19 research outputs found
Characteristics of Influenza in Children
Iako se prema glavnim kliniÄkim karakteristikama influenca u djece ne razlikuje bitno od influence u odraslih, potrebno je naglasiti da influenca u djece ipak ima neke osobitosti. Djeca su najvažniji izvor Å”irenja influence u zajednici. KliniÄka slika kod prematurne djece, novoroÄenÄadi, dojenÄadi i male djece može biti bitno razliÄita od one starijih dobnih skupina. To se posebice odnosi na komplikacije influence. UnatoÄ visokom pobolu, u djece je smrtnost od influence sreÄom niska. U ovome kratkom preglednom Älanku osvrnut Äemo se na neke epidemioloÅ”ke i kliniÄke osobitosti te na lijeÄenje i prevenciju influence u djece.Although the main clinical features of influenza in children are not significantly different from those in adults, it is necessary to emphasize that influenza in children, however, has some specific characteristics. Children are the most important source of influenza transmission in the community. Clinical manifestations of influenza in premature children, newborns, infants and young children can be significantly different from those in older age groups. This particularly applies to complications of influenza. Despite high morbidity, the mortality rate of influenza in children is fortunately low. In this short overview we shall discuss some epidemiological and clinical characteristics of influenza, along with treatment and prevention options in children
Eosinophilic meningitis in children treated at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr. Fran MihaljeviÄ"
Eozinofilni meningitis rijedak je oblik meningitisa koji nastaje uslijed infekcije parazitima, bakterijama, gljivama i virusima, ali javlja se i zbog drugih neinfektivnih uzroka. KliniÄka prezentacija bolesti kao i lijeÄenje ovisi o njenoj etiologiji, {to se posebno odnosi na sluÄajeve meningitisa uzrokovanih parazitima, koji su i najÄeÅ”Äi. U ovom radu prikazat Äemo troje muÅ”ke i troje ženske djece u dobi od 2 mjeseca do 7 godina koji su lijeÄeni zbog eozinofilnog meningitisa u Klinici za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran MihaljeviÄ". S obzirom na anamnestiÄke podatke kao i na uÄinjenu seroloÅ”ku i mikrobioloÅ”ku obradu, kod navedene se djece radilo o neinfekcijskom meningitisu. Kod jednog bolesnika nije utvrÄen uzrok, dok se u preostalih petero eozinofilija u likvoru javila kao reakcija na strano tijelo. Iako su ovakvi sluÄajevi u svakodnevnom radu rijetki, prikazani su zbog potrebe za Å”irim diferencijalno dijagnostiÄkim pristupom, posebno u sluÄajevima nejasne etiologije. On tada mora ukljuÄivati, osim tipiÄnih neinfekcijskih i infekcijskih uzroÄnika, obradu i razmatranje mikroorganizama koji se ne smatraju Äestim ili uobiÄajenim za tu vrstu meningitisa.Eosinophilic meningitis is a rare form of meningitis that occurs due to infection with parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses, but also due to other non-infectious causes. The clinical presentation of disease depends on its etiology, which is particularly applicable to cases of meningitis caused by parasites, which are the most common. In this paper we present three male and three female children aged two months to seven years who have been treated for eosinophilic meningitis at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr. Fran MihaljeviÄ". Anamnestic data as well as serological and microbiological analysis confirmed diagnosis of noninfectious meningitis. In one patient the cause of disease was not found, while in the remaining five patients, eosinophilia in the fluid appeared as a foreign body reaction. Although such cases are rare in everyday clinical practice, they are presented here in order to stress the need for a broader differential diagnosis, especially in cases of unknown etiology. Besides typical non-infectious and infectious agents this approach must take into consideration other microorganisms that are not commonly assocciated with this type of meningitis
Bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus in the period from 2003 to 2009
Respiratorni sincicijski virus (RSV) uzrokuje akutne respiratorne infekcije u osoba svih dobnih skupina. Donji diÅ”ni putovi ÄeÅ”Äe su zahvaÄeni u dojenÄadi i male djece s primoinfekcijom te u starijih i imunokompromitiranih, dok su u ostalih obiÄno zahvaÄeni samo gornji diÅ”ni putovi. VeÄina djece preboli primoinfekciju do druge godine života, dok su reinfekcije uobiÄajene tijekom života. RSV je najvažniji uzroÄnik infekcija donjega respiratornog trakta, a pogotovo
bronhiolitisa, u dojenÄadi. KarakteristiÄna je sezonska pojavnost od kasne jeseni do ranoga proljeÄa s vrhuncem tijekom sijeÄnja i veljaÄe. RSV uzrokuje febrilni respiratorni katar, otitis, traheobronhitis, bronhiolitis i pneumoniju. Virus se može dokazati izolacijom iz respiratornih sekreta, a danas se rutinski koriste brzi testovi visoke osjetljivosti i specifiÄnosti kojima se dokazuje antigen.
