1 research outputs found

    Forum of International Organic Agriculture

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    為促進台灣有機農業國際化,邀請亞洲各國,包括日本、韓國、北韓、中國、越南、泰國、印尼、菲律賓、馬來西亞、美、加、紐、澳等國之專家學者20人,透過有機農業國際論壇,探討區域合作之目標及合作發展,同時也讓國內驗證人員熟悉國際有機農業的法規與驗證制度,建立國外有機農產品驗證制度,確保進口有機農產品的品質與安全,也為國內有機農產品把關,保障國內消費者。未來並輔導國內有機驗證機構參與IFOAM等世界性有機團體,與其他國家合作,參與世界性有機農業推動等工作。並比較我國有機農業驗證規範與國際規範之差異,提供未來修訂之建議。為進一步加強國際學術交流,舉辦國際有機農業論壇,討論題綱包括: 1. 有機資材之管理。 2. 各國有機驗證制度之比較。 3. 有機加工食品之驗證。 4. 有機產品之包裝與理貨。 5. 進口有機產品邊境管理措施。 6. 有機產品產銷合作模式。透過學術論壇交換意見,加強各國有機農業關係人,包括生產者、消費者,以及驗證人員對彼此有機農產品現況及發展之瞭解,對未來國際間之有機農產品貿易、有機農業生產技術之改進、法令規章之認知,及有機農業之學術發展,均有重要助益。尤以透過國際交流,增加我國在國際社會之進一步參與與交流。East Asia supports a large percentage of the world's population, some of the most important markets, largest organic projects and progressive agricultural practices. Development within each of the countries is of great interest to the outside world, yet little is known about each other, our expectations, concerns and directions. This meeting is called for in the spirit of collaboration and common good for Organics primarily in East Asia, but also to the international Organic community. Common themes to be developed include: 1. Identification and exploration of prominent issues 2. management for materials 3. certification for food processing 4. certification system 5. aspects of collaboration 6. shared preferred futures. This forum's intent is to affirm existing bonds, form new ones and create an environment where open exploration of potentials can evolve. The process will be open and inclusive, an outcome is not premeditated. It is expected that it would include brief presentation of written in-country reports, themed sessions, open discussions, field trips and a brief exploration of Taiwan