates.</p
Estimated costs, clinical outcomes, and ICERs per diabetic patient screened and treated with laser, if indicated, in each scenario.
<p>Estimated costs, clinical outcomes, and ICERs per diabetic patient screened and treated with laser, if indicated, in each scenario.</p
Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves based on QALYs.
<p>Probability that the intervention is cost-effective in a range of cost-effectiveness thresholds for the base case, + 20% on salaries scenario, -20% on salaries scenario, 50% utilization rate scenario, and age 30 scenario. QALY = Quality-adjusted life year.</p
(Alessandro Testa, 2014) Il Carnevale dell'uomo animale. Le dimensioni storiche e socio-culturali di una festa appenninica
Post-intervention sampling steps and summary estimates. (DOCX 19 kb