LijeÄenje je simptomatsko (adekvatna hidracija, antipireza, kisik, dekongestija nosne sluznice). U lijeÄenju bronhiolitisa koriste se inhalacijski bronhodilatatori (albuterol, salbutamol, racemiÄni epinefrin) i kortikosteroidi iako kliniÄke studije nisu dokazale njihovu djelotvornost. Ribavirin u obliku aerosola preporuÄuje se u djece kod koje oÄekujemo težu bolest. U dijela bolesnika nakon preboljele RSV infekcije zaostaje pojaÄana reaktivnost diÅ”nih putova. Primjena palivizumaba, monoklonskog antitijela protiv RSV-a, indicirana je
kao profilaksa kod djece s rizikom za teÅ”ku RSV infekciju. U naÅ”oj Klinici tijekom razdoblja od Å”est godina lijeÄeno je 422 djece zbog bronhiolitisa uzrokovanog RSV-om. Dobna, spolna i sezonska raspodjela odgovaraju oÄekivanima. U 17 djece (4% hospitaliziranih) provoÄena je mehaniÄka ventilacija, dok je jedno dijete umrlo (smrtnost 0,24%). ViÅ”e od polovice mehaniÄki ventiliranih imalo je neki Äimbenik rizika za težu bolest. Na varijacije u udjelu mehaniÄki
ventiliranih meÄu hospitaliziranima vjerojatno utjeÄe virulencija tipa virusa koji kruži u populaciji.Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes acute respiratory tract illness in persons of all ages. Lower respiratory tract infection is usually the result of primary infection of infants and small children as well as secondary infection of older adults and immunodeficient persons. Healthy older children and adults typically have symptoms restricted to the upper respiratory tract. Almost all children acquire primary RSV infection during the first two years of life and reinfections occur throughout lifetime. RSV is the most important cause of lower respiratory tract infections, especially of bronchiolitis, in infants. Seasonal outbreaks are typically seen from late autumn to early spring peaking in January and February. RSV infection manifests as upper respiratory tract infection, acute otitis media, tracheobronchitis, bronchiolitis or pneumonia. The laboratory diagnosis of RSV infection is made by analysis of respiratory secretions with rapid assays utilizing antigen capture technology. Their sensitivity and specificity exceed 90 percent. Supportive care is the mainstay of therapy and sometimes includes oxygenotherapy. Bronchodilators and corticosteroids are widely used, although no convincing data exist for their efficacy. Nebulized ribavirin is reserved for severe infections. In some patients RSV infection is correlated with recurrent wheezing. Immunoprophylaxis with palivizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against the RSV F glycoprotein, is indicated for children at high risk for serious infection. During the period of six years 422 children with RSV bronchiolitis were treated at our hospital. We found expected age, sex and seasonal distribution of our patients. Seventeen children (4 %) required mechanical ventilation and one child died (mortality 0.24 %). More than half of the patients requiring mechanical ventilation had at least one risk factor for severe infection. Seasonal variations in the number of mechanically ventilated patients are probably the result of virulence of circulating strain of virus
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with invasive meningococcal disease hospitalized at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr. Fran Mihaljevic", Zagreb
Restrospektivno su analizirane epidemioloÅ”ke i kliniÄke znaÄajke invazivne meningokokne bolesti (IMB) kod 108 hospitaliziranih bolesnika, u petogodiÅ”njem razdoblju, od 2003. ā 2007. godine, Å”to je prosjeÄno iznosilo 22 bolesnika godiÅ”nje. IMB je najÄeÅ”Äa kod dojenÄadi i male djece, te u djece Å”kolske dobi. Sveukupno 73% bolesnika bila su djeca u dobi do 15 godina, prosjeÄne starosti 2,8 godina, a 27% su bili stariji bolesnici. Ukupna smrtnost meÄu naÅ”im bolesnicima bila je 4,6% (3,7% meÄu djecom do 15 godina, a u starijih bolesnika 6,8%). Bolest se kliniÄki prezentirala kao meningitis kod 14 (13%), sepsa kod 28 (26%) ili sepsa s meningitisom kod 66 (61%) bolesnika. EtioloÅ”ka dijagnoza bila je potvrÄena kod svih bolesnika dokazom uzroÄnika iz primarno sterilnih materijala (krv i/ili cerebrospinalni likvor). Kultivacijom je uzroÄnik dokazan u 32%, a molekularnim metodama (PCR) u 74% bolesnika. Prevladavala je N. meningitidis serogrupe B (83%), zatim serogrupe C (12%) te serogrupa W 135 (1,8%), dok je kod 2,7% dokazan negrupabilan soj. Svi hospitalizirani bolesnici bili su sporadiÄni sluÄajevi, nije zabilježena niti jedna epidemija. U razdoblju od 2003. do 2007. godine kod naÅ”ih je bolesnika dokazano 7 izolata N. meningitidis smanjene osjetljivosti na penicilin. U svim se sluÄajevima radilo o izolatima serogrupe B. Uz veÄ postojeÄa cjepiva protiv meningokoka (A, C, Y, W135), u tijeku su opsežna istraživanja u razvoju i primjeni
