40 research outputs found
Insulinu sliÄni Äimbenici rasta/receptori kod raka pluÄa
Perturbation in a level of any peptide from insulin-like growth factor (IGF) family (ligands, receptors, binding proteins) seems to be implicated in lung cancer formation; IGF ligands and IGF-R1 through their mitogenic and antiapoptotic action, and the IGF-R2/M-6-P possibly as a tumor suppressor. In this respect we have found that human lung cancers overproduce IGF-1, IGF-2 and IGF-R1, which in turn stimulates their proliferation by autocrine mechanism, decrease apoptosis rate and increase telomerase activity. At the same time majority of tumors underproduce IGF-R2 possibly due to the mutations in both alleles of this gene. However, cancer cell proliferation can be abrogated or alleviated by blocking the mRNA activity of IGF-1, IGF-2 and/or IGF-R1 genes indicating that the use of monoclonal antibodies or an anti-sense approach may represent an effective and practical cancer gene therapy strategy.Velike promjene vrijednosti bilo kojeg peptida iz porodice insulinu sliÄnih Äimbenika rasta /IGF/ (ligandi, receptori, vezujuÄi proteini) Äini se imaju utjecaja na nastanak raka pluÄa; IGF ligandi i IGF-R1 svojim mitogeniÄnim i anti-apopstotskim djelovanjem, a IGF-R2/M-6-P vjerojatno kao tumorski supresor. U tom pogledu otkrili smo da rak pluÄa u ljudi proizvodi previÅ”e IGF-1, IGF-2 i IGF-R1, Äime se pak potiÄe njihovo Å”irenje pomoÄu autokirnog mehanizma, smanjuje brzina apoptotskog procesa i poveÄava aktivnost telomeraze. Istodobno veÄina tumora proizvodi premalo IGF-R2, vjerojatno zbog mutacija prisutnih u oba alela toga gena. Me|utim, Å”irenje stanica raka moguÄe je prekinuti ili usporiti blokadom aktivnosti mRNA gena IGF-1, IGF-2 i/ili IGF-R1, Å”to upuÄuje na to da bi primjena monoklonskih protutijela ili tzv. antisense pristupa mogla biti uÄinkovita strategija upotrebljiva u genskoj terapiji raka
Objavljena knjiga "Downov sindrom"
Objavljena je knjiga naslova Ā«Downov sindromĀ», koju je pisalo dvanaest autora. Urednice knjige su doc. dr. sc. Vida ÄuliÄ,
prim.dr.med. (specijalistica za djeÄje bolesti i subspecijalistica medicinske genetike) i doc. dr. sc. SrÄana ÄuliÄ, prim.dr.med.
(specijalistica za djeÄje bolesti i subspecijalistica djeÄje hematologije i onkologije), zaposlene u Klinici za djeÄje bolesti, KliniÄki
odjel za djeÄju hematologiju, onkologiju, imunologiju i medicinsku genetiku, KliniÄki bolniÄki centar, Split i Medicinskom fakultetu
SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Splitu
Common Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Phļ¼ Following Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in a Multi-Malformed Child with INV (9) (p12;q13) (mat):Case Report
The occurrence of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) and another malignancy in the same patient is infrequent but has been recognized. The genetic changes that could be responsible for LCH and/or concomitant leukemia development are obscure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description of constitutional maternally derived inv (9) (p12;q13) in an LCH patient, and also of the development of common ALL Ph after LCH diagnosis and therapy. The potential significance of these findings [inv (9)LCHALL Ph] and their mutual relationship are unknown. Therefore, cooperative studies of large numbers of patients are needed to identify the common risk factors, if any
Sijamski blizanci ā od sluÄaja do sluÄaja
Sijamski se blizanci raÄaju spojeni razliÄitim dijelovima tijela. U nekim je sluÄajevima kirurÅ”ko razdvajanje moralno dopustivo, a u nekim sluÄajevima nije. Zato svaki sluÄaj treba promatrati zasebno i donositi odluke za upravo taj sluÄaj. Ponekad je odluka jednostavna, ali
u nekim sluÄajevima nije. Uvijek se donosi nakon konzultacija s roditeljima i medicinskim osobljem ukljuÄenim u rjeÅ”avanje problema, vodeÄi raÄuna o poÅ”tovanju ljudskog života. DonoÅ”enje odluka kompliciraju i etiÄki problemi koji ukljuÄuju privatnost bolesnika, razmjeÅ”taj organa koji su zajedniÄki za oba blizanca i, u nekim sluÄajevima, nužnost žrtvovanja jednog blizanca da bi se spasio život drugom. U radu je prikazano nekoliko sluÄajevima koji vrlo
dobro osvjetljavaju moralne i etiÄke nedoumice vezane uz razdvajanje sijamskih blizanaca
Head and Neck Tumor Cells Exhibit Altered Proliferation upon Overexpression of nm23 Genes
nm23 was identified as a metastasis suppressor gene but is also appointed to a number of other biological functions. The goal of this study was to reveal the influence of ectopic expression of nm23-H1 and nm23-H2 on proliferation properties of head and neck tumor cells. The proliferation rate of transfected cells was evaluated using EGFP reporter system and flow cytometry. HEp-2 and CAL 33 cells transiently transfected with nm23 cDNA containing constructs exhibited enhanced proliferation. CAL 27 cells constitutively expressing GFP-Nm23-H2 protein, exhibited intense proliferation the first day after seeding, while the GFP-Nm23-H1 expressing clone started to proliferate after one-day lag period. The results on transiently transfected HEp-2 and CAL 33 cells generally confirmed previous findings connecting nm23 expression with altered proliferation of head and neck tumors. We speculate that the effects observed on stably transfected CAL 27 clones are due to their different attachment properties
Fetal Macrosomia in Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes
The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of fetal macrosomia in newborns from mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and healthy mothers, as well as determining the influence of fetal growth on pregnancy termination, on complications in pregnancy, during delivery and puerperium and on neonatal complications. In the study were included 351 pregnant women with GDM, as well as control group of 1502 healthy pregnant women. Newborns of mothers with GDM had significantly higher birth weight and length, ponderal index >2.85 was more frequent, they were macrosomic and hypertrophic (disproportional and proportional), had smaller Apgar score and more frequent neonatal complications (p<0.05). Fetal macrosomia and fetal hypertrophy alone or, particularly, connected with disproportional fetal growth, but disproportional hypotrophy as well, had significantly influence on greater frequency of delivery and puerperal complications, delivery completion with Cesarean section and neonatal complications in pregnant women with GDM