51 research outputs found

    Global Stellar Budget for LIGO Black Holes

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    The binary black hole mergers observed by LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave detectors pose two major challenges: (i) how to produce these massive black holes from stellar processes; and (ii) how to bring them close enough to merge within the age of the universe? We derive a fundamental constraint relating the binary separation and the available stellar budget in the universe to produce the observed black hole mergers. We find that 14%\lesssim 14\% of the entire budget contributes to the observed merger rate of (30+30) M(30 + 30)~\mathrm{M}_\odot black holes, if the separation is around the diameter of their progenitor stars. Furthermore, the upgraded LIGO detector and third-generation gravitational-wave detectors are not expected to find stellar-mass black hole mergers at high redshifts. From LIGO's strong constraints on the mergers of black holes in the pair-instability mass-gap (60120 M60-120~\mathrm{M}_\odot), we find that 0.8%\lesssim 0.8\% of all massive stars contribute to a remnant black hole population in this gap. Our derived separation-budget constraint provides a robust framework for testing the formation scenarios of stellar binary black holes

    Pointing LISA-like gravitational wave detectors

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    Space-based gravitational wave detectors based on the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) design operate by synthesizing one or more interferometers from fringe velocity measurements generated by changes in the light travel time between three spacecraft in a special set of drag-free heliocentric orbits. These orbits determine the inclination of the synthesized interferometer with respect to the ecliptic plane. Once these spacecraft are placed in their orbits, the orientation of the interferometers at any future time is fixed by Kepler's Laws based on the initial orientation of the spacecraft constellation, which may be freely chosen. Over the course of a full solar orbit, the initial orientation determines a set of locations on the sky were the detector has greatest sensitivity to gravitational waves as well as a set of locations where nulls in the detector response fall. By artful choice of the initial orientation, we can choose to optimize or suppress the antennas sensitivity to sources whose location may be known in advance (e.g., the Galactic Center or globular clusters).Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    Detectability of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Multiband Gravitational Wave Astronomy

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    The direct measurement of gravitational waves is a powerful tool for surveying the population of black holes across the universe. The first gravitational wave catalog from LIGO has detected black holes as heavy as 50 M\sim50~M_\odot, colliding when our Universe was about half its current age. However, there is yet no unambiguous evidence of black holes in the intermediate-mass range of 1025 M10^{2-5}~M_\odot. Recent electromagnetic observations have hinted at the existence of IMBHs in the local universe; however, their masses are poorly constrained. The likely formation mechanisms of IMBHs are also not understood. Here we make the case that multiband gravitational wave astronomy --specifically, joint observations by space- and ground-based gravitational wave detectors-- will be able to survey a broad population of IMBHs at cosmological distances. By utilizing general relativistic simulations of merging black holes and state-of-the-art gravitational waveform models, we classify three distinct population of binaries with IMBHs in the multiband era and discuss what can be observed about each. Our studies show that multiband observations involving the upgraded LIGO detector and the proposed space-mission LISA would detect the inspiral, merger and ringdown of IMBH binaries out to redshift ~2. Assuming that next-generation detectors, Einstein Telescope, and Cosmic Explorer, are operational during LISA's mission lifetime, we should have multiband detections of IMBH binaries out to redshift ~5. To facilitate studies on multiband IMBH sources, here we investigate the multiband detectability of IMBH binaries. We provide analytic relations for the maximum redshift of multiband detectability, as a function of black hole mass, for various detector combinations. Our study paves the way for future work on what can be learned from IMBH observations in the era of multiband gravitational wave astronomy

    Georgia Tech Catalog of Gravitational Waveforms

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    This paper introduces a catalog of gravitational waveforms from the bank of simulations by the numerical relativity effort at Georgia Tech. Currently, the catalog consists of 452 distinct waveforms from more than 600 binary black hole simulations: 128 of the waveforms are from binaries with black hole spins aligned with the orbital angular momentum, and 324 are from precessing binary black hole systems. The waveforms from binaries with non-spinning black holes have mass-ratios q=m1/m215q = m_1/m_2 \le 15, and those with precessing, spinning black holes have q8q \le 8. The waveforms expand a moderate number of orbits in the late inspiral, the burst during coalescence, and the ring-down of the final black hole. Examples of waveforms in the catalog matched against the widely used approximate models are presented. In addition, predictions of the mass and spin of the final black hole by phenomenological fits are tested against the results from the simulation bank. The role of the catalog in interpreting the GW150914 event and future massive binary black-hole search in LIGO is discussed. The Georgia Tech catalog is publicly available at einstein.gatech.edu/catalog

    Coping with Junk Radiation in Binary Black Hole Simulations

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    Spurious junk radiation in the initial data for binary black hole numerical simulations has been an issue of concern. The radiation affects the masses and spins of the black holes, modifying their orbital dynamics and thus potentially compromising the accuracy of templates used in gravitational wave analysis. Our study finds that junk radiation effects are localized to the vicinity of the black holes. Using insights from single black hole simulations, we obtain fitting formulas to estimate the changes from junk radiation on the mass and spin magnitude of the black holes in binary systems. We demonstrate how these fitting formulas could be used to adjust the initial masses and spin magnitudes of the black holes, so the resulting binary has the desired parameters after the junk radiation has left the computational domain. A comparison of waveforms from raw simulations with those from simulations that have been adjusted for junk radiation demonstrate that junk radiation could have an appreciable effect on the templates for LIGO sources with SNRs above 30.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Inferring Parameters of GW170502: The Loudest Intermediate-mass Black Hole Trigger in LIGO's O1/O2 data

