6 research outputs found

    Water jet technology using at orthopaedic surgery

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    Rad se bavi mogućnošću uporabe tehnologije vodenog mlaza i njegovom preinakom za rezanje koštanog tkiva i bio-materijala. Sažima sadašnje stanje znanja, definira probleme s tehnološke i kirurške točke gledišta, kako bi se povećala kvaliteta liječenih klijenata. Članak predstavlja pregled i prvi korak ka uporabi tehnike vodenog mlaza u ortopediji, tijekom rastavljanja međuspoja između kosti i bedrenog stabla.The paper deals with potential uses of water jet technology and its modification for cutting of bone tissue and bio-materials. It summarises the present state of the art, defines problems from the technological and surgical point of view in order to increase the quality of treated clients. The paper represents an overview and the first step towards using water jet technique in orthopaedic surgery, during dissintegration of interface between bone and femoral stem

    SLAM Family Receptors in B Cell Chronic Lymphoproliferative Disorders

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    The signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) receptor family (SLAMF) consists of nine glycoproteins that belong to the CD2 superfamily of immunoglobulin (Ig) domain-containing molecules. SLAMF receptors modulate the differentiation and activation of a wide range of immune cells. Individual SLAMF receptors are expressed on the surface of hematopoietic stem cells, hematopoietic progenitor cells, B cells, T cells, NK cells, NKT cells, monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils, and platelets. The expression of SLAMF receptors was studied during normal B cell maturation. Several SLAMF receptors were also detected in cancer cell lines of B-lymphoid origin and in pathological B cells from patients with B cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (B-CLPD), the most frequent hematological malignancies in adults. This review summarizes current knowledge on the expression of SLAMF receptors and their adaptor proteins SAP and EAT-2 in B-CLPD. Several SLAMF receptors could be regarded as potential diagnostic and differential diagnostic markers, prognostic factors, and targets for the development of novel drugs for patients with B-CLPD

    Dissintegration of bone cement by continual and pulsating water jet

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    Članak se bavi proučavanjem uporabe kontinuiranog vodenog mlaza i nadzvučnog pulsirajućeg mlaza vode za dezintegraciju koštanog cementa. Koštani cement Pallacos R+G (ručno miješan) dezintegriran je ex-vivo. Mehanička svojstva koštanog cementa određena su pomoću nano-utiskivanja. Faktori u procjeni bili su tlakovi (40, 80, 120) MPa i poprečna brzina kontinuiranog mlaza vode, tlak (8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20) MPa i tip prigušnice (ravna, kružna) za nadzvučni pulsirajući mlaz vode. Dubina prodiranja h (mm) mjerena je bezkontaktnim optičkim profilometerom MicroProf FRT. Rezultati predstavljaju prvi korak ka izvedivosti uporabe učinkovite tehnike vodenog mlaza tijekom reimplantacije cementiranih endoproteza, za uklanjanje koštanog cementa iz bedrenog kanala bez topline i mehaničkog oštećenja okolnog tkiva.The paper deals with the study of using continuous water jet and ultrasonic pulsating water jet for bone cement disintegration. Bone-cement Pallacos R+G (manually mixed) was disintegrated ex-vivo. Mechanical properties of the bone cement were determined by nano-indentation. Factors employed in evaluation were pressure (40, 80, 120) MPa and traverse speed for continuous water jet, pressure (8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20) MPa and orifice type (flat, circular) for ultrasonic pulsating water jet. Depth penetration h (mm) was measured by non-contact optical profilometer MicroProf FRT. Results represent the first step towards feasibility of using effective water jet technique during reimplantation of cemented endoprosthesis, for bone cement removal from femoral canal without heat and mechanical damage of surrounding tissue

    Experimental in-vitro bone cements disintegration with ultrasonic pulsating water jet for revision arthroplasty

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    Članak obuhvaća studiju uporabe ultrazvučnog pulzirajućeg mlaza vode odabranih svojstava za razgradnju veze ostvarene pomoću koštanog cementa između cementiranog bedrenog drška i trabekularnog koštanog tkiva, kao potencijalne tehnike za revizijsku artroplastiku. Šest tipova komercijalnog koštanog cementa baziranog na polimetil metakrilatu rabljeni su za ovo istraživanje. Cementi su miješani uz pomoć DePuy - SmartMix® CTS / vakumske zdjele za miješanje. Mehanička svojstva ojačanog koštanog cementa određena su nanoindentacijom. Uzorci koštanog cementa su razgrađeni primjenom tehnologije pulzirajućeg mlaza vode. Tlak vode se mijenjao između 8 i 20 MPa. Kružna mlaznica s promjerom otvora od 0,7 mm je rabljena za rezanje mlazom vode. Odstojanje od ciljanog materijala bilo je 2 mm, a poprečna brzina iznosila je 1 mm/s. Volumen odstranjenog materijala i dubina kreiranih tragova mjereni su pomoću MicroProf FRT optičkog profilometra. Rezultati pozitivno podupiru pretpostavku da pulzirajući mlaz vode ima potencijal biti odgovarajuća tehnika za brzu i sigurnu razgradnju koštanog cementa pri revizijskoj artroplastici.The paper deals with the study of using the selective property of ultrasonic pulsating water jet for the disintegration of the interface created by bone cement between cemented femoral stem and trabecular bone tissue as a potential technique for revision arthroplasty. Six types of commercial bone cements based on Polymethyl Methacrylate were used for investigation. The cements were mixed using the DePuy - SmartMix® CTS / vacuum mixing bowl. Mechanical properties of hardened bone cements were determined by nanoindentation. The bone cement samples were disintegrated using the pulsating water jet technology. The water pressure varied between 8÷20 MPa. A circular nozzle with an orifice diameter of 0,7 mm was used for water jetting. The stand-off distance from the target material was 2 mm and the traverse speed 1 mm/s. The volume of material removal and depth of created traces were measured by MicroProf FRT optical profilometer. The results positively support an assumption that pulsating water jet has a potential to be a suitable technique for the quick and safe disintegration of bone cement during revision arthroplasty