445 research outputs found

    The persistence of self-employment across borders: new evidence on legal immigrants to the United States

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    Using recently-available data from the New Immigrant Survey, we find that previous self-employment experience in an immigrant’s country of origin is an important determinant of their self-employment status in the U.S., increasing the probability of being self-employed by about 7 percent. Our results improve on the previous literature by measuring home-country self-employment directly rather than relying on proxy measures. We find little evidence to suggest that home-country self employment has a significant effect on U.S. wages in either paid employment or self employment

    On the Exact Evaluation of Certain Instances of the Potts Partition Function by Quantum Computers

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    We present an efficient quantum algorithm for the exact evaluation of either the fully ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic q-state Potts partition function Z for a family of graphs related to irreducible cyclic codes. This problem is related to the evaluation of the Jones and Tutte polynomials. We consider the connection between the weight enumerator polynomial from coding theory and Z and exploit the fact that there exists a quantum algorithm for efficiently estimating Gauss sums in order to obtain the weight enumerator for a certain class of linear codes. In this way we demonstrate that for a certain class of sparse graphs, which we call Irreducible Cyclic Cocycle Code (ICCC_\epsilon) graphs, quantum computers provide a polynomial speed up in the difference between the number of edges and vertices of the graph, and an exponential speed up in q, over the best classical algorithms known to date

    A microscopic 2D lattice model of dimer granular compaction with friction

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    We study by Monte Carlo simulation the compaction dynamics of hard dimers in 2D under the action of gravity, subjected to vertical and horizontal shaking, considering also the case in which a friction force acts for horizontal displacements of the dimers. These forces are modeled by introducing effective probabilities for all kinds of moves of the particles. We analyze the dynamics for different values of the time τ\tau during which the shaking is applied to the system and for different intensities of the forces. It turns out that the density evolution in time follows a stretched exponential behavior if τ\tau is not very large, while a power law tail develops for larger values of τ\tau. Moreover, in the absence of friction, a critical value τ\tau^* exists which signals the crossover between two different regimes: for τ<τ\tau < \tau^* the asymptotic density scales with a power law of τ\tau, while for τ>τ\tau > \tau^* it reaches logarithmically a maximal saturation value. Such behavior smears out when a finite friction force is present. In this situation the dynamics is slower and lower asymptotic densities are attained. In particular, for significant friction forces, the final density decreases linearly with the friction coefficient. We also compare the frictionless single tap dynamics to the sequential tapping dynamics, observing in the latter case an inverse logarithmic behavior of the density evolution, as found in the experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Long-range effects in granular avalanching

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    We introduce a model for granular flow in a one-dimensional rice pile that incorporates rolling effects through a long-range rolling probability for the individual rice grains proportional to rρr^{-\rho}, rr being the distance traveled by a grain in a single topling event. The exponent ρ\rho controls the average rolling distance. We have shown that the crossover from power law to stretched exponential behaviors observed experimentally in the granular dynamics of rice piles can be well described as a long-range effect resulting from a change in the transport properties of individual grains. We showed that stretched exponential avalanche distributions can be associated with a long-range regime for 1<ρ<21<\rho<2 where the average rolling distance grows as a power law with the system size, while power law distributions are associated with a short range regime for ρ>2\rho>2, where the average rolling distance is independent of the system size.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Entropic Tightening of Vibrated Chains

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    We investigate experimentally the distribution of configurations of a ring with an elementary topological constraint, a ``figure-8'' twist. Using vibrated granular chains, which permit controlled preparation and direct observation of such a constraint, we show that configurations where one of the loops is tight and the second is large are strongly preferred. This agrees with recent predictions for equilibrium properties of topologically-constrained polymers. However, the dynamics of the tightening process weakly violate detailed balance, a signature of the nonequilibrium nature of this system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Phenomenological glass model for vibratory granular compaction

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    A model for weakly excited granular media is derived by combining the free volume argument of Nowak et al. [Phys. Rev. E 57, 1971 (1998)] and the phenomenological model for supercooled liquids of Adam and Gibbs [J. Chem. Phys. 43, 139 (1965)]. This is made possible by relating the granular excitation parameter \Gamma, defined as the peak acceleration of the driving pulse scaled by gravity, to a temperature-like parameter \eta(\Gamma). The resulting master equation is formally identical to that of Bouchaud's trap model for glasses [J. Phys. I 2, 1705 (1992)]. Analytic and simulation results are shown to compare favourably with a range of known experimental behaviour. This includes the logarithmic densification and power spectrum of fluctuations under constant \eta, the annealing curve when \eta is varied cyclically in time, and memory effects observed for a discontinuous shift in \eta. Finally, we discuss the physical interpretation of the model parameters and suggest further experiments for this class of systems.Comment: 2 references added; some figure labels tweaked. To appear in PR

    Stress Transmission through Three-Dimensional Ordered Granular Arrays

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    We measure the local contact forces at both the top and bottom boundaries of three-dimensional face-centered-cubic and hexagonal-close-packed granular crystals in response to an external force applied to a small area at the top surface. Depending on the crystal structure, we find markedly different results which can be understood in terms of force balance considerations in the specific geometry of the crystal. Small amounts of disorder are found to create additional structure at both the top and bottom surfaces.Comment: 9 pages including 9 figures (many in color) submitted to PR

    Empirical Validation of MoDe4SLA; Approach for Managing Service Compositions

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    For companies managing complex Web service compositions, challenges arise which go far beyond simple bilateral contract monitoring. For example, it is not only important to determine whether or not a component (i.e., Web service) in a composition is performing properly, but also to understand what the impact of its performance is on the overall service composition. To tackle this challenge, in previous work we developed MoDe4SLA which allows managing and monitoring dependencies between services in a composition. This paper empirically validates MoDe4SLA through an extensive and interactive experiment among 34 participants

    Compaction of Rods: Relaxation and Ordering in Vibrated, Anisotropic Granular Material

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    We report on experiments to measure the temporal and spatial evolution of packing arrangements of anisotropic, cylindrical granular material, using high-resolution capacitive monitoring. In these experiments, the particle configurations start from an initially disordered, low-packing-fraction state and under vertical vibrations evolve to a dense, highly ordered, nematic state in which the long particle axes align with the vertical tube walls. We find that the orientational ordering process is reflected in a characteristic, steep rise in the local packing fraction. At any given height inside the packing, the ordering is initiated at the container walls and proceeds inward. We explore the evolution of the local as well as the height-averaged packing fraction as a function of vibration parameters and compare our results to relaxation experiments conducted on spherically shaped granular materials.Comment: 9 pages incl. 7 figure

    Complementarity and the uncertainty relations

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    We formulate a general complementarity relation starting from any Hermitian operator with discrete non-degenerate eigenvalues. We then elucidate the relationship between quantum complementarity and the Heisenberg-Robertson's uncertainty relation. We show that they are intimately connected. Finally we exemplify the general theory with some specific suggested experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX, uses epsf.sty and multicol.st