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    Gravitational wave (GW) measurements provide the most robust constraints of the mass of astrophysical black holes. Using state-of-the-art GW signal models and a unique parameter estimation technique, we infer the source parameters of the loudest marginal trigger, GW170502, found by LIGO from 2015 to 2017. If this trigger is assumed to be a binary black hole merger, we find it corresponds to a total mass in the source frame of 15741+55 M157^{+55}_{-41}~\rm{M}_\odot at redshift z=1.370.64+0.93z=1.37^{+0.93}_{-0.64}. The primary and secondary black hole masses are constrained to 9428+44 M94^{+44}_{-28}~\rm{M}_{\odot} and 6225+30 M62^{+30}_{-25}~\rm{M}_{\odot} respectively, with 90\% confidence. Across all signal models, we find 70%\gtrsim 70\% probability for the effective spin parameter χeff>0.1\chi_\mathrm{eff}>0.1. Furthermore, we find that the inclusion of higher-order modes in the analysis narrows the confidence region for the primary black hole mass by 10\%, however, the evidence for these modes in the data remains negligible. The techniques outlined in this study could lead to robust inference of the physical parameters for all intermediate-mass black hole binary candidates (100 M)(\gtrsim100~\mathrm{M}_\odot) in the current GW network.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Targeted numerical simulations of binary black holes for GW170104

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    In response to LIGO's observation of GW170104, we performed a series of full numerical simulations of binary black holes, each designed to replicate likely realizations of its dynamics and radiation. These simulations have been performed at multiple resolutions and with two independent techniques to solve Einstein's equations. For the nonprecessing and precessing simulations, we demonstrate the two techniques agree mode by mode, at a precision substantially in excess of statistical uncertainties in current LIGO's observations. Conversely, we demonstrate our full numerical solutions contain information which is not accurately captured with the approximate phenomenological models commonly used to infer compact binary parameters. To quantify the impact of these differences on parameter inference for GW170104 specifically, we compare the predictions of our simulations and these approximate models to LIGO's observations of GW170104.Comment: 11 figures, 20 page

    A Parameter Estimation Method that Directly Compares Gravitational Wave Observations to Numerical Relativity

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    We present and assess a Bayesian method to interpret gravitational wave signals from binary black holes. Our method directly compares gravitational wave data to numerical relativity simulations. This procedure bypasses approximations used in semi-analytical models for compact binary coalescence. In this work, we use only the full posterior parameter distribution for generic nonprecessing binaries, drawing inferences away from the set of NR simulations used, via interpolation of a single scalar quantity (the marginalized log-likelihood, lnL\ln {\cal L}) evaluated by comparing data to nonprecessing binary black hole simulations. We also compare the data to generic simulations, and discuss the effectiveness of this procedure for generic sources. We specifically assess the impact of higher order modes, repeating our interpretation with both l2l\le2 as well as l3l\le3 harmonic modes. Using the l3l\le3 higher modes, we gain more information from the signal and can better constrain the parameters of the gravitational wave signal. We assess and quantify several sources of systematic error that our procedure could introduce, including simulation resolution and duration; most are negligible. We show through examples that our method can recover the parameters for equal mass, zero spin; GW150914-like; and unequal mass, precessing spin sources. Our study of this new parameter estimation method demonstrates we can quantify and understand the systematic and statistical error. This method allows us to use higher order modes from numerical relativity simulations to better constrain the black hole binary parameters.Comment: 30 pages, 22 figures; submitted to PR

    What we can learn from multi-band observations of black hole binaries

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    The LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave (GW) interferometers have to-date detected ten merging black hole (BH) binaries, some with masses considerably larger than had been anticipated. Stellar-mass BH binaries at the high end of the observed mass range (with "chirp mass" M ≳ 25M⊙) should be detectable by a space-based GW observatory years before those binaries become visible to ground-based GW detectors. This white paper discusses some of the synergies that result when the same binaries are observed by instruments in space and on the ground. We consider intermediate-mass black hole binaries (with total mass M∼10²−10⁴ M⊙) as well as stellar-mass black hole binaries. We illustrate how combining space-based and ground-based data sets can break degeneracies and thereby improve our understanding of the binary's physical parameters. While early work focused on how space-based observatories can forecast precisely when some mergers will be observed on the ground, the reverse is also important: ground-based detections will allow us to "dig deeper" into archived, space-based data to confidently identify black hole inspirals whose signal-to-noise ratios were originally sub-threshold, increasing the number of binaries observed in both bands by a factor of ∼4−7

    Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Future Gravitational-Wave Detector Facilities

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    The next generation of gravitational-wave observatories can explore a wide range of fundamental physics phenomena throughout the history of the universe. These phenomena include access to the universe's binary black hole population throughout cosmic time, to the universe's expansion history independent of the cosmic distance ladders, to stochastic gravitational-waves from early-universe phase transitions, to warped space-time in the strong-field and high-velocity limit, to the equation of state of nuclear matter at neutron star and post-merger densities, and to dark matter candidates through their interaction in extreme astrophysical environments or their interaction with the detector itself. We present the gravitational-wave detector concepts than can drive the future of gravitational-wave astrophysics. We summarize the status of the necessary technology, and the research needed to be able to build these observatories in the 2030s.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures, contribution to Snowmass 202