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    U izvornom gradivu iz Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva u Zagrebu te pravaÅ”kome političkom tisku od početka 1880-ih mogu se pronaći zanimljivi podaci koji potvrđuju da je Stranka prava u vrijeme prerastanja u nacionalni pokret imala simpatizera i među ženama. U radu se prikazuje na koje su načine žene iskazivale svoju privrženost Stranci prava i njezinim prvacima, a srediÅ”nje su protagonistice učiteljice Anka Tkalčić i Vera Tkalec, koje su simpatiziranjem pravaÅ”tva privukle pažnju vlasti i ugrozile svoje egzistencije.In original documents from the Croatian State Archive in Zagreb as well as the Party of Rightā€™s publications from the beginning of the 1880s interesting information can be found which shows that at the time when the Party of Right grew into a national movement it had support among women. While the ā€œfairer sexā€ in the satirical and humoristic pages of the Rightist press was ridiculed for an exaggerated interest in dance and entertainment, fashion-consciousness, extravagance, haughtiness, the reading of foreign, German and French, novels, and most especially a lack of interest in the situation and fate of the Croat people, even a hatred toward Croatia, the Rightist political press also noted various public expressions of sympathy and support by female ā€œfatherlandersā€ for the Party of Right and its leaders. While women, primarily from the artisanal, merchant, and peasant classes, expressed their sympathy for the Party of Right through greetings to Ante Starčević on his patron saintā€™s day, applause and hurrahs from the galleries of the Sabor, the decoration and showering of Party of Right leaders with flowers, and other such expressions of support, the authorities paid little mind to them for the most part during the 1880s. However, already in 1882 the report that female teachers were adhering to the ā€œrevolutionary ideasā€ of the Party of Right led the authorities to react promptly and with rather harsh penalties. The main protagonists of this article are two teachers, Anka Tkalčić and Vera Tkalec, who by their sympathy for Rightism drew the attention of the authorities and endangered their livelihoods. For inculcating the youth with ā€œrevolutionary ideas,ā€ discovered in the ā€œtracesā€ of the school assignments of her students, Anka Tkalčić was not only dismissed from her position at the school in Bakar, but also permanently barred from the teaching profession. Some months later, in the case of Vera Tkalec, merely the ā€œgreat suspicionā€ that she was a supporter of the Party of Right was sufficient for a recommendation to be made to Ban Pejačević to subject her to the ā€œstrictest surveillanceā€ and transfer her from Senj to a village

    Croatian women and the Party of the Right during the 1880s

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    Despite the fact that women were denied the right to political decision-making both inside and outside of the established legal framework, the question arises as to whether Croatian women in the latter half of the nineteenth century exhibited any interest in politics and political life in Civil Croatia, and whether they demonstrated their preference for a specific political party in any way whatsoever. In this work, the author attempts to respond to this question by analyzing the political press of the Party of the Right from the beginning of the 1880s and primary materials from the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb in which, as in the press, rare sources for the history of women are interwoven into the plethora of sources on the activities of men. The ways in which women demonstrated their preference for the Party of the Right and its leaders are shown. The central protagonists are the teachers Anka Tkalčić and Vera Tkalec, whose open sympathies for the Party of the Right drew the attention of the authorities and placed their livelihoods in jeopardy

    Stranka prava i izbori za Hrvatski sabor na području bivŔe Vojne krajine 1883. godine

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    Nakon obnove i povratka na hrvatsku političku scenu Stranka prava od početka 1880-ih zahvaljujući, između ostalog, i većem broju pristaÅ”a na bivÅ”em krajiÅ”kom području koje je 1881. utjelovljeno Banskoj Hrvatskoj prerasta u Å”irok narodni pokret. Izbori za Hrvatski sabor 1883. bili su prvi konkretan pokazatelj prisutnosti i utjecaja Stranke prava na prostoru nekadaÅ”nje Vojne krajine. Prikazujući različit stupanj popularnosti Stranke prava u pojedinim dijelovima bivÅ”e Hrvatsko-slavonske krajine, autorica je analizirajući tijek i rezulatate izbora u izbornim kotarevima u kojima su kandidirani članovi Stranke prava težiÅ”te stavila na istraživanje i utvrđivanje druÅ”tvene strukture pravaÅ”kih kandidata, glavnih agitatora u vrijeme predizborne kampanje te njihovih sljedbenika-izbornika


