7 research outputs found

    Biological Composition of Sewage Sludge in the Aspect of Threats to the Natural Environment

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    One of the prerequisites for sustainable development is integrated waste management, including sewage sludge. Besides its good fertilization properties, sewage sludge, which is an inevitable by-product of sewage treatment, accumulates toxic chemical substances and dangerous pathogenic and toxicogenic organisms. Uncontrolled introduction of sewage sludge into soil might pose a serious threat to food chain and natural soil microflora. This in effect might disturb the ecological balance in a particular ecosystem. This study presents author’s own investigations of the sanitary conditions of sewage sludge and the conditions after the processes of aerobic and anaerobic stabilization. The investigated sewage sludge originated from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The sewage sludge samples were transferred onto proliferation and diagnostic media. The results of the analysis obtained in this study confirmed that sewage sludge is a material which is rich in microorganisms, including pathogenic bacterial species such as: Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Mycological tests demonstrated that sewage sludge is a material which is conducive to proliferation of yeast-like and mould-like fungi, among which both pathogenic and toxinogenic species can be present. Quantitative analysis of the investigated sewage sludge demonstrated that the processes of stabilization reduce the content of microorganisms but they do not guarantee product safety in sanitary terms. A huge variability and variety of biological composition points to the need for further research in the field of sanitary characteristics of sewage sludge and survival rate in microorganisms from different types of sewage sludge

    Treatment of dairy wastewater in UASB-UF system

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    The examinations concerned determination of the treatment efficiency of wastewater form dairy industry using the system which combines methane fermentation with ultrafiltration process. The study attempted to determine the effect of HRT and OLR on the degree of biodegradation of contaminants contained in the sludge examined and on the quality and amount of biogas. The anaerobic process obtained a considerable degree of the removal of organic pollutants from raw wastewater designated as COD (73.8%), BOD (81.2%) and TOC (76%). The concentrations of COD and BOD were 1053 mg/dm3 and 329 mg/dm3, respectively. The value of TOC reached a level of 288 mg/dm3. Generated biogas in the methane fermentation process of wastewater from dairy wastewater was characterized by high methane content (82 % vol.). In the final part of the experiment, the UF process was used in order to posttreating effluent from UASB reactor. During the UF process, COD, BOD and TOC parameters were removed at 72%, 63% and 67%, respectively

    Treatment of dairy wastewater in UASB-UF system

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    The examinations concerned determination of the treatment efficiency of wastewater form dairy industry using the system which combines methane fermentation with ultrafiltration process. The study attempted to determine the effect of HRT and OLR on the degree of biodegradation of contaminants contained in the sludge examined and on the quality and amount of biogas. The anaerobic process obtained a considerable degree of the removal of organic pollutants from raw wastewater designated as COD (73.8%), BOD (81.2%) and TOC (76%). The concentrations of COD and BOD were 1053 mg/dm3 and 329 mg/dm3, respectively. The value of TOC reached a level of 288 mg/dm3. Generated biogas in the methane fermentation process of wastewater from dairy wastewater was characterized by high methane content (82 % vol.). In the final part of the experiment, the UF process was used in order to posttreating effluent from UASB reactor. During the UF process, COD, BOD and TOC parameters were removed at 72%, 63% and 67%, respectively

    The Problems in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Tannery Industry in Regard to Sewage Sludge Management

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    The paper discusses the issue of tannery sewage sludge management as one of the barriers in reaching sustainable development in the tanning industry. The Authors present the main characteristics, and its origins, of tannery sludge limiting the possibilities of their treatment and review the proposed solutions found in literature. The paper focuses on identifying the strong and weak points of the most commonly used methods used for sewage sludge treatment as well as presents some novel approaches which remain at laboratory stage

    The Problems in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Tannery Industry in Regard to Sewage Sludge Management

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    The paper discusses the issue of tannery sewage sludge management as one of the barriers in reaching sustainable development in the tanning industry. The Authors present the main characteristics, and its origins, of tannery sludge limiting the possibilities of their treatment and review the proposed solutions found in literature. The paper focuses on identifying the strong and weak points of the most commonly used methods used for sewage sludge treatment as well as presents some novel approaches which remain at laboratory stage


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    Obecny stan prawny w pewien sposób generuje poszukiwania i rozwój nowoczesnych technologii pozwalających na rozwiązanie problemu zagospodarowania osadów ściekowych w Polsce nie tylko dla dużych obiektów, ale przede wszystkim dla instalacji małych i średnich, ponieważ to z nich głównie osady ściekowe obecnie trafiają na składowiska odpadów. Celem pracy jest ocena funkcjonowania prototypowej linii technologicznej do przetwarzania osadów ściekowych i ocena uzyskanej z tej technologii biomasy. Technologia Bionor Sludge stanowi rozwiązanie przeznaczone dla gminnych oczyszczalni o przepustowości do 1000 m3*d-1. Powstające osady ściekowe odpowiednio przetworzone w instalacji mogą zostać zagospodarowane dwojako: jako kompost lub jako wsad do instalacji termicznej, gdzie mogą stanowić biomasę zgodnie z ustawą o OZE. W pracy przedstawiono materiały pozwalające na wstępną ocenę jakości uzyskiwanego produktu pod kątem potencjału nawozowego i energetycznego. Bionor Sludge to technologia, która polega na przekierowaniu, w możliwie największym stopniu, energii chemicznej zgromadzonej w ściekach komunalnych do osadów stanowiących rezerwuar substancji organicznej. Cały układ technologiczny oczyszczania ścieków i przeróbki osadów charakteryzuje się również wysoką efektywnością i elastycznością pracy przy modułowej zabudowie. Możliwe i w pełni zasadne jest zastosowanie wybranych elementów omawianej instalacji w ramach modernizacji istniejących obiektów. Technologia Bionor Sludge dzięki swej innowacyjności i założeniom o możliwie najlepszym wykorzystaniu zasobów nawozowych i energetycznych, umożliwia racjonalne funkcjonowanie oczyszczalni i tym samym znaczące odciążenie budżetu gmin i ostatecznie ich mieszkańców