63 research outputs found

    Protokol za patohistoloŔki pregled kirurŔkih uzoraka kolorektalnog karcinoma

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    The College of American Pathologists offerd protocol to assist pathologists in providing clinically useful and relevant information when reporting results of colon cancer surgical specimen examination. These recommendations are accepted by Croatian Society of Pathology and forensic medicine, were published and recommended for evary-day pathologists work. These protocols are an educational tool to assist pathologists in the useful reporting of relevant information and applies to all primary carcinomas of the colon and rectum. Currently, the seventh edition TNM staging system for carcinoma of the colon and rectum of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) and the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) is recommended.Američka udruga patologa izradila je protokol preuzimanja uzoraka i pisanja izvjeŔća za uzorke kolorektalnog karinoma koji će pružiti dovoljno relevantnih podataka za kliničku uporabu. Ove preporuke su prihvaćene od strane Hrvatske udruge patologa i sudskih medicinara, te publicirane kao pomoć patolozima u svakodnevnom radu. Navedeni protokoli su edukativni i služe patolozima u pisanju patohistoloÅ”kih izvjeŔća koja sadržavaju relevantne informacije i primjenjuju se kod svih primarnih kolorektalnih karcinoma. Za procjenu stadija proÅ”irenosti kolorektalnog karcinoma trenutačno se koristi sedmo izdanje TNM sustava koje je temeljeno na preporuci Američkog zajedničkog komiteta za rak (AJCC) i Internacionalne udruge protiv raka (UICC)

    Protokol za patohistoloŔki pregled kirurŔkih uzoraka kolorektalnog karcinoma

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    The College of American Pathologists offerd protocol to assist pathologists in providing clinically useful and relevant information when reporting results of colon cancer surgical specimen examination. These recommendations are accepted by Croatian Society of Pathology and forensic medicine, were published and recommended for evary-day pathologists work. These protocols are an educational tool to assist pathologists in the useful reporting of relevant information and applies to all primary carcinomas of the colon and rectum. Currently, the seventh edition TNM staging system for carcinoma of the colon and rectum of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) and the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) is recommended.Američka udruga patologa izradila je protokol preuzimanja uzoraka i pisanja izvjeŔća za uzorke kolorektalnog karinoma koji će pružiti dovoljno relevantnih podataka za kliničku uporabu. Ove preporuke su prihvaćene od strane Hrvatske udruge patologa i sudskih medicinara, te publicirane kao pomoć patolozima u svakodnevnom radu. Navedeni protokoli su edukativni i služe patolozima u pisanju patohistoloÅ”kih izvjeŔća koja sadržavaju relevantne informacije i primjenjuju se kod svih primarnih kolorektalnih karcinoma. Za procjenu stadija proÅ”irenosti kolorektalnog karcinoma trenutačno se koristi sedmo izdanje TNM sustava koje je temeljeno na preporuci Američkog zajedničkog komiteta za rak (AJCC) i Internacionalne udruge protiv raka (UICC)

    Helicobacter Pylori Detection in Histological Samples

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    HistoloÅ”ka analiza materijala uzetog endoskopski iz gornjega dijela probavnog sustava kod bolesnika s dispeptičkim tegobama ima veliku važnost u prepoznavanju preneoplastičnih promjena sluznice i stanja vezanih uz posljedice kronične upale koja nose određeni rizik od razvoja karcinoma želuca. Na taj način gastroenterolog dobiva relevantne podatke o prognozi i planira praćenje bolesnika. Uvjet za adekvatnu histoloÅ”ku analizu i iscrpan i vrijedan nalaz jest količina materijala dobivena za histoloÅ”ku analizu. Općeprihvaćeni kriteriji uzimanja najmanje pet biopsija iz različitih dijelova želuca svakako daju optimalne rezultate u histoloÅ”koj analizi uz mogućnost davanja iscrpnih i pouzdanih podataka. Isto tako potrebna je i standardizacija načina izvjeÅ”tavanja o promjenama koje nose rizik od razvoja karcinoma kao Å”to je atrofija sluznice želuca za koje se rabe noviji kriteriji OLGA. Modificirani Sydneyski sustav skoriranja (Houstonski kriteriji) rabe se joÅ” i sada u nekim centrima za procjenu proÅ”irenosti i tipa upalne reakcije, prisutnosti metaplastičnog epitela te procjenu stupnja atrofije sluznice i gustoće kolonizacije H. pylori.Histological examination of endoscopic gastric mucosa in patients with dyspeptic signs has a great value in the recognition of preneoplastic mucosal changes and conditions related to chronic gastric mucosa inflammation, which carries some risk for stomach carcinoma. In this way, a gastroenterologist can get the relevant prognostic factors and criteria for patients follow-up. The prerequisite for the appropriate histological examination is the amount of the obtained biopsy samples. At least five biopsy samples from different sites in the stomach, as generally accepted, yield optimal results in histological analysis. Furthermore, the parameters for reporting all preneoplastic conditions, which are described by the new OLGA staging system and which may lead to the development of carcinoma, such as gastric mucosa atrophy, should be standardized. The Modified Sydney Score (Houston System) is still used by some institutions for reporting atrophy score and H. pylori colonization