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    Suvremenici kao i istraživači novije hrvatske povijesti smatrali su Senj 1880-ih najjačim uporiÅ”tem Stranke prava u Banskoj Hrvatskoj. Pobjeda kandidata Stranke prava na izborima za Hrvatski sabor 1878., 1881., 1884., pa i 1887. iako je naknadno pobjednikom proglaÅ”en kandidat režimske Narodne stranke, te prevladavajući upliv pravaÅ”kih pristaÅ”a u druÅ”tvenom, a i gospodarskom životu Senja, potvrđuju utemeljenost takve ocjene. Zbog pristajanja nezavisnoga senjskog građanstva uz ideje Ante Starčevića, kao i činjenice da je zaslugom senjskih agitatora pravaÅ”ki pokret od početka 1880-ih stjecao sve viÅ”e pristaÅ”a i u okolnim, gospodarski i prometno k Senju gravitirajućim područjima, a Å”to se pokazalo tijekom izbora 1883. na području bivÅ”e Gornje krajine, "tvrđava" Stranke prava bila je izložena žestokim pristiscima Pejačevićeve, a zatim i Khuenove vlade. Nezakonitim postupcima i nasilnim sredstvima i mjerama Senj se nastojalo pretvoriti u politički "lojalan" grad. Premda za vrijeme Khuenova banovanja na saborskim izborima u Senju pobjedu odnose kandidati Narodne stranke, pravaÅ”ka politička opcija među senjskim građanstvom i nadalje je uživala znatnu potporu.The crisis in Senjā€™s economy in the 1870ā€™s had influenced the political orientation of independent citizens who in the second half of the 1870ā€™s sympathised with the ideas of Ante Starčević and his Party of Law which returned to the Croatian political scene in that period surviving the crisis after the Rakovica Uprising in 1871. During 1880ā€™s Senj was known as a ā€˜towerā€™ of the Party of Law and their stronghold in Civil Croatia in which the ā€˜uprisingā€™ ideas spread amongst the whole nation. Senj citizens chose the Party of Law candidate in elections of 1878, 1881, 1884 and 1887 (although those elections were annulated). The town of Senj was important to the movement of the Party of Law in the 1880ā€™s for spreading ideas to the areas of the ex-Military Border and especially to the ex-Upper Military Border territory where people were more oriented to Senj in economical and traffic and transport senses. During elections for the Croatian parliament in 1883 in the ex-Military Border area, candidates from the Party of Law from Senj participated for the first time. They also campaigned for more Party of Law candidates in Lika-Krbava County. Pejačević and Khuenā€™s government put pressure on the town of Senj because of its sympathy for the Party of Law. Government commissioners had expelled members of the Party of Law in Senj illegally. They wanted to extinguish the spirit of the party from the townā€™s government and from the clerics and teachers. They tried to make a politically loyal town from this ā€˜Party of Law strongholdā€™. During Khuenā€™s government in Croatia in the elections in Senj the majority was won by the Popular Party, but Senj stayed loyal to the ā€˜Party of Lawā€™.Schwere Krise der Senjer Wirtschaft in der zweiten HƤlfte des 19. Jahrhunderts spiegelte sich wieder in der politischen Orientierung der unabhƤngigen Senjer BĆ¼rger, die zu dieser Zeit hauptsƤchlich zu den Ideen von Ante Starčević gewandt waren, bzw. zu der Rechtspartei, die zu dieser Zeit auf die politische BĆ¼hne zurĆ¼ckkehrt, nach einer mehrjƤhrigen Krise, in die sie, nach der Auferstehung in Rakovica 1871 hineingeraten war.Im Laufe der achtziger Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts stand die Stadt Senj in Ruf einer Festung der Rechtsparteilichkeit, bzw. eines der heftigsten StĆ¼tzpunkte der Rechtspartei des Banal Kroatien, wo umstĆ¼rzlerische Ideen alle Schichten des Volkes, ohne RĆ¼cksicht auf Alter, Geschlecht oder Beruf, durchgedrungen hatten. Die Senjer bewiesen ihre Rechtlichkeit bei den aufeinanderfolgenden WƤhlen 1878, 1881, sogar 1887, obwohl diese letzten WƤhlen fĆ¼r ungĆ¼ltig erklƤrt wurden.Die Bedeutung von Senj in der Rechtsparteilichkeitsbewegung achtziger Jahre war desto grĆ¶ĆŸer je von dieser Stadt aus die rechtsparteilichen Ideen auf das ganze Gebiet der einstigen MilitƤrgrenze verbreitet wurden, besonders auf das Gebiet der Ober-MilitƤrgrenze, die auf dem Feld des Verkehrs und der Wirtschaft nach Senj hingewiesen war. Zur Zeit der WƤhlen fĆ¼r den kroatischen Parlament auf dem einstigen Gebiet der MilitƤrgrenze, zuerst 1883, dann auch spƤter, waren die Senjer RechtsparteianhƤnger Kandidaten fĆ¼r die Abgeordneten, oder agitierten fĆ¼r die Kandidaten der Rechtspartei auf dem Gebiet der Gespanschaft Lika - Senj. Deswegen war Senj starken DrĆ¼cken des Regimes von Pejačević und spƤter Khuen ausgesetzt, da dieses Regime als Ziel hatte Senj in eine loyale Stadt zu verwandeln. Trotz den Leiden und der BedrƤngung konnte die volksfeindliche Regierung die rechtsparteiliche Bewegung in Senj nicht brechen - diese Partei hatte unter den BĆ¼rgern in der Stadt Senj in allen UmstƤnden eine starke UnterstĆ¼tzung


