1,269 research outputs found

    Spectral tail processes and max-stable approximations of multivariate regularly varying time series

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    A regularly varying time series as introduced in Basrak and Segers (2009) is a (multivariate) time series such that all finite dimensional distributions are multivariate regularly varying. The extremal behavior of such a process can then be described by the index of regular variation and the so-called spectral tail process, which is the limiting distribution of the rescaled process, given an extreme event at time 0. As shown in Basrak and Segers (2009), the stationarity of the underlying time series implies a certain structure of the spectral tail process, informally known as the "time change formula". In this article, we show that on the other hand, every process which satisfies this property is in fact the spectral tail process of an underlying stationary max-stable process. The spectral tail process and the corresponding max-stable process then provide two complementary views on the extremal behavior of a multivariate regularly varying stationary time series

    kk-means clustering of extremes

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    The kk-means clustering algorithm and its variant, the spherical kk-means clustering, are among the most important and popular methods in unsupervised learning and pattern detection. In this paper, we explore how the spherical kk-means algorithm can be applied in the analysis of only the extremal observations from a data set. By making use of multivariate extreme value analysis we show how it can be adopted to find "prototypes" of extremal dependence and we derive a consistency result for our suggested estimator. In the special case of max-linear models we show furthermore that our procedure provides an alternative way of statistical inference for this class of models. Finally, we provide data examples which show that our method is able to find relevant patterns in extremal observations and allows us to classify extremal events