118 research outputs found

    Ideal codes over separable ring extensions

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    This paper investigates the application of the theoretical algebraic notion of a separable ring extension, in the realm of cyclic convolutional codes or, more generally, ideal codes. We work under very mild conditions, that cover all previously known as well as new non trivial examples. It is proved that ideal codes are direct summands as left ideals of the underlying non-commutative algebra, in analogy with cyclic block codes. This implies, in particular, that they are generated by an idempotent element. Hence, by using a suitable separability element, we design an efficient algorithm for computing one of such idempotents

    Invertible unital bimodules over rings with local units, and related exact sequences of groups

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    Given an extension R⊆SR \subseteq S of rings with same set of local units, inspired by the works of Miyashita, we construct four exact sequences of groups relating Picard's groups of RR and SS
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