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    Autorica na temelju analize članaka u pravaÅ”kom tjedniku Hervatska ukazuje na brojne probleme koji su u razdoblju neposredno pred ustanak u Rakovici 1871. pojačavali već ionako prisutno nezadovoljstvo pučanstva Vojne krajine.The Party of Right\u27s weekly, Hervatska, which was published in Zagreb from January to October 1871, devoted much attention to the many problems effecting the population of the Military Frontier. Widespread disaffection in the Military Frontier was understandable due to the critical economic, cultural, educational, and health conditions. Seeing these problems as closely connected to the constitutional and legal status of the Military Frontier, the writers of Hervatska demanded the dismantling of its separate (military) administration and its reintegration into a territorially whole and independent Croatian state, wherein the problems of the Military Frontier could be solved by the people themselves through freely-elected representatives in the Croatian Sabor (Parliament). Besides these publically expressed concepts, one can discern between the lines of the articles written in Hervatska during 1871 that some adherents of the Party of Right held other ideas as to how to solve the problems of the Military Frontier, and indeed, the Croatian question generally; these individuals hoped that the amassed disaffections of the Frontier\u27s inhabitants would be resolved by force


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    Pitanje sudjelovanja i uloge katoličkog svećenstva u pravaÅ”kom pokretu 80-ih godina 19. stoljeć a nedovoljno je istražena tema, premda se pristajanje svećenstva uz pravaÅ”ku misao Ante Starčevića može pratiti od povratka pravaÅ”a na političku scenu 1878., a posebno od početka 1880-ih godina, kada se Stranka prava pretvara u vodeću političku snagu na području Banske Hrvatske i s njom 1881. sjedinjene Vojne krajine. U tom kontekstu posebno mjesto pripada svećenicima, župnicima i kapelanima Hrvatskog zagorja koji su, sudeći po podacima iz arhivske građe kao i onodobnoga režimskog i oporbenog političkog tiska, imali važnu ulogu u Å”irenju pravaÅ”kih ideja među zagorskim pukom. Tome krugu pravaÅ”ki opredijeljenih svećenika pripadao je i dr. Juraj Žerjavić , župnik u Mariji Bistrici, čije se pravaÅ”ko političko opredjeljenje može pratiti od 1884. kada je na izborima za Hrvatski sabor glasovao za kandidata Stranke prava, preko 1886., kada polaže kauciju za pravaÅ”ko političko glasilo Ā»HrvatskaĀ« do izbora 1887. i njegove uloge u poznatoj aferi s 30 mandata ponuđenih pravaÅ”ima za suradnju s režimskom Narodnom strankom protiv izborne koalicije oporbenih stranakaIf one investigates the return of the Party of Right in the political life of Croatia (1878) it is visible that among its members the number of catholic priests had increased from the beginning of 1880ā€™s. The election results dating from 1881, 1883 and 1884 can easily sup-port this statement. With no trouble one can notice that among the candidates of the Party of Right there were many of parish priests, as well as that many priest helped in agitation among voters during the elections. In the region of Zagorje these activities among the priest was rather popular, so the priests and chaplains propagated the program among their flock. According to the presently known data, parish priest of Marija Bistrica