23 research outputs found

    An optimal, stable continued fraction algorithm for arbitrary dimension

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    We analyse a continued fraction algorithm (abbreviated CFA) for arbitrary dimension n showing that it produces simultaneous diophantine approximations which are up to the factor 2^((n+2)/4) best possible. Given a real vector x=(x_1,...,x_{n-1},1) in R^n this CFA generates a sequence of vectors (p_1^(k),...,p_{n-1}^(k),q^(k)) in Z^n, k=1,2,... with increasing integers |q^{(k)}| satisfying for i=1,...,n-1 | x_i - p_i^(k)/q^(k) | <= 2^((n+2)/4) sqrt(1+x_i^2) |q^(k)|^(1+1/(n-1)) By a theorem of Dirichlet this bound is best possible in that the exponent 1+1/(n-1) can in general not be increased