djelotvornog cjepiva protiv N. meningitidis serogrupe B, koje Äe, nadamo se, doprinijeti smanjenju incidencije ove teÅ”ke i potencijalno smrtonosne bolesti.We retrospectively analyzed epidemiological and clinical characteristics of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in 108 hospitalized patients in the period of five years, from 2003 to 2007. On average, 22 patients with meningococcal disease were treated per year. IMD was the commonest in infants and small children, and in school age children. Altogether 73 % of all patients were children up to 15 years of age (mean age 2,8 years) while the remaining 27% were older patients. The total mortality rate among our patients was 4,6% (3,7% among children up to 15 years of age, and 6,8% in older patients). The disease clinically presented as meningitis in 14 (13%), as sepsis in 28 (26%) or sepsis with meningitis in 66 (61%) patients. Etiological diagnosis from primarily negative samples (blood and/or cerebrospinal fluid) proved positive in all patients. N.meningitidis was confirmed by cultivation in 32%, and by PCR method in 74% of cases. In etiologically confirmed cases, the most common serogroup of N.meningitidis was serogroup B (83%), followed by serogroup C (12%) and serogroup W135 (1,8%), while in 2,7% of patients a non-groupable strain was isolated. All patients were sporadic cases. In the period from 2003 to 2007, N.meningitidis with reduced susceptibility to penicillin was detected in 7 isolates, all of them belonging to serogroup B. Along with currently available vaccine against meningococcus (A, C, Y, W 135), continuous efforts are undertaken worldwide to develop an efficient vaccine against N. meningitidis serogroup B, that would, we hope, contribute in reducing the incidence of this severe and potentially fatal disease
Clostridium neonatale kao uzroÄnik novoroÄenaÄkog meningitisa: prikaz bolesnika
Clostridia are rare causes of the central nervous system (CNS) infections in children. We present an unusual case of a successfully treated neonatal meningitis caused by the novel clostridial species, Clostridium neonatale. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report describing neonatal meningitis caused by this bacteria.Bakterije iz roda Clostridium rijetko uzrokuju infekcije srediÅ”njeg živÄanog sustava (SŽS) u djece. U ovom radu prikazat Äemo sluÄaj uspjeÅ”no lijeÄenog meningitisa u novoroÄenÄeta Äiji je uzroÄnik bio Clostridium neonatale, novoopisana vrsta klostridija. Prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo je prvi prikaz sluÄaja koji opisuje novoroÄenaÄki meningitis uzrokovan tom vrstom bakterija
Application of Novel Lossless Compression of Medical Images Using Prediction and Contextual Error Modeling
Conduction of tele-3D-computer assisted operations as well as other telemedicine procedures often requires highest
possible quality of transmitted medical images and video. Unfortunately, those data types are always associated with
high telecommunication and storage costs that sometimes prevent more frequent usage of such procedures. We present a
novel algorithm for lossless compression of medical images that is extremely helpful in reducing the telecommunication
and storage costs. The algorithm models the image properties around the current, unknown pixel and adjusts itself to the
local image region. The main contribution of this work is the enhancement of the well known approach of predictor
blends through highly adaptive determination of blending context on a pixel-by-pixel basis using classification technique.
