9 research outputs found

    Micropropagation of Plantago asiatica L. through culture of shoot-tips

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    Shoot-tip multiplication of the medicinal species - Plantago asiatica was carried on MS medium with IAA and BAP or kinetin. Best results in micropropagation were achieved by adding 0.1 mg/dm3 IAA and 1 mg/dm3 BAP. After 6 weeks shoots were transferred to MS medium for rooting. The resulting plantlets were transferred after 8 weeks into pots and after a period of adaptation into the ground (field culture). The species Plantago asiatica was propagated in vitro by shoot-tip multiplication for the first time

    Micropropagation of Plantago camtschatica Link

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    The Far East medicinal plant - Plantago camtschatica was propagated in vitro from tips of shoots (obtained in vitro) and from different explants of 4-week-old seedlings: seedling tips, hypocotyls, cotyledons, roots, first leaves. To our knowledge there is no information in literature about in vitro culture of this plantain. MS basal medium, supplemented with 0.6 pM IAA in combination with various cytokinins (BA, KIN, ZEA), was used. After 6 weeks of culture, micropropagation rate (MR) - mean number of buds and shoots per explant - was calculated. Our study proved that P. camtschatica species was amenable to propagation in vitro from different kinds of explants. However, multiplication by adventitious shoot regeneration from hypocotyl explants was found to be the most suitable method for the propagation of this plant. Adventitious shoots could root without stimulation what allows to omit the stage of rooting. The plants obtained as a result of micropropagation were not phenotypically changed

    Somatic seeds of Plantago asiatica L.

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    Somatic seeds of Plantago asiatica L. were produced for the first time. Shoot-tips isolated from in vitro obtained 4-week shoots were encapsulated using sodium alginate and calcium chloride. Capsules with or without sucrose and with and without cytokinin - indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were used. Sucrose presence in capsules very distinctly influences somatic seeds of Plantago asiatica germination and their conversion into plants. However, addition of IBA to capsules has not clear influence on the ability of plant regrowth. Plantlets transplanted to soil grew to phenotypically normal plants

    Micropropagation of Plantago maritima L. - a vanishing species in Poland

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    A vanishing species in Poland - Plantago maritima L. was regenerated in vitro from tips of shoots (obtained in vitro) and from different explants of 4-week-old seedlings: seedling tips, hypocotyls, cotyledons, roots. Murashige and Skoog basal medium, supplemented with 0.6 pM indole-3-acetic acid in combination with cytokinins 6-benzyladenine, zeatin or kinetin, was used. The plants obtained in the result of micropropagation were normal in appearence. It was proved that Plantago maritima species was amenable to propagation from different kinds of explants. The method may be of significance for protection of sea plantain

    Cream-coloured and green-coloured lines of the nonmorphogenic callus of Plantago asiatica L. - ultrastructure analysis

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    The ultrastructure of two lines of nonmorphogenic Plantago asiatica callus was compared. The ultrastructure of most organelles of cream-coloured and green-coloured lines of these callus lines was similar. Among the plastides no difference in prevalence and composition of proplastides and amyloplasts was observed. The main difference lies in the presence of chlororoplasts in green callus. The phenomena of vacuolisation and tracheogenesis in both lines were found

    Culture of Plantago

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