and sub-deacon of Stubica district dr. Juraj Žerjavić also supported the Party of Right. Although it is known in the historiography that this distinguished parish priest became active in the party only from the 1890ā€™s, the data preserved in the State archives of Croatia together with information from the contemporary newspapers suggest that he was well known and active already from the 80ā€™s. His engagement in the Party of Right can be followed already from 1884 when he voted for the Partyā€™s candidate on the elections for the Croatian Parliament. Similarly, in 1886 he subscribed himself for the Partyā€™s political newspapers Hrvatska [Croatia]. Moreover, in 1887 regime newspapers concluded that Žerjavić Ā»became a furious follower of Ante Starčević Ā«. This confirms that his engagement in the Party was not only supportive. By the same token, the affair in the eve of the elections of 1887, when the Party was suggested to collaborate with Khuenā€™s regime in exchange for 30 seats in the Parliament, shows that Žerjavić had a prominent status in the Party of Right already before 90ā€™s


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    U ovom članku autorica iznosi historijat pravaÅ”kih humorističko-satiričkih listova 80-ih godina 19. stoljeća, prikazuje razloge sklonosti pravaÅ”a tom žanru novinstva te ilustrira s nekoliko primjera stil i sadržaj političkih poruka upućivanih čitateljstvu preko tih listova.The quick accession of the Party of Rights (SP) movement in the 1880\u27s was followed by various publishing activities. The followers of SP were publishing political and literary newspapers, magazines, brochures, almanacs and calendars, as well as several humourist-satirical newspapers - Vragoljan (The Rogue), Bič (The Whip), Tries (Slam), Novi Bič (The New Whip), Osa (The Wasp), Ćuk (The Owl), Å tipavac (The Scorpion) - which were in that period the characteristics of the SP journalism, as other political parties in the Banal Croatia usually did not publish such newspapers. Since their coming to the Croatian political scene the SP was the most radical critic of the political, economical, cultural and moral situation in which the Croatian nation was situated, and the humorist-satirical newspaper were the most adequate form of journalism for expressing critical judgments and remarks, which was primarily used to affect the emotions of readers. The SP humor and satire \u27\u27whipped" and ridiculed out the authorities and power, amorality, hypocrisy, arrogance, vanity and poltroonery, that is all faults and deformations that are according to the opinion of the author present in the society, but the emphasis was however placed on political occasions and relationships, as well as on prominent public figures

    Zvekan - humor, satira i karikatura kao sredstvo pravaŔke političke propagande

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    Ovaj je rad prilog proučavanju početaka pravaÅ”kog novinstva u Banskoj Hrvatskoj. Autorica istražuje osnovne ideje i stavove pravaÅ”kog ideologa Ante Starčevića iznesene u prvom pravaÅ”kom glasilu Zvekan, koje je u obliku humorističko-satiričkog lista počelo izlaziti u Zagrebu 1867. godine. Napadajući i ismijavajući prvenstveno ideologiju i politiku Narodne stranke, ali i općenito mane i poroke svoga vremena, Starčević istovremeno zagovara promjenu postojećeg stanja u skladu s pravaÅ”kim idejama i koncepcijama