We show that this approach is well suited for medical image data compression. Results obtained with the proposed
compression method on medical images are very encouraging, beating several well known lossless compression methods.
The predictor proposed can also be used in other image processing applications such as segmentation and extraction of
image regions
Application of Novel Lossless Compression of Medical Images Using Prediction and Contextual Error Modeling
Conduction of tele-3D-computer assisted operations as well as other telemedicine procedures often requires highest
possible quality of transmitted medical images and video. Unfortunately, those data types are always associated with
high telecommunication and storage costs that sometimes prevent more frequent usage of such procedures. We present a
novel algorithm for lossless compression of medical images that is extremely helpful in reducing the telecommunication
and storage costs. The algorithm models the image properties around the current, unknown pixel and adjusts itself to the
local image region. The main contribution of this work is the enhancement of the well known approach of predictor
blends through highly adaptive determination of blending context on a pixel-by-pixel basis using classification technique.
We show that this approach is well suited for medical image data compression. Results obtained with the proposed
compression method on medical images are very encouraging, beating several well known lossless compression methods.
The predictor proposed can also be used in other image processing applications such as segmentation and extraction of
image regions
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of hospitalized patients with pandemic A(H1N1) 2009 influenza
Pandemijski virus influence A (H1N1) 2009 u nas se pojavio u srpnju, intenzivniji val bolesti zabilježen je u listopadu, studenome i prosincu 2009. godine, a bolest se pojavljivala sve do ožujka 2010. godine. U Hrvatskoj je registrirano 58 255 oboljelih od pandemijske gripe, a umrlo ih je 58, od toga 32 s laboratorijski dokazanim virusom. U razdoblju od 1. srpnja 2009. do 31. ožujka 2010. godine u Klinici za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran MihaljeviÄ" u Zagrebu pregledano je 3 856 bolesnika s dijagnozom influence i/ili komplikacija. Od toga broja hospitalizirana su 562 (14,6 %) bolesnika. Od ukupnog broja hospitaliziranih, djece do 14 godina bilo je 140 (24,9 %), do 18 godina 154 (27,4 %), a odraslih gotovo triput viÅ”e, odnosno 408 (72,6 %). U jedinicama intenzivne skrbi lijeÄeno je 68 (12,1 %) bolesnika. Umrlo je 15 odraslih bolesnika, od kojih je 14 lijeÄeno u jedinici intenzivnog lijeÄenja. Stopa smrtnosti za sve hospitalizirane bolesnike (562) iznosi 2,7 %, za hospitalizirane odrasle (408) 3,7 %, a za odrasle lijeÄene u jedinici intenzivne skrbi 26,4 %. Nije umrlo niti jedno dijete. Od 562 hospitalizirana bolesnika, virus pandemijske influence A(H1N1) 2009 dokazan je PCR metodom u njih 169 (30,1 %). Pandemijski virus influence otkriven je u 41,6 % hospitalizirane djece i u 25,7 % odraslih. U jedinicama intenzivne skrbi s dokazanim virusom lijeÄeno je 35 (20,7 %) bolesnika, 22 odrasla i 13 djece. ProsjeÄna dob svih bolesnika s dokazanim pandemijskim virusom (169) iznosila je 30,2 godina. U djeÄjoj skupini prosjeÄna je dob bila 5,6 godina, a kod odraslih 45,2 godina. U odnosu na odrasle, djeca su prije dolazila i imala su znatno kraÄi boravak u bolnici, a u njih su zabilježene statistiÄki znaÄajno niže vrijednosti CRP-a, CK i sedimentacije eritrocita. U 169 bolesnika s