72 research outputs found

    More cubic surfaces violating the Hasse principle

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    We generalize L.J. Mordell's construction of cubic surfaces for which the Hasse principle fails

    The Hasse principle for lines on diagonal surfaces

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    Given a number field kk and a positive integer dd, in this paper we consider the following question: does there exist a smooth diagonal surface of degree dd in P3\mathbb{P}^3 over kk which contains a line over every completion of kk, yet no line over kk? We answer the problem using Galois cohomology, and count the number of counter-examples using a result of Erd\H{o}s.Comment: 14 page

    On the Brauer-Manin obstruction for degree four del Pezzo surfaces

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    We show that, for every integer 1≤d≤41 \leq d \leq 4 and every finite set SS of places, there exists a degree dd del Pezzo surface XX over Q{\mathbb Q} such that Br(X)/Br(Q)≅Z/2Z{\rm Br}(X)/{\rm Br}({\mathbb Q}) \cong {\mathbb Z}/2{\mathbb Z} and the Brauer-Manin obstruction works exactly at the places in SS. For d=4d = 4, we prove that in all cases, with the exception of S={∞}S = \{\infty\}, this surface may be chosen diagonalizably over Q{\mathbb Q}

    On the frequency of algebraic Brauer classes on certain log K3 surfaces

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    Given systems of two (inhomogeneous) quadratic equations in four variables, it is known that the Hasse principle for integral points may fail. Sometimes this failure can be explained by some integral Brauer-Manin obstruction. We study the existence of a non-trivial algebraic part of the Brauer group for a family of such systems and show that the failure of the integral Hasse principle due to an algebraic Brauer-Manin obstruction is rare, as for a generic choice of a system the algebraic part of the Brauer-group is trivial. We use resolvent constructions to give quantitative upper bounds on the number of exceptions.Comment: 13 page

    On the number of certain Del Pezzo surfaces of degree four violating the Hasse principle

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    We give an asymptotic expansion for the density of del Pezzo surfaces of degree four in a certain Birch Swinnerton-Dyer family violating the Hasse principle due to a Brauer-Manin obstruction. Under the assumption of Schinzel's hypothesis and the finiteness of Tate-Shafarevich groups for elliptic curves, we obtain an asymptotic formula for the number of all del Pezzo surfaces in the family, which violate the Hasse principle.Comment: 27 page

    On the algebraic Brauer classes on open degree four del Pezzo surfaces

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    We study the algebraic Brauer classes on open del Pezzo surfaces of degree 44. I.e., on the complements of geometrically irreducible hyperplane sections of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 44. We show that the 22-torsion part is generated by classes of two different types. Moreover, there are two types of 44-torsion classes. For each type, we discuss methods for the evaluation of such a class at a rational point over a pp-adic field

    On the quasi group of a cubic surface over a finite field

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    We construct nontrivial homomorphisms from the quasi group of some cubic surfaces over \bbF_{\!p} into a group. We show experimentally that the homomorphisms constructed are the only possible ones and that there are no nontrivial homomorphisms in the other cases. Thereby, we follow the classification of cubic surfaces, due to A. Cayley
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