3 research outputs found

    Kontrola kvalitete elektroerozijske teksture

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    This paper deals with quality control of the electro-discharge texturing. Automobile manufacturers have strict requirements for micro-geometry parameters of rolled metal plates from contractors of body sheet metal. The micro-geometry of the roll surface has significant influence on the final quality of the rolled metal plate. In this paper electro-discharge texturing parameters are analyzed, for example, the texturing current, impulse time, technological pause, and their impact to roughness average and peak counts. Quality control is discussed based on mathematical model for estimating the texturing current, impulse time, and technological pause for roughness average or peak counts required value.Rad opisuje kontrolu kvalitete elektroerozijske teksture. Proizvođači automobila postavljaju prema dobavljačima lima za karoserije stroge zahtjeve za parametre mikrogeometrije valjanih limova. Mikrogeometrija valjane površine ima značajan utjecaj na završnu kvalitetu valjanih limova. U ovom su radu analizirani parametri elektrolizijske teksture, npr., jakost struje, trajanje impulsa, tehnološka pauza i utjecaj na prosječnu hrapavost i broj vrhova. Kontrola kvalitete se razmatra na osnovu matematičkog modela za procjenu jakosti struje, trajanja impulsa i tehnološke pauze za zahtjevanu hrapavost i broj vrhova

    Quality control of the electro-discharge texturing

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    This paper deals with quality control of the electro-discharge texturing. Automobile manufacturers have strict requirements for micro-geometry parameters of rolled metal plates from contractors of body sheet metal. The micro-geometry of the roll surface has significant influence on the final quality of the rolled metal plate. In this paper electro-discharge texturing parameters are analyzed, for example, the texturing current, impulse time, technological pause, and their impact to roughness average and peak counts. Quality control is discussed based on mathematical model for estimating the texturing current, impulse time, and technological pause for roughness average or peak counts required value