dokazanim pandemijskim virusom influence ukupno je registrirano 227 riziÄnih Äimbenika, a zabilježeni su kod 95 (56,2 %) bolesnika. U odraslih su riziÄni imbenici zabilježeni znatno ÄeÅ”Äe i u veÄem broju nego u djece. NajuÄestaliji riziÄni Äimbenici bile su kroniÄne pluÄne bolesti: astma u 29 (17,2 %) bolesnika i kroniÄna opstruktivna pluÄna bolest (KOPB) u 27 (15,9 %) bolesnika. Registrirano je 240 komplikacija bolesti u 117 (69,2 %) bolesnika. Komplikacije su se ÄeÅ”Äe pojavljivale i prosjeÄno su bile teže u odraslih nego u djece. Pneumonija je bila najuÄestalija komplikacija, a registrirana je u 84/169 bolesnika, odnosno u svakog drugog hospitaliziranog bolesnika s dokazanim virusom pandemijske influence. Pneumonija je bila mnogo ÄeÅ”Äa komplikacija u odraslih (66/105 ili 62,9 %) nego u djece (18/64 ili 28,1 %). Primarna virusna pneumonija registrirana je dvaput ÄeÅ”Äe od sekundarne bakterijske (55:29 bolesnika). Zbog pandemijske influence 2009/10. godine hospitalizirano je 2,7 puta viÅ”e odraslih nego djece (408:154), za razliku od deset prethodnih sezona influence kada su djeca bila 1,2 puta ÄeÅ”Äe hospitalizirana od odraslih (759:656). NameÄe se zakljuÄak da je pandemijska influenca bila znatno teža i smrtonosnija bolest u usporedbi sa sezonskom, posebno u dobnim skupinama mlaÄih odraslih ljudi, iako pandemijom nije bio zahvaÄen veÄi postotak puÄanstva.Pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus was first recorded in Croatia in July, and a more intense wave was recorded in October, November and December 2009, with the disease occurring throughout March 2010. Atotal of 58.255 pandemic influenza cases were recorded in Croatia, with 58 deaths, of whom 32 patients with laboratory confirmed virus. In the period from July 1, 2009 until March 31, 2010, a total of 3.856 patients with diagnosed influenza and/or complications were examined at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr Fran Mihaljevic", Zagreb. Altogether 562 (14,6 %) patients were hospitalized, of whom 140 (24,9 %) children under 14 years of age, 154 (27,4 %) children aged between 14ā18 years, with three times more adults hospitalized ā 408 (72,6 %) in total. Atotal of 68 (12,1 %) patients were treated at intensive care unit (ICU). Fifteen adult patients died, of whom 14 treated in ICU. The mortality rate for all 562 hospitalized patients was 2,7 %, for 408 hospitalized adults 3,7 %, and for adults treated in ICU 26,4 %. No deaths were recorded among children. Out of 562 hospitalized patients, pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus was detected by PCR method in 169 (30,1 %) patients. Pandemic influenza virus was detected in 41,6 % of hospitalized children and in 25,7 % of adults. In total, 35 (20,7 %) patients with confirmed virus were treated in ICU (22 adults and 13 children). The average age of all 169 patients with confirmed pandemic virus was 30,2 years. The average age of children was 5,6 years, and of adults 45,2 years. Compared to adults, children reported to hospital sooner and had a significantly shorter hospital stay, with recorded statistically significant lower values of CRP, CK and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Out of 169 cases with confirmed pandemic influenza virus, altogether 227 risk factors were recorded in 95 (56,2 %) patients. Risk factors were more frequent and more numerous in adults than in children. The most commonly recorded risk factors were chronic pulmonary diseases ā asthma in 29 patients (17,2 %) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 27 (15,9 %). We also recorded 