    Morphometry of Tumor Cells in Different Grades and Types of Breast Cancer

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    The aim of the study was to compare morphometric characteristics of different types and grades of breast cancer. Morphometric analysis was performed using the SFORM software (Vamstec, Zagreb) on the May-GrĆ¼nwald-Giemsa stained fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) breast tissue specimens. The study included 42 patients diagnosed with breast carcinoma by breast smear FNAC at Merkur University Hospital during the 2001ā€“2005 period. Postoperative tumor histopathology and semi-quantitative tumor grading by the method of Elston and Ellis1 showed invasive ductal carcinoma grade I in 10, invasive ductal carcinoma grade II in 9, invasive ductal carcinoma grade III in 13, and invasive lobular carcinoma in 13 patients, the latter also including a subtype of invasive tubulolobular carcinoma. The following parameters were assessed by use of Statistica 7.1 and c2-test: tumor area, circumference, maximal radius, minimal radius, convexity, length, width, elongation, nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, and shape factor. Morphometric analysis yielded statistically significant differences among all study groups (p<0.001). Morphometric parameters showed significant individual correlation with tumor type and grade, whereby the area, convexity and circumference were most significant at both nuclear and cellular level

    Imprint Cytology of Gastric Mucosa Biopsy ā€“ Fast, Simple and Reliable Method for Detection of Helicobacter Pylori Infection

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    The aim of the study was to determine the value of gastric mucosa imprint cytology in the detection of Helicobacter pylori infection. A total of 182 biopsy specimens, from 182 randomly selected patients undergoing gastroscopy with gastric mucosa biopsy, were analyzed. Specimens were first submitted to slide imprinting and then formalin fixed for further routine histopathology. One-hundred and fifty-five specimens proved adequate for definitive comparison of the methods used for detection of Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter pylori was detected by histopathology in 51 specimens and by cytology in 54 specimens. Agreement between the findings obtained by the two methods was recorded in 130 of 155 (83.1%) specimens. Positive cytology and negative histology findings were obtained in 14, and vice versa in 11 specimens. Gastric mucosa imprint cytology provides a useful method for the detection of Helicobacter pylori infection. The method is advantageous for being fast, simple and inexpensive. When the sample is obtained exclusively for confirmation of the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, cytology reduces the time and cost of the procedure, at the same time providing data on morphological changes of gastric mucosa. Every finding suspect of malignant transformation of the mucosa can also be verified by histopathology because imprint manipulation causes no damage to the sample

    Cytokeratin 10 and Ki-67 Nuclear Marker Expression in Keratoacanthoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    The most frequent consideration in the clinical and histologic dif ferential diagnosis of keratoacanthoma is squamous cell carcinoma. In the pres ent study, cytokeratin 10 ex pres sion and pro lif er a tion rate as measured by Ki-67 ex pres sion were com pared be tween 50 clin i cally and histologically di ag nosed keratoacanthomas and 50 squamous cell car ci no mas. Tis sue sec tions from the skin were immunohistochemically stained with anti-cytokeratin 10 and anti-Ki-67 monoclonal antibodies. The distribution of cytokeratin 10 ex pres sion and proliferative cell count were analyzed. Study results showed higher cytokeratin 10 expression in kerato acanthomas than in squamous cell car cinomas and different distribution of staining in the two entities. The analysis of cytokeratin 10 ex pression showed a much wider range of values and statistically higher median (p 0.001) in kerato acanthomas than in squamous cell carcinomas. Additionally, the prolifer ation index of keratinocytes as mea sured by Ki-67 ex pres sion was significantly higher in squamous cell carcinomas than in keratoacanthomas (p 0.01). These re sults may prove help ful in histologic differentiation of these disorders

    Antiproliferative, Antiangiogenic and Apoptotic Effect of Photochemotherapy (PUVA) in Psoriasis Patients

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the antiproliferative, antiangiogenic and apoptotic effect of photochemotherapy (PUVA) in psoriatic patients, and to compare it with a control group of psoriatics treated with local corticosteroid therapy. The study included 60 psoriasis patients, 30 of them allocated to PUVA therapy and local corticosteroid each. Immunohistochemical methods of staining with Ki-67, F-8 and bcl-2 antibodies were used to determine proliferative keratinocyte count, to visualize the number of blood vessels in the dermis, and to determine the number of cells exhibiting expression of the antiapoptotic oncoprotein bcl-2, respectively. In all study patients, the values of Ki-67, F-8, bcl-2 and PUVA score were recorded pre- and at six weeks post-therapeutically. Study results showed a statistically significant decrease in the epidermal proliferative keratinocyte count and dermal number of blood vessels after both therapeutic modalities (p<0.001 both). The value of bcl-2 showed a statistically significant increase in the group of patients treated with PUVA therapy (p=0.001) and an increase in the control group, demonstrating enhanced keratinocyte apoptosis after treatment. Accordingly, study results demonstrated the antiproliferative, antiangiogenic and apoptotic effect of both PUVA and local corticosteroids. These very mechanisms appear to play a key role in the action of most antipsoriatic therapies

    Expression of Genes Responsible for the Repair of Mispaired Bases of the DNA (MLH1) in Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma

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    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous group of diseases determined and distinguished by cellular type, gene expression and clinical signs and symptoms. Identification of histological and biological markers is of great value in predicting the progression of tumor growth and anticipating the expected response to various treatment options. Due to a high degree of cell proliferation in breast tumors and high genetic instability of these tumors, as a consequence of defective DNA repair mechanisms, chemotherapy as a treatment option often renders very successful results. During our scientific research we wanted to determine the involvement of the genetic polymorphisms of DNA mismatch repair system (MLH1 gene) and the subsequent development of breast carcinoma. This study included 108 patients who were surgically treated for inva- sive breast cancer at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, University Hospital Ā»DubravaĀ«. The expression of the MLH1 gene was determined by immunohistochemical methods. The results showed that 82.9% of tumor cells expressed the MLH1 gene. Analysis of survival rate for patients with invasive ductal breast cancer showed a statistically significant (p=0.043) correlation with the expression of MLH1 genes. The overall five year survival rate of our patients was 78.7%. These results indicate that there is a possible involvement of MLH1 gene in the progression and development of breast cancer
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