240 disease complications in 117 (69,2 %) patients. Complications were more common and, on average, more severe in adults than in children. Pneumonia was the most frequent complication, and was recorded in 84/169 patients, i.e. in every second hospitalized patient with confirmed pandemic influenza virus. Pneumonia was more frequent complication in adults (66/105 or 62,9 %) than in children (18/64 or 28,1 %). Primary viral pneumonia was twice more frequent than secondary bacterial (55:29 patients). Due to pandemic 2009/10 influenza, 2,7 times more adults than children were hospitalized (408:154), while in ten previous influenza seasons, children were 1,2 times more often hospitalized than adults (759:656). Aconclusion is imposed that pandemic influenza was more severe and lethal disease compared to seasonal influenza, especially among younger adults, although the pandemic did not affect a higher percentage of the population
Epidemiological characteristics of respiratory syncytial virus infections during 2009 and 2010 in Zagreb and Zagreb County
Cilj: OdreÄivanje epidemioloÅ”kih karakteristika infekcija respiratornim sincicijskim virusom (RSV) u djece na podruÄju grada Zagreba i ZagrebaÄkoj županiji tijekom 2009. i 2010. godine. Metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 467 hospitaliziranih bolesnika, starosti od 0 do 10 godina, s akutnom respiratornom infekcijom uzrokovanom RSV-om. Studija je trajala od 1. sijeÄnja 2009. do 31. prosinca 2010. godine. Od svakog bolesnika uzet je kliniÄki materijal (nazofaringealni sekret), te je detekcija virusa raÄena pomoÄu komercijalnih monoklonskih protutijela u izravnom imunofluorescentnom testu. Rezultati: Infekcija RSV-om dokazana je u 238 (50,96 %) djeÄaka, odnosno 229 djevojÄica. NajveÄi broj oboljele djece bio je u dobi od 0 ā 6 mjeseci (202, tj. 43,25 %). RSV je bio uzroÄnik bronhiolitisa u 141/467 (30,19 %) sluÄajeva, te pneumonije u 63/467 (13,49 %) sluÄajeva. Rasprava i zakljuÄci: PoÄetkom 2009. godine RSV je bio u silaznom kraku zimske epidemije koja se nastavila iz prosinca 2008. godine. Tijekom 2010. godine javila se manja RSV-epidemija, s vrhom u proljeÄe, te uzlazni krak veÄe zimske epidemije krajem iste godine. Navedeni rezultati u skladu su s naÅ”im prijaÅ”njim zapažanjima koja govore o tome da se u Hrvatskoj epidemije RSV-om odvijaju u dvogodiÅ”njim ciklusima.Aim: To establish the epidemiological characteristics of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in children in the territory of Zagreb and Zagreb County during the 2009 and 2010 years. Methods: The research included 467 inpatients, aged 0-10 years, with acute respiratory infection. Study period was from 1st January 2009 to 31st December 2010. Clinical materials (nasopharyngeal excretions) were taken from each patient and the virus was detected using commercial monoclonal antibodies in direct immunofluorescence assay. Results: RSV infection was diagnosed in 238 (50.96 %) boys and 229 girls. RSV infections were the most frequent among the infants aged 0-6 months (202; 43.25 %). RSV proved to be the causative agent of bronchiolitis in 141 out of 467 patients (30.19 %) and pneumonia in 63/467 cases (13.49 %). Discussion and conclusions: In the first months of 2009 the RSV has been on a downward arm of the winter epidemics that continued from December 2008. During the 2010 there was a smaller RSV epidemic peak in the spring and the upward arm of a larger epidemic in late winter of that year. These results are consistent with our previous observations that RSV epidemics occur in two-year cycles in Croatia